I am developing an app with a widget available. Until recently the widget was being shown on both an iPhone and an iPad devices. Then I changed some logic in the widget, and now it only displays on the iPhone.
I also use the Xcode simulators in the development, and the widget is available on both iPhone and iPad simulators, with same code.
Summarizing the status for the widget.
iPhone (13 Pro Max, iPhone 12) - OK
iPad Pro (12.9" 5th Gen) - OK
iPhone (11) - OK
iPad (Air 2) - Not available
I can attach the Widget extension to the debugger for the simulators and the iPhone device. However the process in not there when I use the iPad device, so cannot attach the widget code to the debugger. Even if I attach the widget extension by name to the debugger, it is as if it is not running.
I can run the widget extension directly on the iPad device (using an appropriate build scheme) and the details of the info displayed by the widget is the same as for the iPhone. So it is not running the widget on an iPad that is the problem.
It seems like the widget extension is not embedded in the app code when the app is loaded on to an iPad device.
Has anyone experienced anything similar?
Not necessarily with a widget, it could be with another framework extension.
Selecting any option will automatically load the page
I am trying to upload my app to AppStore using Xcode. The app uses widgets, and after archiving the app, I run the validation. It reports two errors.
Invalid directory. The bundle Payload/……/…WidgetExtension.appex is not contained in a correctly named directory. It should be under "Plugins".
CFBundleIdentifier Collision. There is more than one bundle with the CFBundleIdentifier value '…widget' under the iOS application.
I suspect that the two are linked issues, and that whilst trying to debug the widget in a simulator I may have duplicated any entry somewhere in the settings, but I am not clear where to look, as widget appears in several places, to fix the issue - info.plist, Build settings, General tab, other?
The widget also appears in the 'Products' list along with the app. I am not sure if the widget should be there, and if not how to remove it from the 'Products' list, but still make it available in the app.
App Store Distribution & Marketing
App Store Connect
App Store Connect
Organizer Window
I am experiencing a problem with Xcode 13 Beta 5 iOS 15 for the value Picker using the Wheel Style. The WheelPicker is in a frame displaying the current value, however the drag area to select a new value is offset from the area on the displayed values.
In fact I have 3 WheelPickers to select 3 values. The left-most picker has the drag area offset to the left of it, and the right-most picker has the drag area offset to the right of it. The middle-picker cannot even select a value. To me it suggests overlapping drag-areas, where the overlapped areas prevent the selection of a value. In addition I am seeing a '[SwiftUI] Invalid frame dimension (negative or non-finite).' error in the console.
Has anyone else experienced this, and therefore may know what to do?
As a note this does not happen with Xcode 12.5.1 iOS 14.5. It works fine in that case.
Further in Xcode13 beta 5 I tried setting breakpoints to catch the code calls, but they are also not working - but that is another problem.