That's not what I want though. I want the content to resize based on the window size. I want the user to be able to grow or shrink the window as desired, and have the content within scale proportionally (and with fixed aspect ratio).
I forgot to mention, I do see this in the logs of the sample app:
serverPreferredPushEnvironmentWithCompletionHandler: is CloudKit SPI and requires an entitlement. Please add the entitlement to this process. This will become a hard failure.
Type: Fault | Timestamp: 2024-10-24 16:21:04.339703-07:00 | Process: InitializeCloudKitSchema | Library: CloudKit | Subsystem: | Category: CK | TID: 0x30d85b
Everything was correct. I did the refresh steps (uncheck "automatically manage signing", etc) and now it works.
A "refresh" button sure would be nice.
Why do you have to create the NSWindow here?
No, that requires having the AVPlayerView, which means view representable, which is what I’m trying to avoid.
VideoPlayer lacks necessary modifiers to control its behavior to make it a suitable replacement for AVPlayerView.
I'm not entirely sure how to read that capabilities table. I believe the only thing I use is CloudKit. I don't know the difference between ADP, Developer ID, and Apple Developer wrt the provisioning and signing of the app. I am a paid ADP member.
FB14696282 (currently sending attachments/gathering sysdiagnose)
The docs do not provide an example of how to use the items: variants. I was able to provide an array of strings to ShareLink(items:subject:message:) , but it was really weird to me because looking at the function signature in the interface file, it takes a Data where Data.Element is String (or a couple other types), and I just don’t understand how that works. I thought Data was a bag of bytes, and I don’t understand how Data can have String elements.
Thanks Greg! Hi-level GeoTIFF support would be amazing, but if your resources are limited, access to arbitrary tag data is more important. There are so many tags:
It can be done, but it’s not easy. First you have to wrap the library to make is useable from Swift. That is non-trivial, because you need C glue code to deal with the variadic functions.
Then you have to build the library for multiple architectures and multiple platforms, then wrap it up into an XCFramework.
Then you have to do all that again for the GeoTIFF library.
I can’t build in guest guest OS because Xcode can’t sign in. And I can’t build something on the host and transfer it to the guest OS and run it Because the entitlements aren’t right and the app has a “no entry” sign. Or the app needs iCloud. And I don’t know how to run an iOS app in the simulator on the target.
Ohhh ffs. thats probably it. Maybe if I’m a paying developer program member they don’t need to be so strict.
You might think that, but you‘d be wrong. These are packages that build with make, and don’t easily understand Apple platforms or architectures.
Thanks for the resources, Quinn! I'm actually familiar with the distinction, just tired and imprecise in my post.