




[xrsimulator] Exception thrown during compile: cannotGetRkassetsContents
My friend cannot build my visionOS project in the simulator. He gets the following error. Error: [xrsimulator] Exception thrown during compile: cannotGetRkassetsContents(path: "/Users/path/to/Packages/RealityKitContent/Sources/RealityKitContent/RealityKitContent.rkassets") In Xcode, he is able to open the RealityKitContent package in realityComposer Pro by clicking on the Package.realitycomposerpro file. No warnings show up wrt this error in RCP either. All scenes appear to be usable/navigable in RCP. This error only comes up when he tries to build the project in Xcode command+b. The is no other information in the Report Navigator's Build logs for this error. The error is always followed by this next error. Error: Tool exited with code 1 Yikes, please help!
Attachment always user facing
Hello, Is there a way to always have the attachments of a RealityView always face the user? For example, in a visionOS app, in an immersive space, we have an attachment. When the user either walks around the attachment, or rotates the parent entity, we would like the attachment to automatically rotate to face the user. How do we do this? I anticipated this to be a trivial feature to implement, since I thought I remembered seeing this feature as a built-in/opt-in option for attachments. But, I cannot find that feature. All and any recommendations are appreciated, thanks.
Nov ’24
visionOS Simulator Rotate and Scale gestures difficult to register (capture)
We were having an issue wrb the system rotate and scale gestures (two-handed gestures / RotateGesture3D and MagnifyGesture) were extremely difficult to register (make work) in the visionOS simulator. The solution we found was to: Launch your app in the simulator Move the pointer on top of the 3D object for which you are testing rotation and scaling gestures. Press and hold the Option key to display touch points (ie: the two-handed gesture points). While maintaining the option key pressed, release the pointer and re-enable it again. I am using a track pad with tap-to-click enabled and three-finger to drag enabled in accessibility, so "release the pointer and re-enable it again" translates simply to removing the three finger and placing them again on the trackpad. If you have maintained the option key pressed, then you should now be able to rotate and scale the 3D object. Context if you are interested: Our issue was also occurring in Apple's own sample project relating to gestures "Transforming RealityKit entities using gestures", at below link. On Apple's article "Interacting with your app in the visionOS simulator" at the below link, for two-handed gestures it states "Press and hold the Option key to display touch points. Move the pointer while pressing the Option key to change the distance between the touch points. Move the pointer and hold the Shift and Option keys to reposition the touch points." This simply did not work anymore for rotation and scaling gestures. These gestures used to be a lot more responsive in Sonoma. Either the article should be updated to what I described above, or there is an issue. Our colleague who is using macOS Sonoma 14.6.1 with the latest release of Xcode is not having these issues. Here is the list of configurations (troubleshooting we tried!) where it is difficult to achieve rotation and scaling gestures in the visionOS simulator: macOS Sequoia 16.1 Beta, Xcode 16.1 RC w visionOS 2.1 macOS Sequoia 16.1 Beta, Xcode 16.1 RC w visionOS 2.0 macOS Sequoia 16.1 Beta, Xcode 16.2 Beta 1 w visionOS 2.1 macOS Sequoia 16.1 Beta, Xcode 16.2 Beta 1 w visionOS 2.0 macOS Sequoia 16.1 Beta, remove all Xcodes and installed the build from AppStore (Xcode 16.1) macOS Sequoia 16.1 Beta, Xcode 16.0 w visionOS 2.0 completely wiped out, and reset entire development machine, re-installed latest releases of sequoia (15.1) and xcode (15.1)) Throughout these troubleshooting I often: restarted both xcode and sim erased all derived data erased all contents and settings from sims performed fresh git clones None of the above worked, only the workaround described above works atm. As you can maybe deduce, it was very time consuming to find the workaround, we also wasted some development effort thinking our gesture development was no-good. Hopefully this will help other devs. Article Link: Gesture sample project link:
Oct ’24
Skysphere flickering w attachment at finial display of scene
There is a flickering and slight dimming occurring specifically on skysphere, at initial load of the scene, when using Attachment. This is observed in the simulator and on the real device. Since we cannot upload a video illustrating the undesirable behaviour, I have to describe how to setup the project for you to observe it. To replicate the issue, follow these steps: Create a new visionOS app using Xcode template, see image. Configure the project to launch directly into an immersive space (set Preferred Default Scene Session Role to Immersive Space Application Session Role in Info.plist), see image. Replace all swift files with those you will find in the attached texts. Add the skysphere image asset Skydome_8k found at this Apple Sample App Presenting an artist’s scene. Launch the app in debug mode via Xcode and onto the AVP device or simulator Continuously open and dismiss the skysphere by pressing on buttons Open Skysphere and Close. Observe the skysphere flicker and dim upon display of the skysphere. The current workaround is commented in file ThreeSixtySkysphereRealityView at lines 65, 70, 71, and 72. Uncomment these lines, and the flickering and dimming do not occur. Are we using attachments wrongly? Is this behavior known and documented? Or, is there really a bug in visionOS? AppModel InitialImmersiveView MainImmersiveView TestSkysphereAttachmentFlickerApp ThreeSixtySkysphereRealityView
Oct ’24
Asset flickering when switching ImmersiveSpaces
There is a flickering occurring on 3D assets when switching immersive spaces, which is not the nicest user experience. The flickering does occur either when loading the scenes directly from the RealityKitContent package, or from memory (pre-loaded assets). Since we cannot upload a video illustrating the undesirable behaviour, I have to describe how to setup the project for you to observe it. To replicate the issue, follow these steps: Create a new visionOS app using Xcode template, see image. Configure the project to launch directly into an immersive space (set Preferred Default Scene Session Role to Immersive Space Application Session Role in Info.plist), see image. Replace all swift files with those you will find in the attached texts. In the RealityKitContent package, create a scene named YellowSpheres as illustrated below. In the RealityKitContent package, create a scene named RedSpheres as illustrated below. Launch the app in debug mode via Xcode and onto the AVP device or simulator Continuously switch immersive spaces by pressing on buttons Show RedSpheres and Show YellowSpheres. Observe the 3d assets flicker upon opening of the immersive spaces. AppModel RedSpheresImmersiveView YellowSpheresImmersiveView TestFlickeringBetweenImmersiveSpacesApp
Oct ’24
Video Memory Leak when Backgrounding
While trying to control the following two scenes in 1 ImmersiveSpace, we found the following memory leak when we background the app while a stereoscopic video is playing. ImmersiveView's two scenes: Scene 1 has 1 toggle button Scene 2 has same toggle button with a 180 degree skysphere playing a stereoscopic video Attached are the files and images of the memory leak as captured in Xcode. To replicate this memory leak, follow these steps: Create a new visionOS app using Xcode template as illustrated below. Configure the project to launch directly into an immersive space (set Preferred Default Scene Session Role to Immersive Space Application Session Role in Info.plist. Replace all swift files with those you will find in the attached texts. In ImmersiveView, replace the stereoscopic video to play with a large 3d 180 degree video of your own bundled in your project. Launch the app in debug mode via Xcode and onto the AVP device or simulator Display the memory use by pressing on keys command+7 and selecting Memory in order to view the live memory graph Press on the first immersive space's button "Open ImmersiveView" Press on the second immersive space's button "Show Immersive Video" Background the app When the app tray appears, foreground the app by selecting it The first immersive space should appear Repeat steps 7, 8, 9, and 10 multiple times Observe the memory use going up, the graph should look similar to the below illustration. In ImmersiveView, upon backgrounding the app, I do: a reset method to clear the video's memory dismiss of the Immersive Space containing the video (even though upon execution, visionOS raises the purple warning "Unable to dismiss an Immersive Space since none is opened". It appears visionOS dismisses any ImmersiveSpace upon backgrounding, which makes sense..) Am I not releasing the memory correctly? Or, is there really a memory leak issue in either SwiftUI's ImmersiveSpace or in AVFoundation's AVPlayer upon background of an app? App file TestVideoLeakOneImmersiveView First ImmersiveSpace file InitialImmersiveView Second ImmersiveSpace File ImmersiveView Skysphere Model File Immersive180VideoViewModel File AppModel
Oct ’24
PushWindowAction requires the replaced window to be a WindowGroup or DocumentGroup
Hello, I keep running into the below warning when pushing a window of type volumetric. Although pushing the windows is achieved, we always get the warning regardless of pushing the window via the Attachment button or via the buttons in the ToolbarItemGroup. Illustrated is all the code: app file, first volume and second volume. You can see in my app file that all volumetric window are indeed in a WindowGroup. What is wrong? How can I get rid of that warning? Warning: PushWindowAction requires the replaced window to be a WindowGroup or DocumentGroup
Sep ’24
Window to Window container displacement
In Xcode 16 beta 6, we want to start the app with an Alert advising the user that they are about to enter an immersive space. To achieve this, I use an empty VStack (lets name it View1) with an alert modifier. Then, in the alert’s OK button action, we have the statement openWindow(id: "ContentView”). View1 is in the first WindowGroup in the App file. When pressing OK, the Alert and View1 dismiss themselves, then ContentView displays itself shifted vertically towards the top. ContentView is in a secondary WindowGroup. We should expect ContentView to display itself front and center to the user as every other window. What is wrong my code? Or, is there a bug in visionOS? Attached are images of my code, and a video illustrating the bad behavior.
Aug ’24
Creating tabletop games - Build Failure
The sample code project Tabletopkit Sample found at the article Creating tabletop games here fails to compile with the following errors in Xcode 16 beta 6. error: [xrsimulator] Component Compatibility: Billboard not available for 'xros 1.0', please update 'platforms' array in Package.swift error: [xrsimulator] Exception thrown during compile: compileFailedBecause(reason: "compatibility faults") error: Tool exited with code 1
Aug ’24
Compose interactive 3D content in Reality Composer Pro -- Build Error
Compilation of the project for the WWDC 2024 session title Compose interactive 3D content in Reality Composer Pro fails. After applying the fix mentioned here (, the project still won't compile. Using Xcode 16 beta 7, I get these errors: error: [xrsimulator] Component Compatibility: EnvironmentLightingConfiguration not available for 'xros 1.0', please update 'platforms' array in Package.swift error: [xrsimulator] Component Compatibility: AudioLibrary not available for 'xros 1.0', please update 'platforms' array in Package.swift error: [xrsimulator] Component Compatibility: BlendShapeWeights not available for 'xros 1.0', please update 'platforms' array in Package.swift error: [xrsimulator] Exception thrown during compile: compileFailedBecause(reason: "compatibility faults") error: Tool exited with code 1
Aug ’24
BackgroundAssets framework visionOS implementation
Hello, we need to allow background downloading of assets from the network and into our visionOS app. For that purpose, we would like to implement Background Assets framework since the Apple web page of the framework indicates that it is supported on visionOS. Unfortunately, Xcode 15.1 beta 3 does not allow us to add the Background Download extension. How can we use Background Assets framework in our visionOS app? Is there another way to create the background download extension? Thanks,
Dec ’23
Limit of the number of ImmersiveSpace ids?
In a visionOS's App file I run into the compile time error Extra argument in call for a 10th ImmersiveSpace declaration. Commenting this declaration and leaving the 9 others, removes this error. Why does this behaviour occur? I haven't come across any limitations regarding the permitted number of ImmersiveSpace declarations in the App file. The only limit I recall is that ONLY 1 immersive space may be loaded by the app an any given time during runtime. The issue is easily reproducible in latest Xcode 15.1 beta 2 : create a new visionOS app with: initial scene of Window, Immersive Space Renderer RealityKit, and Immersive Space Mized in App file, under body, copy paste the ImmersiveSpace block 10 times, renaming the id's ImmersiveSpace1 through to ImmersiveSpace10 respectively. The error will occur on the 10th declaration.
Nov ’23