




Reply to Apple Dev Costs
Currently, iOS 14 is only for Apple Developer Program members (got to pay $99). So if you want to get it without paying $99, you'll need to wait: The public beta will be available July (watch the keynote at 1:46:44) It will available for everyone in Fall The $99 price doesn't only let you download iOS 14 -- you also get the ability to distribute apps and make money from them, as well as access previews of other beta operating systems like macOS Big Sur.
Topic: App & System Services SubTopic: Core OS Tags:
Jun ’20
Reply to I cant find my iphone back up - windows 10
I've never done this before but you can check out some of these Apple Support articles: Restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch from a backup - Restore all content to iPhone from a backup -
Topic: App & System Services SubTopic: Core OS Tags:
Jun ’20
Reply to Remove iOS app availability from Mac App Store
It's already available in the "Pricing and Availability" page, but if you're not seeing it, try this: Go to - You'll see a banner that says "iOS Apps on Mac... Edit Availability" (screenshot - Click on "Edit Availability" A screen will pop up. Uncheck your app, then click done. (screenshot - That's it!
Topic: App & System Services SubTopic: Core OS Tags:
Jun ’20
Reply to I cant find my iphone back up - windows 10
I'm not a Windows user but maybe check your recent files? View recent files with the Run Dialog Box Open the Run Dialog Box with the keyboard shortcut Windows Key + R Enter shell:recent This will open the folder listing all of your recent items. The list can be quite long and may contain items that are not as recent, and you may even want to delete some of them. Source:
Topic: App & System Services SubTopic: Core OS Tags:
Jun ’20
Reply to Auto Layout Struggles
If you're using the Storyboard, go to the Attributes Inspector and try setting Distribution to "Fill Equally" or "Fill Proportionally". Also make sure that the base stack view (the one that contains the other stack view) has constraints set up for all 4 sides.
Topic: UI Frameworks SubTopic: UIKit Tags:
Jun ’20
Reply to This may be a stupid question, but...
I agree with @Sangsom about the books. You can even check some out from a public library -- they might be outdated, but anything above Swift 3 will still make sense. However, books aren't for everyone, and a video course may be a better place to start (you can follow step by step easier). Books can also be expensive, as they average around $50.
Topic: App & System Services SubTopic: Core OS Tags:
Jun ’20
Reply to How often can people leave ratings on the App Store?
I'm pretty sure it's forever (unless deleted), but you have the option of resetting - the "summary rating": Individual ratings inform your app’s summary rating, which is displayed on your product page and in search results. This summary rating is specific to each territory on the App Store and you can reset it when you release a new version of your app. However, we recommend using this feature sparingly; while resetting the summary rating can ensure that it reflects the most current version of your app — useful if an update addresses users’ previous concerns — having few ratings may discourage potential users from downloading your app. The "summary rating" is the 5 stars shown next to your app's title on the App Store. 2. People can only leave reviews once (It's tied to your Apple ID). To delete reviews, you can flag inappropriate ones for Apple to remove. Users can also delete their own reviews.
Jun ’20