




Reply to Creating a view to enter user name and password on iPhone
Do you want the view with the textfields to be visible at all times, or appear when a button is pressed? If you want it to be visible at all times, you can just drag-and-drop a view from the object library (press the + at the top right of Xcode). You can add some textfields from there too. Once you've added all the elements, you need to connect the text fields' delegate to you main view controller. Check out this tutorial - If you want it to appear when a button is pressed or similar, you can drag the view into the Scene Dock. This way, the view is hidden, but you can still configure all the subviews and add the text fields. To show the view, you'll need to connect the view to your main view controller with an IBOutlet. Tutorial - You don't need to create a new window (you almost never use windows (UIWindow) in iOS. They're just a container for your views, and the app provides one for you automatically).
Topic: Programming Languages SubTopic: Swift Tags:
Jun ’20
Reply to How to reset viewport in SceneKit editor
This is very late, but I'll post my solution for anyone new coming across this question. All you need to do is right click the object in the Scene Graph View, then select 'Focus Selection'! Screenshot here - Make sure the object is not hidden (I got stuck because of that for a long time). The zoom might be off but you can adjust it with Shift + Scroll.
Jun ’20
Reply to How do I set the gravity constant in an ARKit scene?
You can change it like this: sceneView.scene.physicsWorld.gravity = SCNVector3(0, -0.03, 0) According to the documentation - The components of this vector are measured in meters per second per second. The default value is (0.0,-9.8,0.0). This property applies a constant acceleration to all physics bodies in the world, simulating the effect of gravity near the surface of the Earth. gravity is a SCNVector3 (kind of like an arrow in 3D space), which is formatted like (x, y, z). If you want the gravity to pull straight down, you only want to modify the y. Zero = no gravity, and the lesser the number, the more gravity there is. Example: (0.0, -20.0, 0.0) would have much more force than (0.0, -1.0, 0.0).
Topic: Spatial Computing SubTopic: ARKit Tags:
Jun ’20
Reply to This may be a stupid question, but...
I would recommend starting with making an app that just says, "Hello World"! It was really easy in UIKit, but it's even easier with SwiftUI. Download Xcode - Wait an hour for it to download Open Xcode and the Welcome Screen will pop up. Click "Create a new Xcode project" Choose "Single View App" Enter the "Product Name" (name of your app). For "Organization Name", enter your name. For "Organization Identifier", it's formatted in reverse domain name notation, which is basically "com" followed by your domain name, and then your product name. It's ok if you don't own a domain, just make one up. Example: com.myfirstappdomain.FirstApp. Also, make sure "SwiftUI" is selected for the User Interface. Press "Next" and choose the location where you want to save your app. Don't worry about Source Control for now. Press "Create"! Once Xcode finishes generating the project, you should see the following lines of code inside the editor: /* // ContentView.swift // FirstApp // // Created by Your Name on 6/19/20. // Copyright © 2020 Your Name. All rights reserved./ import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View {   var body: some View {     Text("Hello, World!")   } } struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {   static var previews: some View {     ContentView()   } } Here's the above code explained: First, you import SwiftUI, which loads the framework. SwiftUI lets you make apps by writing out what you want to see. To write out the user interface, your code goes in a struct, which is building block that you can add properties and store values in. body is a property, and inside is a Text object (which comes from SwiftUI). What the code says is, Here's a struct that contains some text that says "Hello World!" In our case, we want to see "Hello World!" (no comma) so you can remove the comma that Xcode auto-generated. Or you can keep it if you want 😁. Underneath all the code is another struct, ContentView_Previews. This is for Xcode to know what you want to display in the live preview. You don't need to worry about this. Now all that's left is to run the app! In the upper-left corner of the screen, first make sure you select an iOS device to simulate on (<Your App's Name> → iPhone 8). Then, press Command + r to run! You may be asked to sign in to your Apple ID, and if there's any errors, try signing in. A simulated device will appear on your screen after a while, and it says, "Hello World"! Here's a screenshot - That's it! Your first app! To get more advanced, you can make use of resources on the internet. Hacking With Swift and Ray Wenderlich are both free resources that are great places to start (search them on Google, I couldn't put the links because they weren't allowed on the Forums). You can also go on Udemy and buy a course, like what I did (usually around $10) -- I would recommend following more tutorials before you start making your own apps (it'll be much easier once you know the basics). And if you're ever stuck, you can post questions on Stack Overflow -, or do what you just did, ask on the Forums! Happy coding!
Topic: App & System Services SubTopic: Core OS Tags:
Jun ’20
Reply to Apple product icon in the app
I wouldn't recommend using the Apple logo in your app icon. As @tijst said, the Apple logo is currently not part of SF Symbols. And even if it was, you can't use it in your app icon. The Human Interface Guidelines - says: You may not use SF Symbols — or glyphs that are substantially or confusingly similar — in your app icons, logos, or any other trademark-related use. Apple reserves the right to review and, in its sole discretion, require modification or discontinuance of use of any Symbol used in violation of the foregoing restrictions, and you agree to promptly comply with any such request. 2. You could take a screenshot of the Apple logo or find one online, but it's most likely going to be under copyright restrictions. Besides, your app icon should represent your app and not Apple's... even if you're creating something like a Apple Price Tracker, just use an image of a dollar sign or something else instead. 3. I'm assuming you're talking about drawing/recreating the Apple icon by yourself. This should be fine, but it'll be better to use your creativity and design of a more representative icon.
Topic: UI Frameworks SubTopic: SwiftUI Tags:
Jun ’20
Reply to IOS app installs not showing in Facebook Ads
How long have you been running the campaign? Maybe just wait a little longer for someone to download! You could also log on to App Store Connect -, where you can then go to App Analytics and see more stats, including: Impressions: How many times your app has been viewed on the App Store Units: How many people downloaded your app If you have a high impression-to-units ratio (for example 2000 impressions to 15 units), that means people saw your app, but didn't click download. This is probably because they weren't interested. So if you are getting impressions, that means your ad campaign is working... it's just that people didn't want to download. The Google Play store has much lower standards for apps, which could be the reason why you're getting downloads there. I searched up your app (is this - the right one?), and you could definitely improve on the design -- try adding text (like descriptions) in the screenshots, and maybe use less stock photography. Your app's idea is nice though!
Topic: App & System Services SubTopic: Core OS Tags:
Jun ’20
Reply to 2020 Forums Wishlist/Feature Request Thread
I would like to be able to edit my questions (there's no button)! And your profile page is rarely refreshed -- I posted a couple questions yesterday and so far only the first one has shown up. It would also be nice to see the upvote/downvote count. Some links are restricted too. There seems to be a whitelist -- I can't link to Hacking With Swift or This URL can't be included in your post. Please remove it to continue. And for some reason, links that include '%' get an auto-generated '25' after each of them. For example: when pressed, results in a 404. That's because the Forums added '25' in front of every '%'. The search functionality is also pretty bad. I second your request of sorting results "by most recent, most votes, most relevant."
Topic: App & System Services SubTopic: Core OS Tags:
Jun ’20
Reply to How often can people leave ratings on the App Store?
I'm pretty sure it's forever (unless deleted), but you have the option of resetting - the "summary rating": Individual ratings inform your app’s summary rating, which is displayed on your product page and in search results. This summary rating is specific to each territory on the App Store and you can reset it when you release a new version of your app. However, we recommend using this feature sparingly; while resetting the summary rating can ensure that it reflects the most current version of your app — useful if an update addresses users’ previous concerns — having few ratings may discourage potential users from downloading your app. The "summary rating" is the 5 stars shown next to your app's title on the App Store. 2. People can only leave reviews once (It's tied to your Apple ID). To delete reviews, you can flag inappropriate ones for Apple to remove. Users can also delete their own reviews.
Jun ’20
Reply to This may be a stupid question, but...
I agree with @Sangsom about the books. You can even check some out from a public library -- they might be outdated, but anything above Swift 3 will still make sense. However, books aren't for everyone, and a video course may be a better place to start (you can follow step by step easier). Books can also be expensive, as they average around $50.
Topic: App & System Services SubTopic: Core OS Tags:
Jun ’20