




Convert SiriKit Custom Intents using non configurable parameters to AppIntents
I have an Intents definition file for a Custom Intent that I want to convert to an AppIntent. The Custom Intent has the checkbox "Configurable in Shortcuts" not checked and therefore the "Convert to App Intent" Button is greyed out. I can however still do a conversion using the Menu-Item "Editor"->"Convert to App Intent". The intent has a number of parameters that are not configurable, but were set in code. This way it was possible to donate shortcuts with the parameters (and even the title) set in code. The automatic conversion using the menu item however produces a result that does not match the legacy Custom Intent (Parameters appear in the Shortcuts App etc). I also did not find any way to create AppIntents that have parameters that can be set in code, before the intent is donated. I would leave the old legacy Custom Intents as they are, but as soon as make use of any of the new iOS 16 Shortcut features (App Shortcuts) the existing donated Custom Intents disappear in the Shortcuts App. Given the apparent inability to convert them into AppIntents due to the missing code-set parameters, I would be happy for any advice on potential solutions.
Feb ’24
Enhancement request: Allows 3rd party to import into the "Shared Photo Library"
iOS 16 Beta 3 introduces the "Shared Photo Library". PhotoKit however currently lacks any functionality to import photos/videos into the "Shared Photo Library" It would be welcome, if PHAssetCreationRequest could be extended with e.g. a property "destination" that defaults to the personal library, but can also be set to the shared library. Scenarios: 3rd party camera apps that should be able to import into the "Shared Library" Any type of family orientated apps that should be able to import into the "Shared Library" Filled this also as FB10577456
Jul ’22
BGProcessingTask executed, but app goes into suspended state after some seconds
We are seeing a strange behavior regarding BGProcessingTasks on recent iOS releases (tested on iOS 13.5.1, iOS 13.6, iOS 14 Beta 2). The background task starts executing, but after a short period of time (sometimes just 5 seconds) the app goes into suspended date. The completion task or expiration task of the BackgroundProcessingTask is never called. We are seeing this behavior in production as well as in simulation( using: _simulateLaunchForTaskWithIdentifier) On previous iOS 13 releases (can't exactly pinpoint the last version) it worked fine and the task got usually 5-10 minutes of background time and then ran either into the completion or expiration handler. The issue is also reproducible using the Apple Sample App "Refreshing and Maintaining Your App Using Background Tasks" available at Simplest way to reproduce the issue: 1) Launch the sample app 2) Bring the app to the background 3) Pause the debugger and simulate with e -l objc -- (void)[[BGTaskScheduler sharedScheduler] _simulateLaunchForTaskWithIdentifier:@""] 4) Then continue the program execution. 5) The background task will start, but after some seconds the execution/log messages will stop and the app goes into suspended state. 6) To prove that its in suspended state: Switching the app into the foreground resumes execution and eventually completes the background task.
Jul ’20
Receipt validation Family Sharing
Hi,we converted an app from Paid from Freemium and unlock features for existing paid users based on the original bundle version in the receipt.We check both the local receipt and the refreshed receipt. This works fine (features get unlocked) for all users who originally purchased the app, but we are geting reports that features do not get unlocked for accounts which have the app installed using family sharing.1) On our own devices the unlocking works also for family sharing - so the receipt seems to contain the correct information in this case.2) Is it possible that on some devices (using family sharing) the receipt is incomplete or cotains no orginal bundle version?Any ideas are appreciated!Cheers,Hendrik
Sep ’19