




Reply to Swift Assist
Yeah, crazy... I could really use Swift Assist to deal with some SwiftUI problems I'm having. None of the LLMs are particularly good at SwiftUI, and seem to be wasting more of my time than they're saving. When, Apple???? You're the only ones with the data and the incentive to build a really knowledgeable Swift coding LLM.... super frustrating. This should be a no-brainer for Apple.
Reply to Where is swift assist?
I'm not sure that it's concerning, but it's annoying that we don't have anything yet. I have yet to try an LLM that's really good for Swift. Understandable. They're probably working to make sure they're substantively better than anything else out there.
Feb ’25
Reply to Please support tensorflow-text-macos
Thanks for the info @ConatusEng, but unfortunately I get a ModuleNotFound error when trying to import tensorflow_text. I've tried several different approaches, from various places on the internet, but no luck. I did notice that, for whatever reason, my conda install is miniconda3, not miniforge3, which a lot of people seem to have. I've running torchserve locally under a different env (for several months), and it works fine, so I don't really want to re-install conda if I can help it. Installing tensorflow-text from source does complete successfully, so I'm really not sure why the module won't load. Any thoughts?
Topic: Machine Learning & AI SubTopic: General Tags:
Apr ’22
Reply to Xcode 13 doesn't stay paused on breakpoint
Thanks for the response. Actually, it will pause and stay paused if I break in the main View, but in a service function I have for processing data it stops for a few seconds, then continues. It's a static function in a singleton, but I don't think that would make a difference. However, I actually just noticed a couple of things: 1) the app is actually detaching and continuing, and 2) it's posting an error that I hadn't noticed before (gulp): Message from debugger: The LLDB RPC server has crashed. You may need to manually terminate your process. The crash log is located in ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports and has a prefix 'lldb-rpc-server'. Please file a bug and attach the most recent crash log.... It does the same breaking at various points in a custom package I'm developing alongside the app. I'll file a bug... I guess this should go to Swift, not necessarily Apple? EDIT: Actually, I see a similar unresolved issue from August at (In case anyone else is seeing the same issue.)
Oct ’21
Reply to AVAudioPlayer Seamless looping of AAC files
Just to add an update to this: I was able to improve the "seam" in my seamless loop by manually setting the loop start to the priming frame count from afinfo, and the loop end to priming + valid. However, I'm now wondering whether a truly seamless loop is actually possible with compressed audio. Since the signal at any given point is always an approximation when encoded, the audio on both sides of a "cut" in the original wav must also be an approximation, meaning that the two sides won't necessarily be as "similar" as in the original. That seems reasonable to me, but is it correct? I'm talking about a "seamless" loop of an ambient soundscape recording, btw, so there's no actual silence (i.e., it's not a drum loop or anything like that).
Topic: Media Technologies SubTopic: Audio Tags:
Mar ’21
Reply to Stack buffer overflow in MusicTrackNewUserEvent
I'm resurrecting this old question because I'm (finally) looping back around to this problem. I have a very rare crash during playback that I've been trying to debug, and noticed that I can't run with Address Sanitizer enabled because my app has this overflow when trying to create MusicTrackNewUserEvents (I do this at launch)—so it basically stops on that before I can even start playing anything. But what is the procedure for properly creating User Events that we can respond to as callbacks? I can imagine defining a "thin" struct for the 4-member [UInt8], but then how do I get the User Event's timestamp? In my original code, the User Event is wrapping our custom Event struct, which includes the timestamp and duration, but as I mention above, this requires Float64 (not UInt8). What we basically need is a timestamped User Event for signalling certain types of sequenced events during playback. We use that timestamp directly, so I either have to encode the time in the User Event or figure out how to get the time. If anybody has an example of how this is actually supposed to work it would be much appreciated.
Topic: Media Technologies SubTopic: Audio Tags:
Dec ’20
Reply to AirPods silent after returning from background
Just to note (since I'm inexplicably no longer able to edit my question), I've since verified that other Bluetooth headphones demonstrate the same problem. So it seems to be specifically related to Bluetooth—presumably due to it being released when my app is suspended... Which does seem to be the purpose of CBCentralManager. So perhaps someone could just verify whether I should pursue finding a fix with Core Bluetooth.
Topic: App & System Services SubTopic: Core OS Tags:
Nov ’20
Reply to Bundle for static library resources? (iOS)
Did you ever find a workable solution for this problem? I'm in a situation where I have a custom framework that has a static library as a dependency. At launch I was seeing a huge list of warnings about "Class <...> is implemented in both...", apparently indicating that both the app and the framework were including the dependency (despite the fact that the app doesn't import that dependency anywhere...). The static library (AudioKit) is being included in my custom framework using Cocoapods. To get around the warnings I tried switching my mach-O target from "Dynamic Library" to "Static Library", based on a note I read somewhere about not adding static libraries as dependencies in dynamic frameworks. Sure enough, this removes the warnings, but then it fails when trying to load resources from inside the framework's bundle using "Bundle(for: <myFrameworkClass>.self)", as you've indicated in your question. (Note that I responded to the warnings not simply because they looked serious(!) but rather because my framework wasn't working properly.) The answers here, unfortunately, are non-answers... While I understand what they're trying to say, there's clearly some broad misunderstanding going on far beyond this thread, as the framework I'm using, AudioKit, is referred to as "static" in many places online—including AudioKit's home page. Also, when I compile my custom framework with "Static Library" indicated, I very definitely get a bundle in the product package, complete with all the resource files I'm trying to access at launch (i.e., the ones that aren't found because the bundle path is now the app's, not the framework's). Clearly this is super frustrating. The only thing I can think of doing now is grabbing the main bundle's path, and appending the path to my framework. Feels hackish, but I feel like I'm painted into a corner here, so really not sure what else to do...
Topic: Programming Languages SubTopic: Swift Tags:
Jul ’20