




Comment on Apple Watch can't always reconnect
And your job is to provide service to us, since we pay for all that devices, developer programs and fees. If I'd be "serious about engineering with you" I would pass the interview and become part of the team. Otherwise I suggest you to start reading forums, as all other big companies do. At least the Apple forum. Here's a 39 replies thread named "Apple Watch cannot reconnect". It indicates that many people have the issue, and it worth attention.
Comment on Apple Watch can't always reconnect
Thanks for the input. I still don't trust Apple bugreport. In the beginning of my career I reported about 15 bugs following thoroughly all the steps and providing all the logs and sometimes screenshots. Some bugs were closed due "duplicates", some were ignored for 5+ years then closed later when "outdated". Only few were actually fixed. Overall filling all that forms without any adequate feedback is a waste of resource. Since we, developers, always have OUR job to do.
Comment on Apple Watch can't always reconnect
For more information, read this and this threads on SO. Dozens of people wasting their time trying to connect their watch to Xcode, while they could be developing new amazing apps. Unfortunately, filling up those Feedback forms isn't very rewording.
Aug ’24