




NSUnknownKeyException for a non-existent managed object property
I have an app that relies on Core Data for persistence. The app is using MVVM architecture in order to facilitate testing The dev environment is a MacBook Pro (M1 Max) running MacOS 12.4 and Xcode 14 beta 2 So far everything has been working well until I attempted to add a new entity to my Model that had a relationship (many-to-one) to another entity. Attempting to instantiate one of these entities resulted in a NSUnknownKeyException associated with the property that defined the relationship so I deleted this relationship from the model and re-ran the test. Much to my surprise, the error persisted and I have been singularly unable to resolve it since despite the following: Delete derived data, reboot XCode Rename offending entity (error persists, just with the different entity name) Delete entity and add back into the Model Turn off code-gen and defined the MO subclass manually Check Core Data XML - this looks unremarkable and there are no residual properties that could be causing the problem The one thing I haven't tried yet is to run the code through Xcode 13 (it's a new machine so I was all enthusiastic and went straight for the beta which might have been a mistake!) so will be doing that shortly. For now it seems that something relating to the Core Data model and relationships between entities is hiding out somewhere I can't find it but it could be a bug in the tooling. The problem of course is that I can't continue to develop the app with a compiler error I can't clear. Any thoughts or guidance would be very welcome... Xcode Model interface for relevant entities and XML: Extension on the offending ManagedObject subclass (convenience methods): extension Prescription {     // MARK: - INTERNAL TYPES     enum PointOfCareContext: String, CustomStringConvertible {         case premedication, perioperative, postoperative, hospitalised         var description: String {             return self.rawValue.capitalized         }     }     // MARK: - PROPERTIES     var drug: Drug {         get { guard let drug = cd_drug else {             fatalError("Persistent store corrupted: Prescription is missing relationship to Drug.")         }             return drug         }         set { cd_drug = newValue }     }          var timePrescribed: Date {         get { guard let timePrescribed = cd_timePrescribed else {             fatalError("Persistent store corrupted: Prescription is missing timePrescribed.")         }             return timePrescribed         }         set { cd_timePrescribed = newValue }     }     /// When the drug should be administered     /// Passing nil to this property indicates the drug should be given asap (so will return current Date)     var timeScheduled: Date? {         get { guard let timeScheduled = cd_timeScheduled else {             return         }             return timeScheduled         }         set { cd_timeScheduled = newValue }     }     /// When the drug was administered     /// Nil indicates not given yet     var timeAdministered: Date? {         get { return cd_timeAdministered }         set { cd_timeScheduled = newValue }     }     var doseRate: Measurement<UnitDensity> {         get {             if (cd_doseRate != 0) {                 fatalError("Persistent store corrupted: Prescription doseRate == 0.")             }             return Measurement(value: cd_doseRate, unit: .milligramsPerKilogram)         }         set {             cd_doseRate = newValue.converted(to: .milligramsPerKilogram).value         }     }     var dose: Measurement<UnitMass> {         get {             return Measurement(value: cd_dose, unit: .milligrams)         }         set {             cd_doseRate = newValue.converted(to: .milligrams).value         }     }     var doseVolume: Measurement<UnitVolume> {         get {             return Measurement(value: cd_doseVolume, unit: .milliliters)         }         set {             cd_doseVolume = newValue.converted(to: .milliliters).value         }     }     var context: PointOfCareContext {         get {             guard let contextValue = cd_context, let context = PointOfCareContext(rawValue: contextValue) else {                 fatalError("Persistent store corrupted: Prescription has an invalid administration context [\(cd_context ?? "")]")             }             return context         }         set {             cd_context = newValue.rawValue         }     } Error encountered when attempting to save managed object context in the unit test:
Jun ’22
Unable to enter text in TextField - SwiftUI preview
I'm trying out Xcode 12 (beta) and encountered an issue with TextField when viewing it in a live Preview. Although the view is interactive (scrolling vertically seems to be OK) and a cursor appears in the TextField view when it is clicked on, keyboard input is ignored. The same code works as expected in Xcode 11.5. Simulator in both 11.5 and 12 exhibits expected behaviour. Is this a bug? I know there is an issue with interactivity in Preview with multiple views inside PreviewProvider but I'd assumed this is if you'd added multiple Views to the same body of this struct.
Jun ’20