SwiftUI List performance

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I’m still coming up to speed on QUIC myself, so I spent some time digging into this. AFAICT this is working as designed. On the client side, you can create a QUIC connection in one of two ways: As a connection, using NWConnection As a connection group, using NWConnectionGroup In both cases the object you create ‘owns’ stream ID 0. In the first case you can access it via the I/O methods on the connection. In the second case you can’t access it at all. If there’s a specific reason you need to use a connection group and perform I/O on stream ID 0, I recommend that you file an enhancement request [1] explaining the real world impact of this limitation. Please post your bug number, just for the record. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com [1] Or is it a bug report? That’s a tricky one (-: However, it doesn’t matter, it’ll go to the right folks either way.
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I am trying to present a GroupActivitySharingController using SwiftUI. I am using a NSViewControllerRepresentable: @State var event : Event func makeNSViewController(context: NSViewControllerRepresentableContext) -> GroupActivitySharingController { return try! GroupActivitySharingController(MeetingGroupActivity(event: event)) } func updateNSViewController(_ nsViewController: GroupActivitySharingController , context: NSViewControllerRepresentableContext) { print(Updating VC) } } I present it as following : .sheet(isPresented: $showGroupActivitySharingView) { MeetingGroupActivitySharingRepresentableView(event: observedEvent.event) } It works fine on iOS, however on MacOS, I cannot dismiss the view. I see the following error: dismissViewController:: Error: maybe this view controller was not presented? ( 0 CoreFoundation 0x000000019d75accc __exceptionPreprocess + 176 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x000000019d242788 objc_exception_throw + 60 2 Foundation 0x000000019e8cbc6c -[NSCalendarDate initWithCoder:] + 0 3 Ap
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Hello everyone! I recently started to think to introduce in my app SplitView for iPads instead of TabView which I currently have. But I would like to keep the TabView for iPhone and compact size class of iPad. I took my inspiration from a lot of Apple apps, like Apple Music or Photos. I was also looking at the Fruta app where similar technique is implemented, but that particular implementation does not fit my needs. The problem I’m having is that every time SplitView changes to TabView or vise versa the whole state of the app resets. I tried everything I could imagine, I couldn’t find a way to overcome this issue. The only thing I was able to fix is to maintain the same tab/list item selection, but everything else resets. Could anybody help me to resolve this issue? Thanks!
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I am working on ScreenCaptureKit sample with SCContentSharingPickerObserver. My Target is SwiftUI based and calling Objective-C class method. I added [MyTarget]-Bridging.h and [MyTarget]-Swift.h I got compile error of unknown class name SCContentSharingPickerObserver in [MyTarget]-Swift.h. But I do not know how to fix this error since [MyTarget]-Swift.h is Xcode generated file. I set macOS target is 14.0, swift language ver is 5 Anyone know how to fix this error or waiting for Xcode update?
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I wonder if this is an issue with the QT framework you are using on Sonoma? If you create a standard Mac app using native UI frameworks like AppKit or SwiftUI, does the Accessibility Inspector work? If so, it would seem that perhaps something regressed with QT on Sonoma. But if you are still running into issues, it would seem like an Accessibility Inspector issue, and I would encourage you to file a Feedback Assistant report so we can take a further look!
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Please run the following UIKit app. It uses a collection view with compositional layout (list layout) and a diffable data source. The collection view has one section with one row. The cell contains a text field that is pinned to its contentView. import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController { var collectionView: UICollectionView! var dataSource: UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() configureHierarchy() configureDataSource() } func configureHierarchy() { collectionView = .init(frame: .zero, collectionViewLayout: createLayout()) view.addSubview(collectionView) collectionView.frame = view.bounds } func createLayout() -> UICollectionViewLayout { UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout { section, layoutEnvironment in let config = UICollectionLayoutListConfiguration(appearance: .insetGrouped) return NSCollectionLayoutSection.list(using: config, layoutEnvironment: layoutEnvironment) } } func configureDataSource() { let cellRegistration = UICollectionView
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error: unable to read property list from file: /Users/jayengineer/Workspace/react_projects/Breached/ios/Breached/Info.plist: The operation couldn’t be completed. (XCBUtil.PropertyListConversionError error 2.) (in target 'Breached' from project 'Breached') CADisableMinimumFrameDurationOnPhone CFBundleDevelopmentRegion $(DEVELOPMENT_LANGUAGE) CFBundleDisplayName Breached CFBundleExecutable $(EXECUTABLE_NAME) CFBundleIdentifier $(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER) CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion 6.0 CFBundleName $(PRODUCT_NAME) CFBundlePackageType $(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_PACKAGE_TYPE) CFBundleShortVersionString 1.0.4/string> CFBundleSignature ???? CFBundleURLTypes CFBundleURLSchemes com.jay754.Breached CFBundleVersion 1 LSApplicationCategoryType LSRequiresIPhoneOS NSAppTransportSecurity NSAllowsArbitraryLoads NSAllowsLocalNetworking UILaunchStoryboardName SplashScreen UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities armv7 UIRequiresFullScreen UIStatusBarStyle UIStatusBarStyleDefault UISupportedInterfaceOrientations
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Everything works as expected until I add the paging behavior to the scrollView with a non-zero content margin. The paging behavior ends up not being centered on the cards. Here is a simple example: import SwiftUI struct CarouselView: View { var body: some View { ScrollView(.horizontal, showsIndicators: false) { HStack(spacing: 0) { ForEach(0 ..< 5, id: .self) { _ in RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 25) .fill(.ultraThinMaterial) .containerRelativeFrame(.horizontal) .scrollTransition(axis: .horizontal, transition: { content, phase in content .scaleEffect(x: phase.isIdentity ? 1 : 0.8, y: phase.isIdentity ? 1 : 0.8) }) } } .scrollTargetLayout() } .scrollTargetBehavior(.paging) .contentMargins(60) // NOTE: I want to see the sides of the next and previous card .background(Gradient(colors: [.purple, .red])) } } Thanks!
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error: unable to read property list from file: /Users/jayengineer/Workspace/react_projects/Breached/ios/Breached/Info.plist: The operation couldn’t be completed. (XCBUtil.PropertyListConversionError error 2.) (in target 'Breached' from project 'Breached'). Info.plist
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Hi everyone, Has this every happened to you? If so, how did you resolve it? Submitting my app for review, I got the following rejection: Guideline 2.4.5(ii) - Performance The package currently available in App Store Connect cannot be installed and may be corrupted. Next Steps Please rebuild your application and upload a new version. If this issue continues, please contact Apple Developer Technical Support for help investigating the issue. DTS referred me back to app review: We are unable to help you resolve this matter. Please circle back with the App Review team for assistance. I'm building the .pkg with productbuild: xcrun productbuild --product WFH Phone Webcam.app/Contents/Info.plist --component WFH Phone Webcam.app /Applications --sign 3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: Mansour Moufid (42A2D88R9U) --timestamp WFH Phone Webcam.pkg and uploading it with altool: xcrun altool --username ... --password ... --validate-app --file WFH Phone Webcam.pkg --type osx xcrun altool --username ... --password ..
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Hi, I'm developing an app using SwiftUI for both iOS and Mac OS and use onOpenURL to handle external links. However, this doesn't seem to work after switching to a single window app on Mac OS. This code works: WindowGroup { Text(Hi).onOpenURL { url in print(Open URL, url) } } But this doesn't: Window(My App, id: my_app) { Text(Hi).onOpenURL { url in print(Open URL, url) } } Anyone knows a workaround? Thanks!
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I solve this issue by changing Access setting: Go to Menu System Preferences -> Security & Privacy. 2.Choose the Privacy Tab. 3.Select Full Disk Access item in left list. 4.Select Xcode in right list. you can see https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/57552
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paying? I'm not paying for keywords. I just put that list in the section that says 'keywords separated by a comma...
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Hey folks, Having some trouble getting Animations to behave properly. I'll try to explain what I am doing, but maybe it is easier to run the project, which you can clone from github here. The key is in commenting out line 32/33 and uncommenting lines 34/35 in GaugeView.swift Otherwise: here is the high-level goal I'm aiming for: I'd like to see a horizontal gauge, akin to a tape measure (ignore the colors in this example image ), but (initially) centered on zero, and extending both to negative and positive measures. It will represent some value and that value can go up to a positive maximum number, and a minimum negative number. On overflow on either side, the tape measure should wrap-around. For this, I would like to create the illusion of an infinite tape measure, that keeps moving as the values change. There will be NO user interaction at all, the values are coming in from some device, and simply need to be displayed. Now, the basic logic seems to work: There is a tapemeasure view, which shows zero in the
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UserDefaults is intended to store small preferences. I’m not sure why you’re trying to run performance analysis on it, but your test limits are far beyond the expected use case. If you need to store 50 thousand records, or even 1 thousand records, user defaults is not the API to use. There are plenty of other options, including the file system, Core Data, and Swift Data. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com