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with the latest Xcode that runs with Mac OS 14.5 Developer Beta has messages with a time and date in them There are also some other fields of an indeterminate origin/type. 2024-05-06 15:37:32.383996-0500 RoomPlanExampleApp[24190:1708576] [CAMetalLayerDrawable texture] should not be called after already presenting this drawable. Get a nextDrawable instead. specifically I need to know how the string [24190:1708576] relates to a location in my application so I can act on the message. I certainly can't find the text in the [CAMetalLayerDrawable texture]. field anywhere in the user documentation OR the Development documentation. In order for a diagnostic message to be Actionable and remedied by a user it must identify the module and source line of the initiating code and there must be accessible documentation for users to access to get an explanation of potential remedies.. This interface fails to supply enough information to diagnose the problem. The label in [CAMetalLayerDrawable texture] cannot even be
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My app is using iBeacons, and I am using func startMonitoring(for region: CLRegion). Then I am using func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didEnterRegion region: CLRegion) and func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didExitRegion region: CLRegion) to run logic when user enters / exits certain Beacon CLBeaconRegion. Everything worked fine until recently, iOS 17 update I guess. Now after I call startMonitoring(for: region) the code works for couple hours, and then it seems my app is somehow suspended and no longer able to use CoreLocation, and my code does not work, entry and exit events to beacon regions are NOT detected. Funny enough I have some Beacon managment apps that can scan for nearby beacons, when I run one of those apps, I see on top of iPhone screen “hollow arrow” sign that marks CoreLocation being used, and then my app works for few minutes, and then again my app is suspended, and no entry/exit events into beacon regions are detected. I could figure out how
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Hey, I've been trying to fetch my Apple Music recently played songs for an app I'm working on, and I want to access the lastPlayedDate field. If I'm not mistaken, this field should exist for a Song according to Apple's documentation: However, whenever I try to fetch this data, the lastPlayedDate field is always nil. All the other data I'm looking for, however, seems to fetch without issue. Here's the code I'm using: //Request as described in Apple MusicKit // var request = MusicRecentlyPlayedRequest() request.limit=30 do { let response = try await request.response() let songs = response.items.compactMap { song -> RecentlyPlayedSong? in let songName = song.title let songArtist = song.artistName let songAlbum = song.albumTitle let artwork: MusicArtworkType let preview_url = song.previewAssets?.first?.url?.absoluteString if let appleMusicArtwork = song.artwork
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I need to immediately know when the iPhone is unlocked. Why? Can you detail what app functionality depends on this? There’s no specific notification for unlocking, but take a look at app delegate method applicationProtectedDataDidBecomeAvailable(_:) (link) and corresponding notification protectedDataDidBecomeAvailableNotification (link). I am a newbie in iOS/APP development. Welcome! You’ll find that Apple APIs tend not to just give you random information about the system (“is the device locked?”) but instead support more specific use cases like the delegate and notification given above: “can I access protected data right now?” It should work even if my app is not running. There are various events that can wake or launch your app (see LaunchOptionsKey at link) but unlocking isn’t one of them.
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Does choosing the alternate app icon in app settings not count as within the app ? What do you mean by app settings? Do you mean that you've usd a Settings.bundle to add settings for your app to the main Settings app? If that is what you mean, then that clearly isn't within the app. Having said that, it seems very pedantic that they would reject you for doing that. So... yeah, actually, that's exactly what they would do! I suggest that you move the settings inside the app and see what happens. If you're unsure if they have correctly understood how to change the icon - which is possible, though I think unlikely - then send them a screen capture video showing how to do it.
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Hi @thedeveloper4 , This is shown here: where Matt adds .commands { ImportFromDevicesCommands() } To the WindowGroup and then demonstrates how this works. I also recommend trying out the code shown in this thread: This will show you how to add the command, show it in the menu bar under File and import it into your app.
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I use the App Store Connect API to run many parallel requests to update different parts of a single app. I am randomly getting errors such as An unexpected error occurred on the server side. or The request timed out. Usually when these errors happen, I can simply run the unsuccessful requests one or two more times and then they succeed. Is there an explanation for this? Is this possibly caused by too many parallel requests? What is the maximum suggested number of parallel requests?
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So, we've got a mobile app that is using background processing to occasionally scan for nearby BLE beacons. When running a debug / local build of the app, everything behaves as expected, but if we upload a build to TestFlight and install from there, the background processing doesn't happen. This behavior would seem to point to a capability in the App ID not being provisioned, but when I look in the Identifiers section of Apple Developer, Background Modes as a capability isn't listed for either the existing Application Identifier or when creating a brand new one. The app has the Background Modes capability assigned if I look at it in XCode. Any thoughts as to where to look next or what I'm missing?
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I just renewed my developer account (a little late) When will my app show up on Appstore again?
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Hi, Happy to hear you are finding Previews useful! Unfortunately it is a known limitation that os_log/Logger output does not show up in the Preview console. For now you'll have to either switch those to use print or use macOS to see the unified logging output from your previews.
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Please show complete, executable code so that one can test. We don't even know how SwiftUIView is defined.
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Hi, After upgrading to Xcode 15.3 (15E204a) AppIntents unexpectedly stopped working on iOS 16. System error occurs when you try to run AppIntent on device with iOS 16, Shortcuts app just shows error alert. There are errors in device's logs: error Could not find an intent with identifier , mangledTypeName: Optional() It seems to be an issue with extract.actionsdata file, generated by appintentsmetadataprocessor. mangledTypeName parameter is empty for action descriptors, though it was fulfilled when building with Xcode 14.2 and different version of generator. If I manually set this property in xcarchive and sign it everything works fine. The issue is reproducible with Xcode 15.4 which is currently in beta. Have anyone experienced this or have any solution more solid than editing metadata files after build?
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Hi, How to catch the event when details panel of a SplitView shows and get hidden, like when split is 2 columns and when its details only ? Kindest Regards
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I have an Electron app on macOS Sonoma (Intel arch). It has a native addon (app.node) using node-addon-api. Recently it crashed, with the stack trace (given below). What is the CF_IS_OBJC function inside the CFDataGetBytePtr function, and why did it crash there? [NSEvent addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:NSEventMaskKeyDown handler:^(NSEvent *event) { // code using CFDataGetBytePtr function }]; [NSEvent addLocalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:NSEventMaskKeyDown handler:^NSEvent *_Nullable(NSEvent *event) { // code using CFDataGetBytePtr function return event; }]; I have key events monitors attached using addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask and addLocalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask in my native code and they use the CFDataGetBytePtr function there. So I think the issue happened in the key event monitor handler when calling the CFDataGetBytePtr function because my native addon app.node is also present in the trace. Also from the third and fourth entry in the stack trace, it seems like it happened while the app
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@hassaands Quinn's workaround does not work for me either. When I attach the breakpoints become dotted again as well. Also when I simply toggle between activate/deactivate breakpoints Xcode can't seem to present the appropriate UI update for the breakpoint based on the expected state. Been dealing with this since the release of XCode 15. I have project targeting Mac and iOS targets. Breakpoints have always worked for iOS targets against my old iPad Pro running 15.7 but NOT for Mac targets. Currently using latest XCode 15.3 and Mac OS 14.4. Is this some post-silicon-advent specific bug? Concerning that Apple hasn't been able to offer a fix in a more timely manner.