[tags:in-app purchase,subscriptions]

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If you purchase products that belong to the same subscription group, originaltransactionid remains the same. However, I don't understand if the originaltransactionid does not change in the following cases. cases Purchase a subscription Renew the subscription Cancel the subscription(on App Store App) Repurchase the same subscription Is originaltransactionid still unchanged in this case?
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I suspect you mean that, when the app is installed via TestFlight and the app launches, it finds that the appStoreReceiptURL is nil. This is correct. An appStoreReceipt is only installed with an app when the app is installed from the production App Store. In all other cases, the installation of an app in the sandbox environment (which includes a production signed app via TestFlight) will not have an appStoreReceipt. After an in-app purchase, or after the iOS app makes the SKReceiptRefreshRequest call, then there will be an appStoreReceipt written to the app. rich kubota - rkubota@apple.com developer technical support CoreOS/Hardware/MFI
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The Apple Developer documentation makes no mention that this value remains constant. In general, the originaltransactionid often remains unchanged as a subscription is renewed, is upgraded, is downgraded or is cancelled or refunded. However, do not assume that the value will remain unchanged for the lifetime of a subscription. The documentation does not indicate what may cause the originaltransactionid to change. <https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstorereceipts/original_transaction_id> rich kubota - rkubota@apple.com developer technical support CoreOS/Hardware/MFI
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Thank you for your reply! I was surprised because I thought there was one originaltransactionid per subscription. In this document, it is written as follows. This value is the same for all receipts that have been generated for a specific subscription https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/releasenotes/General/ValidateAppStoreReceipt/Chapters/ReceiptFields.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40010573-CH106-SW1 Is it correct to refer to the above information? However, do not assume that the value will remain unchanged for the lifetime of a subscription.The documentation does not indicate what may cause the originaltransactionid to change Are there other IDs that can be used to identify if a user has already purchased a same subscription?
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I was testing my app using the Xcode 12 beta, in an iOS 14 simulator - when it tried to load SKProducts (all subscriptions) that normally have been loading just fine, I got back an error: Error Domain=SKErrorDomain Code=0 UNKNOWNERROR UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=UNKNOWNERROR, NSUnderlyingError=0x600000c903f0 {Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=507 Error decoding object UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Error decoding object, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Attempted to decode store response}}} Will we still be able to load products in simulators going forward, or can we only load the local test versions of products from the new StoreKit configuration files? I would really, really still like to be able to load production products in a simulator so I can see the actual data that is in AppStore connect.
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The original_transaction_id remains the same for the subscription, as long as upgrades and downgrades occur within the same subscription group. If the customer cancels their subscription, and resubscribes to a subscription in a different subscription group, the original_transaction_id will also change. So there are cases in which the original_transaction_id will change for a customer. By looking at the original_transaction_id and the subscription_group_identifier in the latest_receipt_info section of the /verifyReceipt response, or in the unified_receipt.latest_receipt_info section of the App Store Server Notification payload, you should be able to identify the subscription.
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I always test the SKProductsRequest method on a device. In the case that the call returns the identifier(s) in the invalidProducts array, and I've verified that my identifier use is correct, I can install the StoreKit profile and capture the console log to include in a bug report. I just did a quick test with Xcode 11 and found that using the SKProductsRequest in a simulator app returned all of the items in the invalidProducts array. When I run the test on my device, the identifiers are validated by the App Store and return the information I set up on AppStoreConnect. I seem to recall 5 - 6 years ago that StoreKit support was removed in the emulators. Members of the engineering team, please correct me if the SKProductsRequest is supported in the emulators. rich kubota - rkubota@apple.com developer technical support CoreOS/Hardware/MFI
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Thanks to your answer I understand that the originaltransactionid does not change between upgrades and downgrades of the same subscription group. I have one more question.For example, suppose you have the following subscription groups and subscriptions: ex) subscription-group-asubscription-a-1 subscription-a-2 subscription-group-bsubscription-b-1 subscription-b-2 I would like to know when the user takes the following actions. Purchase subscription-a-1 -> (A) Cancel subscription-a-1 Purchase subscription-b-1 Repurchase subscription-a-1 -> (A`) At this time, do A and A` have the same originaltransactionid?
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Yes, You can set up 1 year free promotional offer in App Store Connect and merchandise it in your app to the target users. For the detailed guideline, Please refer to the documentation below: Setting up Subscription Offer https://developer.apple.com/documentation/storekit/in-app_purchase/subscriptions_and_offers/setting_up_subscription_offers https://help.apple.com/app-store-connect/#/dev16dfca448 2. Implementing Subscription Offer * https://developer.apple.com/documentation/storekit/in-app_purchase/subscriptions_and_offers/implementing_subscription_offers_in_your_app 3. Subscription Offer Best Practices * https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2019/305/
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@rich SKProducts have been able to load in the simulator right up until my run in iOS 14... indeed, even running from Xcode 12 beta, in an iOS 13.2 simulator SKProducts load just fine. I also test product loads on a device, but that is pretty cumbersome to do all the time compared to using the simulator. Also Sandbox is often pokey at loading SKProducts where the simulator is always pretty much instant. I'm more looking to get a sense from Apple if starting from iOS 14 SKProducts will not load from the App Store, or if this is a bug... I'll file a radar and see what they say I guess.
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Even though we have approved auto-renewable subscriptions for our product, App Store Connect does not allow us to tick the availability checkbox as Cleared for Sale. As we know that users can not make purchase for subscriptions that are not set availability as Cleared for Sale. Anybody faces this issue? What happens if we release the version that offers these unchecked subscriptions?
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I created a subscription product. Product got rejected. I fixed issue. There was no option to resubmit the product for review. I deleted the product and tried to create it again. When creating the product again I get the error message The product ID you entered has already been used. Enter a unique product ID and try again. There is no other product with this ID, and I need to use the same ID because other app platforms use the same ID. 2 Questions What is the correct way to resubmit a rejected product? Is there a way to create a new product with the same product ID or is it locked forever? Thanks for your help. Regards Chris