Hi,I work in a portuguese company and am also facing this issue.Besides suggesting to develop a centralized App to target all our different customers, Apple made the rediculous suggestion that we build a web app. They provide us with the technique to build apps but they want us to implement a website?In every message they sent, they just copied and paste the 4.3 article and failed to give a viable suggestion. The last message from them was to contact them regarding this issue, but I've tried a couple of times (in their working hours) unsuccessfully.As the other developers, we can't implement a centralized App for multiple customers. Each one want an individual App, an individual splash screen, an individual icon.andrefjesus, when they called you, did they just stated and insisted on the 4.3 article or were they open to discussion?Does creating multiple developer accounts solve this problem?
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They are literally not reading responses. Don't bother. Here's a transcript:Aug 27, 2017 From AppleGuideline 4.2.6 - Design - Minimum Functionality...Guideline 4.3 - Design...Next Steps...Aug 29, 2017 From MeI submitted an appeal but received no confirmation e-mail. Did it go through? Do I need to resubmit my app or just wait now?Aug 30, 2017 From AppleGuideline 4.3 - DesignWe ask that you consolidate your existing apps...Aug 30, 2017 From MeAll I am asking is if my appeal was received? There was no e-mail confirmation.Aug 31, 2017 From Apple4. 3 Design: SpamThank you for your response. However we still find that the previously addressed issue still persists in your application...
Hello .. Good evening! We also went through this problem, we talked via ticket and phone with Apple. They are really blocking the White Label model, impossible to continue in this model. In our case, we opted for the container app, we were able to develop and it was approved. Customers accepted the change.In summary there are 3 ways to solve rejection 4.3:WEBAPP- WebApp would be accessed by browser and so would not be in the AppleStore;- It's good for B2B and would have a link to give internal use access.CONTAINERAPP:- All in one app;- Each company would have its logo inside this app, however it would not be heavy because only the data of the companies that the user selects is lowered.- Each company has its data separately.NEWAPP:- Have a different application for each company without being of the same template / whitelabel format. It has to really be a unique application, especially in design.
This solution was solved? Because its seens like same issue. My customers creates their own accounts, but the 4.3 Spam will take it out again, because already exist another app with the same estruture or not?Thinking about it, 2 or 3 customers upload their apps so its give a rejected spam because its the same app each other, dont you?sorry for my bad english
Your issue is the exact scenario that actually makes sense. Are you going to create 100 animal hunting games? You should have one app and they choose the animal game within in, you are bloating the store.However, in our case, we actually have distinct customers, that want their own app. They do not want to share between competitors and other organizations. This should not be combined into one app, this 4.3 does not make sense for us and is cause by apps like yours which cause bloat in the app store.
I am facing the same issues.we are creating our own games with out copying from others. But past few months apple rejects all our games with same issue Guideline 4.3 - Design - Spam. Do not know how to upload the games to apple. Eventhough we are submitting different catagory . Apple says the same error. Do help me in this issue.regards,Jayanthi
>Apple needs to soften up the 4.3 guidelinesBe careful what you wish for - keep in mind that every time that happens, bad actors (watch out for them to come here to complain & spam yet again) drive trucks thru the result.Some of your ire goes towards those posers, as well, where Apple is yet again forced to react to schemes where the only goal is to game the process and sadly help ruin the store for well behaved devs in the process.Good luck in any case.Ken
Has anyone tried changing their apps to B2B apps in response? I don't think it's something you can enable once the app's been on the App Store so it's a huge disruption for existing users, but I want to know if it's at least an option for new clients.I'm also getting 4.2.6/4.3 rejections for a white label app for specific clients (my own code, not another service).
Same issue here, We develop games of multiple animal hunting and apple says to put all the animals in one app and publish game as one. Which doesnt makes sense, there's a difference between gorilla hunter and dinosaur hunter but apple review team wont get it and rejects the game ! 4.3 is being pain in the A** for developers.
Same here. We have done dozens of apps which serve a particular type of business. Needless to say we try to produce them in a way that it is cost efficient for those businesses. But each app has a totally different look and the content is always different (each one has different data and data sources).Yes Apple is reject saying these violate 4.3. We have been doing this for years, have 700 clients and service customers from small to the largest of their kind in the world. Apple review used to be great and smooth and fast. Now it's become one reject after another that makes no sense with this 4.3. reject being the latest reject fad.
I am in the same boat. To target the little guys who are honest and create apps for small businesses that have different criterias and looks. We don't even make money off of it or are we targeting a wide audience. I mean if the YMCA in Louisville want their own app, we will create it and it will have similar funtionality as it hooks into our API scheduling system. The YMCA is targeting that area, not trying to make money. We dont use a commercialized template or app generation service. Our apps are unique, not another flashlight app. I mean are there really more then one YMCA of Louisville app?4.2.6 Apps created from a commercialized template or app generation service will be rejected.4.3 SpamDon’t create multiple Bundle IDs of the same app. If your app has different versions for specific locations, sports teams, universities, etc., consider submitting a single app and provide the variations using in-app purchase. Also avoid piling on to a category that is already saturated; the App Store has enough
I feel it is less about what differences are inside the application, and more about Apple wanting to reduce the clutter in the Appstore.I am all for reducing the number of junk apps, clones, flappy games, and spam, but to outright tell all developers that they have to combine several games into a container app, some of which just don't belong together is overstretching this guideline.Apple needs to soften up the 4.3 guidelines, and allow developers to continue to publish apps that are branded toward the specific target market. eg: diet apps should not be combined. I as a customer would not want to download an app with multiple varying diets when I'm only looking for one specific one.Same with travel apps - if I want an app that caters to Paris traveling, I do not want NYC, Rome, London, Milan, & other cities in a bundle.The idea behind the agreement is well intended, but it's taken too far, without consideration for marketing & other things that come into play with the Appstore.So the topic i
Hi, My company is in a simaler situation. We create test prep apps for many certifications and have recently run into the 4.3 Spam rejection problem. Have you had any luck apealing the rejection?
Currently UNABLE to submit Stand Alone Sticker Packs created using the Xcode Template, due to the fact that creating an App ID ENABLES both Game Center and In-App Purchases, converting the underlying framework of the code-free Sticker Pack to that of an iMessage App. No way to edit and disable theses Features withing the App ID to submit a Stand Alone Sticker Pack intended ONLY for the iMessages App Store.This creates two problems:1. Unable to access the Archived/uploaded Build WITHOUT also uploading screenshots for the 'Optional iMessages in prepping the Sticker Pack for App Review2. Submitting more than one Sticker Pack App Review judges the app (Sticker Pack now converted to iMessages App via App ID Features ENABLED) on the basis of the underlying framework with Features instead of looking only at the appropriateness of the content (i.e. images) of the Sticker Packs. They reject submissions on the Rule 4.3 Design Spam (underlying framework is the same for Sticker Packs generated using the Xcode TE
According to the wikipedia Xcode, Xcode 6.4 is the latest version where minimum Deployment Target is iOS 4.3 or iOS 5.1.1.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XcodeAnd currently you can submit apps with Xcode 6.x. (Though I'm not sure if you need it.)