Our organization distributes pre-compiled dynamic frameworks using the method which we understood to be previously cannoical prior to Xcode 11.4. That is to say we use the method Apple provided to us in 2017 titled Technical Q&A QA1768 Building & Using Pre-Compiled Frameworks For Simulators and Devices.pdf. To summarize that approach, it involved building two pre-compiled frameworks, one for device and one for simulator, and then having the correct one used at runtime. The latter involved modifying Other Linker Flags to select only the framework which should be used depending on how Any iOS Simulator SDK and Any iOS SDK were set, and adding a new run script phase to the Build Phases which strips out the simulator slices from device builds.When moving to Xcode 11.4, we now encounter the error:Building for iOS, but the embedded framework 'X.framework' was built
Building for iOS Simulator, but the linked and embedded framework ‘XX.framework‘ was built for
167,373 results found
Hi! I developed a kivy app that works totally fine on the simulator, but when I want to build in a device, I get the following error: Building for ios but linking in dylib built for ios-simulator I'm using Xcode 15, but I wasn't having this problem with earlier versions. Additionally, I get another error: Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) I'm new to app development and I really don't know what to do. Any help would be appreciated!
Hey how's it going? I'm having an error compiling with Xcode 14, has anyone passed it on? Thanks [iOS] xcodebuild: ld: warning: building for iOS Simulator, but linking in dylib built for iOS, 'XPTOFramework.framework' - NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: ld: warning: Could not find or use auto-linked framework 'XPTOFramework'
Hi, I'm trying to compile the app with Xcode version 12.0 beta 6 on a simulator with iOS 14.0 and then I get this error: ld: building for iOS Simulator, but linking in dylib built for iOS, file ‘../Lib/Framework-dynamic/PDFNet.framework/PDFNet’ for architecture arm64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) I have attached you the error. Can you please guide us on how to solve this issue. Thanks in advance. Best Regards, Walid
Hi there, I have an app that builds and runs on iOS devices, and also builds and runs in My Mac (Designed for iPad) with my m2 mac. But im having issues building it to run in the xcode iOS simulator. We want to build on the simulator so we can test issues that only affect users with previous versions of ios that we dont have on any of our test devices. And we cant downgrade them so sim is our best option. I'm getting this linker error: building for 'iOS-simulator', but linking in object file built for 'iOS' The library it's complaining about we can't rebuild since we dont have the source code. We know that it was built with arm64 and it works with an actual iOS device, AND on m2 mac for ipad. Perhaps this is naiive but why doesnt this just work with the iOS simulator? The arch is the same, it works on a real device, but not the simulator
In my case, I faced this error:xxxxxx.framework Building for iOS Simulator, but the linked and embedded framework was built for iOS.In this case, I used a framework which doesn't contain binary for x86_64 (for simulator). I can build without that error if I choose real device as target.In addition, I think Flutter team also faced the similar problemhttps://flutter.dev/docs/development/ios-project-migration
0 I am building an iOS App using a personal C++ library mylib.a , With the current Xcode version (13.1) When I include this library in my Frameworks and try to run on physical iOS device I have the following issue : building for iOS, but linking in object file built for iOS Simulator, for architecture arm64 When I include my library built with a previous XCode version (I think it was Xcode 11) the app builds and runs on the device. Because I use the AppTrackingTransparency.framework I can no longer build my SDK with XCode 11. The issue appears both on Mac intel and M1. I tried in build settings : Exclude architecture arm64 for Any IOS Simulator for Debug and Release Set the Supported Platform to iphoneos only Set Architectures on $(ARCHS_STANDARD) and set Build Active Architecture Only on to YES
Below error: Failed to launch tool with description System content for IBCocoaTouchFramework-fourteenAndLater scaleFactor=2x, renderMode.identifier=(null): Failed to find or create execution context for description ' System content for IBCocoaTouchFramework-fourteenAndLater scaleFactor=2x, renderMode.identifier=(null)'. Device type: IBSimDeviceTypeiPad2x (com.apple.dt.Xcode.IBSimDeviceType.iPad-2x) Please also include the output of xcrun simctl list and xcode-select -p.: Failed to find newest available Simulator runtime: No available runtime found from: [ watchOS 7.4 (7.4 - 18T187) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.watchOS-7-4 (unavailable, The watchOS 7.4 simulator runtime is not supported on hosts after macOS 13.3.99.) /Users/example/WorkSpace/projects/app1/platforms/ios/app1.xcodeproj: warning: Building for iOS Simulator, but the linked and embedded framework 'TNSWidgets.framework' was built for iOS + iOS
Hi, I have found multiple questions on this topic but none of the proposals solves my problem so please stay with me on the description below since I am obviously missing something. I have an iOS Framework that links with multiple static libraries from a C Open Source project using Other Linker flags and Library search paths. These .a files are all fat binaries including arm64 and x86_64 versions. This Framework is later used by a regular iOS app after being packed into an XCFramework (do note, when generating the XCFramework I use EXCLUDED_ARCHS=arm64 for the simulator build since a long time and I think this is also wrong). Everything works fine on device but I have never gotten the Simulator to work on my M1 Mac and now I am trying to fix that but without success, when trying to start the simulator on M1 I get this error for the first fat .a found: building for iOS Simulator, but linking in
Never had a lot of problems until the time to buy Macbook Air M1. Just yesterday my app was build without any error in Xcode 12.4. I did not make any special changes and today build failed: /Users/userName/Projects/MyApp/ios/Pods/OpenSSL-Universal/ios/lib/libcrypto.a(cryptlib.o), building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS, file '/Users/userName/Projects/MyApp/ios/Pods/OpenSSL-Universal/ios/lib/libcrypto.a' for architecture arm64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) Please can you help me, how to solve it?
I've re-built my dependency libraries using Xcode7 and now I receive these kind of errors :building for iOS simulator, but linking in object file built for OSX, for architecture x86_64How can this be fixed? I already tried to pass in sysroot and other things without success... 😟Thanks for your help in advance!
Answered at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63267897/building-for-ios-simulator-but-the-linked-framework-framework-was-built
In Xode 11.4, I encounter a failure in my project.When running my project, it was successfull in Xcode 11.3. Now in Xcode 11.4 I get the failure message: Target Integrity: Building for ios simulator but the linked library ' my_library.a ' was built for may OS + ios.The library my_library.a is pointed to architecture: x86_64 and arm64 and never changedI can run the Project on my device, but it is not running in the simulator.Please help me what to do in Xcode 11.4. Do I have to change settings in Xcode 11.4. regards, Robert
Hi! Running Xcode 12.5 using Rosetta 2 on simulator with iOS 14.5, and I get the following error: ld: building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS, file '.../Pods/GoogleMaps/Maps/Frameworks/GoogleMaps.framework/GoogleMaps' for architecture arm64 I've tried several things, including adding 'arm64' to Excluded Architectures for GoogleMaps and project targets, setting Build Active Architectures Only to Yes, setting Validate Workspace (under Build Options) to Yes, but nothing has worked for me. The previous error I got before this one was Undefined symbol: _OBJC_CLASS$_GULAppEnvironmentUtil. For that error, I followed https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk/issues/8137 (add GoogleUtilities framework to Link Binary with Libraries) in hopes it would fix the problem, but it only gave me the GoogleMaps arm64 error. I've been trying to fix this for a week now and am
The framework needs to be rebuilt for visionOS to be linked/loaded by a visionOS app – both ld and dyld enforce this, and will only allow iOS frameworks to be loaded by compatible iOS apps on visionOS. Also worth noting: the error indicates you are building for simulator, but trying to link a framework built for an iOS device. You need a framework built for the visionOS simulator, which is different than (and not compatible with) a physical Vision Pro device.