
41 results found






Family Sharing - Auto Renewing Subscription
At the moment we have an auto renewing subscription and we use the original_transaction_id as a marker in our database. If we turn on Family Sharing it was mentioned that each family member gets a transaction in the queue on their device. Will the original_transaction_id be the same for each user or will each user/Apple ID get their own unique receipt and set of transactions? Or is it simply a copy of the primary user?
Jun ’20
Family Sharing IAP Transaction IDs
Are the original_transaction_id fields in family sharing in-app purchase receipts populated with the ID of the original transaction (from the original purchaser), or does each family member get a new independent one? We're interested in supporting Family Sharing for our non-consumable in-app purchases, but since we also allow purchases to be activated on the web / other platforms, we're concerned that Family Sharing might enable somebody to create multiple accounts from a single purchase and use them independently on many more devices.
Jun ’20
Reply to Family Sharing - Auto Renewing Subscription
To clarify, Ideally we would like each user linked to a Family Sharing transaction to have their own original_transaction_id and susbsequent renewal transactions of their own. The original Apple recommendations said to rely on this field and so a lot of code hinges around this being unique to a subscription (and with relevant usage limits applied in our code too). If these get treated as “new” users essentially we are happy for that but ideally some sort of flag saying they are linked to an original in case people run local billing metrics!
Jun ’20
Refund changes
The WWDC video talks about server getting notification when a user refunds their purchase (subs/non-consumables/etc...). What about the receipt when we call verify, does it also get updated now? That is, receipts with subscriptions have always been updated with a cancellation field, but our non-consumables never get updated during this call, just verified/parsed. Currently we need to do a Reload, user needs to allow it (i.e. enter pwd), so we can get an updated receipt that shows any refund.
Jun ’20
Reply to Refund changes
You will only receive the cancellation date in the receipt included in the notification, in the unified_receipt.latest_receipt_info section. Verify receipt will continue to exhibit its existing behavior. By subscribing to these notifications you will be notified of a refund to a customer after we process it.
Jun ’20
Reply to Family Sharing - Auto Renewing Subscription
Since original_transaction_id is used as a primary key for Apple subscriptions, knowing if it is the same for all family member or not has major architectural consequences. For now, our implementation ensure only 1 user can use a given subscription. If original_transaction_id is different for all family members it'll still work fine. If not we have to re-architecture our solution. However, we also use the transactions to estimate revenues (MRR, ARPU, etc.) If transactions id are different but are not linked together in some way we will count revenues twice, which will mess up our stats. Thanks for your clarification.
Jul ’20