Apple Unity Plug-Ins

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Connect your game to Game Center, Core Haptics, PHASE audio, accessibility, and game controller frameworks.

Posts under Apple Unity Plug-Ins tag

46 Posts
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Xcode build of Unity projects for visionOS fails
About the problem I built a Unity project for the visionOS platform and opened it on Xcode-beta 4. When I tried to run the project, the build failed and the errors following appeared: Errors Building for 'xrOS-simulator', but linking in object file (/<Path to my Unity Xcode project>/Libraries/libiPhone-lib.a[5](MeshSkinningNEON64_blzfc.o)) built for 'xrOS' Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) I have no idea what causes the issue and how to solve it. Is there anybody to find the cause and the solution for the problem? Note Unity has nothing to do with the matter, I guess, because the build on Unity is always successfully completed. Environment Unity 2022.3.5f1 that has visionOS Build, iOS Build, and Mac Build modules. Xcode-beta 4
Jul ’23
Unity Apple plugin Issue
We are upgrading our ObjC-based iOS multiplayer game to Unity, so we plan to use the Unity Apple plugins. Specifically, we want to use Apple.Core and Apple.Gamekit packages. Cloned the project from Built the package using Unity 2020.3.33f1 In the Unity Editor, used Windows > Package Manager and added both packages from the tarball. No errors; all looks good. 5, Built & Run the project and installed the game on an iPhone 13 device. 6. Once the game starts, we see the following errors, and the game quits. Errors: '/private/preboot/Cryptexes/OS/usr/lib/swift/AppleCoreNative.framework/AppleCoreNative' (no such file), '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/0CF8E689-36C1-4AA6-9CF6-1E078EC1A3FB/' (no such file), '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/0CF8E689-36C1-4AA6-9CF6-1E078EC1A3FB/' (no such file), '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/0CF8E689-36C1-4AA6-9CF6-1E078EC1A3FB/' (no such file), '/System/Library/Frameworks/AppleCoreNative.framework/AppleCoreNative' (no such file, not in dyld cache) Anyone, please help us to resolve the above issue?
Aug ’23
XCode build fail when add Apple.GameKit plugin for Unity: Undefined symbol
I have a Unity project, after setting up Apple.Gamekit plugin, it show up some error when build with XCode: ld: warning: arm64 function not 4-byte aligned: _unwind_tester from /Users/mac/Documents/Bonex/BoneX_demo1/iOSBuild_demo2/Libraries/libiPhone-lib.a(unwind_test_arm64.o) Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: "_GKLocalPlayer_Authenticate", referenced from: _GKLocalPlayer_GKLocalPlayer_Authenticate_mA13EED25E9E6BC8EAA0DE8E36D389AC904B41435 in Apple.GameKit.o (maybe you meant: _GKLocalPlayer_GKLocalPlayer_Authenticate_mA13EED25E9E6BC8EAA0DE8E36D389AC904B41435, _GKLocalPlayer_Authenticate_m3BBD62A177560D3F93691F97581B484A6EBA0836 ) "_GKLocalPlayer_GetIsMultiplayerGamingRestricted", referenced from: _GKLocalPlayer_GKLocalPlayer_GetIsMultiplayerGamingRestricted_m347F15CBE262C877190B5C7F4B55AFAD595705D5 in Apple.GameKit.o (maybe you meant: _GKLocalPlayer_GKLocalPlayer_GetIsMultiplayerGamingRestricted_m347F15CBE262C877190B5C7F4B55AFAD595705D5) "_GKLocalPlayer_GetIsPersonalizedCommunicationRestricted", referenced from: _GKLocalPlayer_GKLocalPlayer_GetIsPersonalizedCommunicationRestricted_mB1E3D7AE957AAA19E6ABBDCDEAD9821B09EB1DC1 in Apple.GameKit.o (maybe you meant: _GKLocalPlayer_GKLocalPlayer_GetIsPersonalizedCommunicationRestricted_mB1E3D7AE957AAA19E6ABBDCDEAD9821B09EB1DC1) "_GKLocalPlayer_GetIsUnderage", referenced from: _GKLocalPlayer_GKLocalPlayer_GetIsUnderage_mF266E6F8AA10922F3B02ED3A877D3C403EA46045 in Apple.GameKit.o (maybe you meant: _GKLocalPlayer_GKLocalPlayer_GetIsUnderage_mF266E6F8AA10922F3B02ED3A877D3C403EA46045) "_NSError_Free", referenced from: _NSError_NSError_Free_m0AFB1ED4BF090D6E5276479A1F53680D4FD47A4A in Apple.Core.o (maybe you meant: _NSError_NSError_Free_m0AFB1ED4BF090D6E5276479A1F53680D4FD47A4A) ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) The plugin I added, which is provided by Apple: My : build appunityplugin used 2020.3.33f1 XCode to version 14.3.1 Please help! Thank you!!!
Aug ’23
Core Haptics Unity Errors In Xcode
I am trying to get the Apple Core Haptics plug-in to work with Unity but am having issues when I try to build the project. I created a completely blank project with just the Core and CoreHaptics plug-ins installed. I then put in a single script (below) which is a replication of the script shared in the WWDC22 video on this subject. Then when I try to build and run that project I get a series of “Undefined symbol:” errors in Xcode. These effect the CoreHaptics, UIFeedbackGenerator frameworks. If I remove the script and just build an empty project with Core and CoreHaptics installed the build runs successfully. What am I doing wrong or missing that is causing these errors? using Apple.CoreHaptics; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine; public class Haptics : MonoBehaviour { private CHHapticEngine _hapticEngine; private CHHapticPatternPlayer _hapticPlayer; [SerializeField] private AHAPAsset _hapticAsset; private void PrepareHaptics() { _hapticEngine = new CHHapticEngine(); _hapticEngine.Start(); _hapticPlayer = _hapticEngine.MakePlayer(_hapticAsset.GetPattern()); } private void Play() { _hapticPlayer.Start(); } }
Sep ’23
GKLocalPlayer.FetchItems BAD ACCESS
We are using the Apple Unity plugin (Gamekit) to authorize players, using a Game Center account. To get player info we run a task from the plugin, var fetchItemsResponse = await GKLocalPlayer.Local.FetchItems(); But when this code run, there is an error in Xcode. The error is the following, Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=257, address=0x2) MacOS 12.5 Monterey Unity 2021.3.4f1 XCode 14.2 AppleCore Unity Package - 1.0.2 AppleGameKit Unity Package - 1.0.3 Crashes when calling FetchItems in Unity Installed in iPhone XR (iOS 15.2.1)
Oct ’23
Is it possible to make Unity iOS App into iOS widget extension?
HELLO WORLD! I am currently developing an amazing Unity mini Game. The game development has come to the deploying stage. Using Unity allows me to deploy this game on MacOS, iOS, Android and Windows which is fantastic . However, I really need this game to have the iOS widget extension as a key feature on mobile. Just like the "Steve" dinosaur game which can be played in widget. I had seen a lot of tutorials and youtube videos but still cant find a solution which make Unity iOS app into a widget. If I really want to make widget Game on iOS, do I need to develop the whole game all over again in xcode or using GameKit? Really hoping there's a way to simply convert the Unity iOS app into a widget.
Oct ’23