Passkeys in iCloud Keychain

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Use public-key-based credentials using the WebAuthn standard that are synced with iCloud Keychain.

Posts under Passkeys in iCloud Keychain tag

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Safari freezes when using Passkey when devTools are opened
I see that on some sites (possibly many) the passkeys verification freezes when devtools are opening. I tried to debug and see that it hangs in navigator.credentials.get. STR: Go to Enter random username and click Next Enter password and click Next Create a Passkey. Sign out. Select USE ONE BUTTON SIGN-IN INSTEAD Open dev tools. Try to Sign in with passkey. Expected result: User successfully logged in - technically navigator.credentials.get returns credentials. Actual Result: navigator.credentials.get stucks in infinite loading and nothing happened - no any errors. My assertion options looks like: { "challenge": "K8WztCaAZM5-ST7r198F6UD4iLZ09IINHSiDJBgHHq4", "allowCredentials": [], "timeout": 60000, "userVerification": "preferred", "rpId": "" } In source code on this demo site the code options.allowCredentials = []; <---- breakpoint hit here // Invoke WebAuthn get const cred = await navigator.credentials.get({ publicKey: options, // Request a conditional UI mediation: conditional ? 'conditional' : 'optional' }); const credential = {}; <---- breakpoint NOT hit here (after removing breakpoint above and after macOS touch ID is completed)
ASAuthorization Errors (1001, 1004) Consistently Preventing Passkey Registration on iOS 17.5.1
Hi Apple Developer Community, I'm encountering a persistent issue with Passkey registration on certain iOS devices running iOS 17.5.1. Specifically, the registration process consistently fails with either ASAuthorizationError 1001 (ASAuthorizationErrorCanceled) or ASAuthorizationError 1004 (ASAuthorizationErrorNotHandled). Details: Devices: iPhone SE (2nd generation), iPhone 13 Pro OS: iOS 17.5.1 Errors: ASAuthorizationError 1001, ASAuthorizationError 1004 I've followed Apple's guidelines for implementing Passkeys and verified that the devices meet the necessary requirements PS: During Apple's App Review process, the reviewer has encountered a consistent issue with Passkey registration failing with ASAuthorizationError 1001 or 1004. However, in our extensive internal testing with 75 users, we have not been able to replicate this issue We are seeking assistance from the Apple Review team to investigate the cause of this issue, as it is currently blocking our app's approval
Application with identifier <App Bundle> is not associated with domain <>
I am implementing passkeys for my Project. We hosted apple-app-site-association file in 2 different sites for my project maintenance. One is with and another is In Xcode adding each of them and testing individually. It's working good at first site and throwing error for second one like below Application with identifier <> is not associated with domain <>
Jun ’24
passkey attestation blob in registration response
Hello, Is it correct that right now when any passkey-provider prepares the passkey registration ceremony response with attestation, iOS strips off the attestation before handing over response-assertion to the client. Does this stripping off of attestation have to do anything with the BS and BE flags that are populated by passkey-provider ? Meaning, is it correct statement that iOS removes the attestation blob from the response if the BE and BS flags are set to zero ??
Passkey autofill doesn't require biometric or code to autofill
"ASCredentialProviderViewController" class was implemented in my password manager to autofill password for the app clients. I've added passkey support recently but biometric/code authentication is not asked by the system when the user tries to sign in with a passkey thanks to "provideCredentialWithoutUserInteraction(for credentialRequest: ASCredentialRequest)". For passwords: extensionContext.completeRequest(withSelectedCredential: ASPasswordCredential(), completionHandler: nil) -> Does trigger biometric/code authentication For passkeys: extensionContext.completeAssertionRequest(using: ASPasskeyAssertionCredential()) -> Does NOT trigger biometric/code authentication => Why authentication is managed by the system for password but not for passkeys ? And how to fix that?
App site association failing occasionally
Hello all - we have enabled our app users to create and sign in using their passkey. However - for some users, we get a NSLocalizedFailure reason exception that the app is not associated with the domain. We have ensured that the endpoint /.well-known/apple-app-site-association isnt blocking any requests. Like I said before, 90% of our users are able to successfully create and sign in with their passkey but we receive the above error for the remaining 10%. Any suggestions/guidance on how we can resolve this would be helpful and greatly appreciated. Thank you.