Hi! We are developing an authentication plugin for macOS that integrates with the system's authentication flow. The plugin is designed to prompt the user for approval via a push notification in our app before allowing access. The plugin is added as the first mechanism in the authenticate rule, followed by the default builtin:authenticate as a fallback.
When the system requests authentication (e.g., during screen unlock), our plugin successfully displays the custom UI and sends a push notification to the user's device. However, I've encountered the following issue:
If the user does not approve the push notification within ~30 seconds, the system resets the screen lock (expected behavior).
If the user approves the push notification within approximately 30 seconds but doesn’t start entering their password before the timeout expires, the system still resets the screen lock before they can enter their password, effectively canceling the session.
What I've Tried:
Attempted to imitate mouse movement after the push button was clicked to keep the session active.
Created a display sleep prevention assertion using IOKit to prevent the screen from turning off.
Used the caffeinate command to keep the display and system awake.
Tried setting the result as allow for the authorization request and passing an empty password to prevent the display from turning off.
I also checked the system logs when this issue occurred and found the following messages:
___loginwindow: -[LWScreenLock (Private) askForPasswordSecAgent] | localUser = >timeout
loginwindow: -[LWScreenLock handleUnlockResult:] _block_invoke | ERROR: Unexpected _lockRequestedBy of:7 sleeping screen
loginwindow: SleepDisplay | enter
powerd: Process (loginwindow) is requesting display idle___
These messages suggest that the loginwindow process encounters a timeout condition, followed by the display entering sleep mode. Despite my attempts to prevent this behavior, the screen lock still resets prematurely.
Is there a documented (or undocumented) system timeout for the entire authentication flow during screen unlock that I cannot override?
Are there any strategies for pausing or extending the authentication timeout to allow for complex authentication flows like push notifications?
Any guidance or insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Security Interface
RSS for tagThe Security Interface framework is a set of Objective-C classes that provide user interface elements for programs that implement security features.
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I am creating a custom login window, so I am using SFAuthorizationpluginView, here I want to hide Submit Arrow botton which gets displayed beside username and password text feild
, is there a way to hide this, please suggest.
I am developing a sample authorization plugin to sync the user’s local password to the network password. During the process, I prompt the user to enter both their old and new passwords in custom plugin. After the user enters the information, I use the following code to sync the passwords:
try record.changePassword(oldPssword, toPassword: newPassword)
However, I have noticed that this is clearing all saved keychain information, such as web passwords and certificates. Is it expected behavior for record.changePassword to clear previously stored keychain data?
If so, how can I overcome this issue and ensure the keychain information is preserved while syncing the password?
Thank you for your help!
I have Authorisation Plugin which talks using XPC to my Launch Daemon to perform privileged actions.
I want to protect my XPC service narrowing it to be called from known trusted clients.
Now since I want authorisation plugin code which is from apple to call my service, I cannot use my own team id or app group here.
I am currently banking on following properties of client connection.
Apple Team ID : EQHXZ8M8AV
Bundle ID starting with com.apple.
Client signature verified By Apple.
This is what I have come up with.
func isClientTrusted(connection: NSXPCConnection) -> Bool {
let clientPID = connection.processIdentifier
logInfo("🔍 Checking XPC Client - PID: \(clientPID)")
var secCode: SecCode?
var secStaticCode: SecStaticCode?
let attributes = [kSecGuestAttributePid: clientPID] as NSDictionary
let status = SecCodeCopyGuestWithAttributes(nil, attributes, [], &secCode)
guard status == errSecSuccess, let code = secCode else {
logInfo("Failed to get SecCode for PID \(clientPID)")
return false
let staticStatus = SecCodeCopyStaticCode(code, [], &secStaticCode)
guard staticStatus == errSecSuccess, let staticCode = secStaticCode else {
logInfo("Failed to get SecStaticCode")
return false
var signingInfo: CFDictionary?
let signingStatus = SecCodeCopySigningInformation(staticCode, SecCSFlags(rawValue: kSecCSSigningInformation), &signingInfo)
guard signingStatus == errSecSuccess, let info = signingInfo as? [String: Any] else {
logInfo("Failed to retrieve signing info")
return false
// Extract and Verify Team ID
if let teamID = info["teamid"] as? String {
logInfo("XPC Client Team ID: \(teamID)")
if teamID != "EQHXZ8M8AV" { // Apple's official Team ID
logInfo("Client is NOT signed by Apple")
return false
} else {
logInfo("Failed to retrieve Team ID")
return false
// Verify Bundle ID Starts with "com.apple."
if let bundleID = info["identifier"] as? String {
logInfo("XPC Client Bundle ID: \(bundleID)")
if !bundleID.hasPrefix("com.apple.") {
logInfo("Client is NOT an Apple system process")
return false
} else {
logInfo("Failed to retrieve Bundle Identifier")
return false
// Verify Apple Code Signature Trust
var trustRequirement: SecRequirement?
let trustStatus = SecRequirementCreateWithString("anchor apple" as CFString, [], &trustRequirement)
guard trustStatus == errSecSuccess, let trust = trustRequirement else {
logInfo("Failed to create trust requirement")
return false
let verifyStatus = SecStaticCodeCheckValidity(staticCode, [], trust)
if verifyStatus != errSecSuccess {
logInfo("Client's signature is NOT trusted by Apple")
return false
logInfo("Client is fully verified as Apple-trusted")
return true
Q: Just wanted community feedback, is this correct approach?
I am developing an Authorisation Plugin which talks to Launch daemons over XPC.
Above is working neat, now I have to decide on how to get it installed on a machine.
Installation requires.
Plugin Installation
Launch Daemon Installation
Both require
Moving binary and text (.plist) file into privileged system managed directory.
Firing install/load commands as root (sudo).
I have referred this post BSD Privilege Escalation on macOS, but I am still not clear how to approach this.
Q: My requirement is:
I can use .pkg builder and install via script, however I have some initialisation task that needs to be performed. User will enter some details talk to a remote server and get some keys, all goes well restarts the system and my authorisation plugin will welcome him and get him started.
If I cannot perform initialisation I will have to do it post restart on login screen which I want to avoid if possible.
I tried unconventional way of using AppleScript from a SwiftUI application to run privileged commands, I am fine if it prompts for admin credentials, but it did not work.
I don't want that I do something and when approving it from Apple it gets rejected.
Basically, how can I provide some GUI to do initialisation during installation or may be an app which helps in this.
Q: Please also guide if I am doing elevated actions, how will it affect app distribution mechanism. In Read Me for EvenBetterAuthorizationSample I read it does.
I am developing an Authorization plugin for macOS that should be invoked when a user unlocks their device from the lock screen. Based on advice from the other threads in these forums, I have understood that:
The plugin needs to use SFAuthorizationPluginView
The auth db entries to modify are system.login.screensaver and authenticate
I found the NameAndPassword sample and after making some tweaks to it was able to get it to work from screensaver unlock.
I am trying to add Webview-based authentication to the plugin, but have not had any success. The plugin window's width does not change (though the height does) and only a small portion of the HTML gets rendered. Is Webview-based authentication supported with SFAuthorizationPluginView? Are there any alternatives?
I am developing a MacOS Authorisation Plugin, I have username and password entry items and utilising SFAuthorizationPluginView to display that. I am able to do so.
Requirement is I have to store ed25519 private key in PEM format in System Keychain as I need to read this entry before login to sign a request to a remote server.
I only want my authorisation plugin to access this private key in System Keychain.
I am looking up resources on the internet but I could not find specific to macOS Authorisation plugin, many are specific to iOS and some point at using entitlements and app group, but I doubt that applies to macOS authorisation plugin.
I'll really appreciate if some pointers are shared how can I store a private credential in System Keychain so that it can be used by only my plugin only, and this is before I have logged into the system.
I am developing a custom authorization plugin for macOS, and I’ve encountered an issue where the auth plugin view remains visible on the home screen for a few seconds after login.
Issue Details:
After entering valid credentials, I call setResult(.allow) in my plugin to proceed with login.
The authentication succeeds, and macOS starts transitioning to the home screen.
However, for a few seconds after login, the authorization plugin view is still visible on the home screen before it disappears.
I have observed this issue even when using Apple's sample authorization plugin.
This issue occurs without an external monitor (on a single built-in display).
If I manually close the plugin window inside Destroy(AuthPlugin.mechanism), then the auth plugin views do not appear on the home screen, which seems to fix the issue.
However, when I do this, a gray screen appears for about a second before the desktop environment fully loads.
I suspect that the gray screen appears due to the time macOS takes to fully load the home screen environment after login.
Why does the authorization plugin view persist on the home screen for a few seconds after login?
Is manually closing the plugin window in Destroy(AuthPlugin.mechanism) the correct way to prevent this, or is there a better approach?
Is my assumption that the gray screen appears due to the home screen not being fully loaded correct?
If the gray screen is caused by home screen loading, is there a system notification or event I can listen to in order to know when the home screen has fully loaded?
Hello --
I am developing an Authentication Plug-in for the purpose of invoking login with no user interaction (headless).
There seems to be sufficient documentation and sample code on how to implement a plug-in and mechanism, and debug the same, which is great. What I am trying to understand is exactly how to modify the login right (system.login.console) in order to accomplish my goal.
Question 1:
I had the idea of installing my mechanism as the first mechanism of the login right, and when invoked to set the username and password into the engine’s context, in the belief that this would negate the system from needing to display the login screen. I didn’t modify or remove any other mechanisms. This did not work, in the sense that the login screen was still shown. Should this work in theory?
Question 2:
I then tried modifying the login right to remove anything that interacted with the user, leaving only the following:
<string>builtin:auto-login,privileged</string> <string>MyAuthPlugin:customauth,privileged</string>
The mechanisms I removed were:
In place of builtin:authenticate I supplied my own mechanism to verify the user’s password using OD and then set the username and password in the context. This attempt appears to have failed quite badly, as authd reported an error almost immediately (I believe it was related to the AuthEngine failing to init).
There’s very little information to go on as to what each of these mechanisms do, and which are required, etc.
Am I on the wrong track in attempting this? What would be the correct approach?
I am working on Authorisation Plugin for Mac OS X and able to get going for most of the parts and taking inspiration from Jamf Authorisation Plugin repo https://github.com/jamf/NoMADLogin-AD.
I have seen in project they are implementing logic for following.
Connecting to Wifi
Power management (Sleep, Restart, Power Off)
Question: I was wondering these things need to be implemented or is there a way some components from Mac OS X could be integrated calling some API and I don't have to implement them and I see say a top bar where these items are viable as we see in default login screen.
I have developed my own login screen and I do see it is all blank everything I have to implement from scratch.
Trying luck here if any API is out there to reduce work, else no option but to implement all logic.
I'll really appreciate if someone just could help me know such API's are present or not. In case there are will save lot of effort.
I have developed framework and want to use this framework in authplugin which added on same project in different target
That plugin target is working fine without framework, once I am adding framework the authplugin is not working
Auth-plugin I am using to change in screen-saver plist
I'm building a tool for admins in the enterprise context. The app needs to do some things as root, such as executing a script.
I was hoping to implement a workflow where the user clicks a button, then will be shown the authentication prompt, enter the credentials and then execute the desired action. However, I couldn't find a way to implement this. AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges looked promising, but that's deprecated since 10.7.
I've now tried to use a launch daemon that's contained in the app bundle with XPC, but that seems overly complicated and has several downsides (daemon with global machservice and the approval of a launch daemon suggests to the user that something's always running in the background). Also I'd like to stream the output of the executed scripts in real time back to the UI which seems very complicated to implement in this fashion.
Is there a better way to enable an app to perform authorized privilege escalation for certain actions? What about privileged helper tools? I couldn't find any documentation about them. I know privilege escalation is not allowed in the App Store, but that's not relevant for us.
Is there a way to unlock login keychain without using password and with any other authentication factor supported by 3rd party MFA options?
I've got a few questions about device check, and would be grateful if anybody knows the answers:
why is DC not reset when the device transfers between users?
The canonical example of why an app might use DC is if it offers a promotion and to stop user's from getting that promotion multiple times.
However, using the same example scenario yes you've stopped the first user from getting multiple promotions but then if that device is transferred to another user you've stopped them from getting any promotions at all?
how can you test things when the bits can't be reset? If once you've set the bits on a device then you can no longer ever use that device again to test the apps behavior in the situation when the bits are unset.
does the app have complete freedom to set the timestamp to whatever it wants? For example, could the app set a bit with a timestamp of epoch?
if the bits are shared between all apps from the same developer, then supposing that developer have more apps in the App Store then there are bits? If they have 5 apps offering a promotion and a device has previously had 4 apps installed, then the user wants to install a 5th app, but with all 4 bits now then the user will be able to abuse the promotion on the 5th app because the app has no way of recording if the promo has been used or not as the collective bits have been used up?
When we enable 3rd party authentication plugin using SFAuthorization window, and during unlock the screen, we have observed the widgets are not showing the content.
Attaching the screenshot for reference.
We are noticing this behavior from macOS 14.7.1 and macOS 15
Hi everyone,
I’m working on building a passwordless login system on macOS using the NameAndPassword module. As part of the implementation, I’m verifying if the password provided by the user is correct before passing it to the macOS login window.
Here’s the code snippet I’m using for authentication:
// Create Authorization reference
AuthorizationRef authorization = NULL;
// Define Authorization items
AuthorizationItem items[2];
items[0].name = kAuthorizationEnvironmentPassword;
items[0].value = (void *)password;
items[0].valueLength = (password != NULL) ? strlen(password) : 0;
items[0].flags = 0;
items[1].name = kAuthorizationEnvironmentUsername;
items[1].value = (void *)userName;
items[1].valueLength = (userName != NULL) ? strlen(userName) : 0;
items[1].flags = 0;
// Prepare AuthorizationRights and AuthorizationEnvironment
AuthorizationRights rights = {2, items};
AuthorizationEnvironment environment = {2, items};
// Create the authorization reference
[Logger debug:@"Authorization creation start"];
OSStatus createStatus = AuthorizationCreate(NULL, &environment, kAuthorizationFlagDefaults, &authorization);
if (createStatus != errAuthorizationSuccess) {
[Logger debug:@"Authorization creation failed"];
return false;
// Set authorization flags (disable interaction)
AuthorizationFlags flags = kAuthorizationFlagDefaults | kAuthorizationFlagExtendRights;
// Attempt to copy rights
OSStatus status = AuthorizationCopyRights(authorization, &rights, &environment, flags, NULL);
// Free the authorization reference
if (authorization) {
AuthorizationFree(authorization, kAuthorizationFlagDefaults);
// Log the result and return
if (status == errAuthorizationSuccess) {
[Logger debug:@"Authentication passed"];
return true;
} else {
[Logger debug:@"Authentication failed"];
return false;
This implementation works perfectly when the password is correct. However, if the password is incorrect, it tries to re-call the macOS login window, which is already open. even i though i did not used the kAuthorizationFlagInteractionAllowed flag. This causes the process to get stuck and makes it impossible to proceed.
I’ve tried logging the flow to debug where things go wrong, but I haven’t been able to figure out how to stop the system from re-calling the login window.
Does anyone know how to prevent this looping behavior or gracefully handle an incorrect password in this scenario? I’d appreciate any advice or suggestions to resolve this issue.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Hello developers,
I'm currently working on an authorization plugin for macOS. I have a custom UI implemented using SFAuthorizationPluginView, which prompts the user to input their password. The plugin is running in non-privileged mode, and I want to store the password securely in the system keychain.
However, I came across an article that states the system keychain can only be accessed in privileged mode. At the same time, I read that custom UIs, like mine, cannot be displayed in privileged mode.
This presents a dilemma:
In non-privileged mode: I can show my custom UI but can't access the system keychain.
In privileged mode: I can access the system keychain but can't display my custom UI.
Is there any workaround to achieve both? Can I securely store the password in the system keychain while still using my custom UI, or am I missing something here?
Any advice or suggestions are highly appreciated!
Thanks in advance! 😊
I have a certificate, how can I display the certificate content in my Mac app just like Keychain Access app does. Can I popup the certificate content dialog just like Keychain Access app?
Hi ,
I did The MFA(2FA) of Email OTP For MacOS Login Screen using, Authorization Plugin, Using This git hub project. It is working For Login Screen , Im trying to Add The Same plugin for LockScreen but it is not working at lock Screen , Below is the reffrense theard For The issue ,
please Share The Code that should Present the NSwindow at Screen Saver (Lock Screen) MacOS .
I'm developing an SDK that will allow iOS devices (iOS 13+) to connect to AWS IoT Core using Native C. The endpoint requires a mutual TLS handshake to connect. I have been able to successfully import a Certificate and Private Key into the keychain but am unable to generate a SecIdentityRef from them for use in setting up a nw_protocol_options_t. I've looked through other forum posts and have been unable to figure out what's going on (Some are from 5+ years ago and maybe things have changed since then).
After prepping the raw data for the cert and key into expected formats I import the certificate:
const void *add_keys[] = {
kSecReturnRef };
const void *add_values[] = {
kCFBooleanTrue };
attributes = CFDictionaryCreate(
status = SecItemAdd(attributes, (CFTypeRef *)out_certificate);
Next I import the private key:
const void *add_keys[] = {
kSecReturnRef };
const void *add_values[] = {
kCFBooleanTrue };
attributes = CFDictionaryCreate(
status = SecItemAdd(attributes, (CFTypeRef *)out_private_key);
The full code handles duplicate items in which case attributes are updated. Following the successful import of the cert and key to the keychain, I attempt to retrieve the identity with the following:
SecIdentityRef identity = NULL;
CFDictionaryRef query = NULL;
const void *query_keys[] = {
// kSecAttrSerialNumber,
// kSecAttrLabel
const void *query_values[] = {
// cert_serial_data,
// cert_label_ref
query = CFDictionaryCreate(
OSStatus identity_status = SecItemCopyMatching(query, (CFTypeRef *)&identity);
I have attempted using various search parameters related to the label and the serial of the certificate. Based on other forum post suggestions I have also tried expanding the search to kSecMatchLimitAll to get back ANY stored kSecClassIdentity and all variations returned OSStatus of -25300 (errSecItemNotFound). Once I am able to retrieve the SecIdentityRef, my understanding is that I can add it to the following during creation of the socket:
nw_protocol_options_t tls_options = nw_tls_create_options();
sec_protocol_options_t sec_options = nw_tls_copy_sec_protocol_options(tls_options);
sec_protocol_options_set_min_tls_protocol_version(sec_options, tls_protocol_version_TLSv12);
sec_protocol_options_set_max_tls_protocol_version(sec_options, tls_protocol_version_TLSv13);
sec_protocol_options_set_local_identity(sec_options, SecIdentityRef);
Am I missing some step that is required to create an identity from the certificate and private key? I have tested the cert/key pair and they connect properly when using the old deprecated SecItemImport and SecIdentityCreateWithCertificate (on our old macOS only implementation).
I will continue to dig through Apple documentation as well as more forum posts but I feel like I'm hitting a wall and missing something very obvious as this seems like a very common networking task. Thanks!
The provided links below are to the full code related to the work in progress iOS import functions:
Link to import function https://github.com/awslabs/aws-c-io/blob/cad8639ef0ea08ba3cc74b72cfc1c9866adbb7e5/source/darwin/darwin_pki_utils.c#L735
Link to private key import: https://github.com/awslabs/aws-c-io/blob/cad8639ef0ea08ba3cc74b72cfc1c9866adbb7e5/source/darwin/darwin_pki_utils.c#L561
Link to certificate import: https://github.com/awslabs/aws-c-io/blob/cad8639ef0ea08ba3cc74b72cfc1c9866adbb7e5/source/darwin/darwin_pki_utils.c#L398