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Scan documents with the camera on iPhone and iPad devices using VisionKit.

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compareDistance in Vision not working as expected
Hi, When using VNFeaturePrintObservation and then computing the distance using two images, the values that it returns varies heavily. When two identical images (same image file) is inputted into function (below) that I have used to compare the images, the distance does not return 0 while it is expected to, since they are identical images. Also, what is the upper limit of computeDistance? I am trying to find the percentage similarity between the two images. (Of course, this cannot be done unless the issue above is resolved). Code that I have used is below func featureprintObservationForImage(image: UIImage) -> VNFeaturePrintObservation? {     let requestHandler = VNImageRequestHandler(cgImage: image.cgImage!, options: [:])     let request = VNGenerateImageFeaturePrintRequest()     request.usesCPUOnly = true // Simulator Testing     do {       try requestHandler.perform([request])       return request.results?.first as? VNFeaturePrintObservation     } catch {       print("Vision Error: \(error)")       return nil     }   }   func compare(origImg: UIImage, drawnImg: UIImage) -> Float? {     let oImgObservation = featureprintObservationForImage(image: origImg)     let dImgObservation = featureprintObservationForImage(image: drawnImg)     if let oImgObservation = oImgObservation {       if let dImgObservation = dImgObservation {         var distance: Float = -1         do {           try oImgObservation.computeDistance(&distance, to: dImgObservation)         } catch {           fatalError("Failed to Compute Distance")         }         if distance == -1 {           return nil         } else {           return distance         }       } else {         print("Drawn Image Observation found Nil")       }     } else {       print("Original Image Observation found Nil")     }     return nil   } Thanks for all the help!
Sep ’23
Turn physical surface into touchscreen in VisionOS
In VisionOS is it possible to detect when a user is touching a physical surface in the real world and also to project 2D graphics on that surface? So imagine a windowless 2D app that is projected onto a surface, essentially turning a physical wall, table, etc. into a giant touchscreen? So kinda like this: But I want every surface in the room to be touchable and be able to display 2D graphics on the face of that surface and not floating in space. So essentially turning every physical surface in the room into a UIView. Thanks!
Sep ’23
Type 'VNRecognizedPointKey' has no member 'thumbTip'
With the release of Xcode 13, a large section of my vision framework processing code became errors and cannot compile. All of these have became deprecated. This is my original code:  do {       // Perform VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest       try handler.perform([handPoseRequest])       // Continue only when a hand was detected in the frame.       // Since we set the maximumHandCount property of the request to 1, there will be at most one observation.       guard let observation = handPoseRequest.results?.first else {         self.state = "no hand"         return       }       // Get points for thumb and index finger.       let thumbPoints = try observation.recognizedPoints(forGroupKey: .handLandmarkRegionKeyThumb)       let indexFingerPoints = try observation.recognizedPoints(forGroupKey: .handLandmarkRegionKeyIndexFinger)       let middleFingerPoints = try observation.recognizedPoints(forGroupKey: .handLandmarkRegionKeyMiddleFinger)       let ringFingerPoints = try observation.recognizedPoints(forGroupKey: .handLandmarkRegionKeyRingFinger)       let littleFingerPoints = try observation.recognizedPoints(forGroupKey: .handLandmarkRegionKeyLittleFinger)       let wristPoints = try observation.recognizedPoints(forGroupKey: .all)               // Look for tip points.       guard let thumbTipPoint = thumbPoints[.handLandmarkKeyThumbTIP],          let thumbIpPoint = thumbPoints[.handLandmarkKeyThumbIP],          let thumbMpPoint = thumbPoints[.handLandmarkKeyThumbMP],          let thumbCMCPoint = thumbPoints[.handLandmarkKeyThumbCMC] else {         self.state = "no tip"         return       }               guard let indexTipPoint = indexFingerPoints[.handLandmarkKeyIndexTIP],          let indexDipPoint = indexFingerPoints[.handLandmarkKeyIndexDIP],          let indexPipPoint = indexFingerPoints[.handLandmarkKeyIndexPIP],          let indexMcpPoint = indexFingerPoints[.handLandmarkKeyIndexMCP] else {         self.state = "no index"         return       }               guard let middleTipPoint = middleFingerPoints[.handLandmarkKeyMiddleTIP],          let middleDipPoint = middleFingerPoints[.handLandmarkKeyMiddleDIP],          let middlePipPoint = middleFingerPoints[.handLandmarkKeyMiddlePIP],          let middleMcpPoint = middleFingerPoints[.handLandmarkKeyMiddleMCP] else {         self.state = "no middle"         return       }               guard let ringTipPoint = ringFingerPoints[.handLandmarkKeyRingTIP],          let ringDipPoint = ringFingerPoints[.handLandmarkKeyRingDIP],          let ringPipPoint = ringFingerPoints[.handLandmarkKeyRingPIP],          let ringMcpPoint = ringFingerPoints[.handLandmarkKeyRingMCP] else {         self.state = "no ring"         return       }               guard let littleTipPoint = littleFingerPoints[.handLandmarkKeyLittleTIP],          let littleDipPoint = littleFingerPoints[.handLandmarkKeyLittleDIP],          let littlePipPoint = littleFingerPoints[.handLandmarkKeyLittlePIP],          let littleMcpPoint = littleFingerPoints[.handLandmarkKeyLittleMCP] else {         self.state = "no little"         return       }               guard let wristPoint = wristPoints[.handLandmarkKeyWrist] else {         self.state = "no wrist"         return       } ... } Now every line from thumbPoints onwards results in error, I have fixed the first part (not sure if it is correct or not as it cannot compile) to :         let thumbPoints = try observation.recognizedPoints(forGroupKey: VNHumanHandPoseObservation.JointsGroupName.thumb.rawValue)        let indexFingerPoints = try observation.recognizedPoints(forGroupKey: VNHumanHandPoseObservation.JointsGroupName.indexFinger.rawValue)        let middleFingerPoints = try observation.recognizedPoints(forGroupKey: VNHumanHandPoseObservation.JointsGroupName.middleFinger.rawValue)        let ringFingerPoints = try observation.recognizedPoints(forGroupKey: VNHumanHandPoseObservation.JointsGroupName.ringFinger.rawValue)        let littleFingerPoints = try observation.recognizedPoints(forGroupKey: VNHumanHandPoseObservation.JointsGroupName.littleFinger.rawValue)        let wristPoints = try observation.recognizedPoints(forGroupKey: VNHumanHandPoseObservation.JointsGroupName.littleFinger.rawValue) I tried many different things but just could not get the retrieving individual points to work. Can anyone help on fixing this?
Aug ’23
How to gain full control over Apple Vision pro's display and render 2D graph plot on it
How can I achieve full control over Vision Pro's display and effectively render a 2D graph plot on it? I would appreciate guidance on the necessary steps or code snippets. P.s. As per Apple documentation For a more immersive experience, an app can open a dedicated Full Space where only that app’s content will appear. This still does not fulfill the 'flat bounded 2D' requirement as the Spaces provide an unbounded 3D immersive view.
Jul ’23