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Posts under wwdc2023-10114 tag

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sorta Multi-merchant Apple Pay transactions with multiTokenContexts
Hello, all. Development environment: xcode14.3 + iOS16.4 + iphone12 mini When I use multiTokenContexts to complete the multi-merchant payment function, it prompts "Try Different Payment Method". But if I just perform the payment function of a single order, the payment process can be completed normally. So I would like to ask, is there any limitation to use multiTokenContexts? Thank you, looking forward to your reply.
Aug ’23
Tap To Present ID (Data Request) - Possible Without Reader Token/Branding Configuration?
I am attempting to implement the Tap to Present ID (Data Request) feature and am wondering if the Data Request will succeed without a reader token. From the wording in the WWDC video (31:50 in WWDC2023-10114 video), it sounds the reader token is necessary, but the example is building off of the previous MobileDriversLicenseDisplayRequest example where the the reader token was used only for the branding to be displayed. In my app running on Simulator, I'm able to get the placeholder data to return from a MobileDriversLicenseDataRequest without using a reader token. Since I'm unable to test this on physical device (I don't live in a state that has Mobile ID's), I'm hoping an Apple engineer can comment on if the reader token is required strictly for the branding to be presented, and not for the Data Request itself to succeed. Thank you.
Aug ’23
Sample app shows error "ServiceUnavailable" when on real device
On simulator, everything works fine. But when I run on an iOS beta 3 device, the UI simply doesn't change. I just see the one button stay there. Logs show the below upon every click. I know there's the expected System UI with "Hold here to present" based on the simulator, but I can't see it on a real device. Is there some Terms & Conditions thing I should expect, maybe? Please advise. Thanks. . . . [for reference, the below are the error logs in Xcode] An error occurred while reading a mobile document: The operation couldn’t be completed. (ProximityReader.MobileDocumentReaderError error 6.) serviceUnavailable Could not create identity session due to: [ Error Domain=ProximityReader.IdentityReaderErrorInternal Code=15 UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=, code=} ]
Aug ’23