Support HDR images in your app

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Posts under wwdc2023-10181 tag

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UIImageView preferredImageDynamicRange not working
I am trying to display HDR Images (ProRAW) within UIImageView using preferredImageDynamicRange. This was shown in a 2023 WWDC Video let imageView = UIImageView() if #available(iOS 17.0, *) { self.imageView.preferredImageDynamicRange = UIImage.DynamicRange.high } self.imageView.clipsToBounds = true self.imageView.isMultipleTouchEnabled = true self.imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit self.photoScrollView.addSubview(self.imageView) I pull the image from PHImageManager: let options = PHImageRequestOptions() options.deliveryMode = .highQualityFormat options.isNetworkAccessAllowed = true PHImageManager.default().requestImage(for: asset, targetSize: self.targetSize(), contentMode: .aspectFit, options: options, resultHandler: { image, info in guard let image = image else { return } DispatchQueue.main.async { self.imageView.image =image if #available(iOS 17.0, *) { self.imageView.preferredImageDynamicRange = UIImage.DynamicRange.high } } } Issue The image shows successfully, yet not in HDR mode (no bright specular highlights, as seen when the same image ((ProRAW) is pulled on the native camera app. What am I missing here?
Sep ’23
HDR Image capture/conversion
Hello! After recent talk on the WWDC2023 about HDR support and finding this documentation page on Applying Apple HDR effect on photos, I became very interested in the HDR Gain Map format. From documentation page it is clear how we can restore original HDR from SDR and Gain Map representation, but my question is - how from HDR we can convert back to the SDR + Gain Map representation? As I understand right know, conversion from HDR to SDR + Gain Map includes two steps: Tone mapping of HDR for getting correct SDR When we have both HDR and SDR, from equation in the documentation page we can calculate Gain Map Am I correct? If so, what tone mapping algorithm for HDR -> SDR conversion is used right know? Can't find any information about this in the internet:( Would be very grateful for your response!
Sep ’23
iOS17 beta : AVAssetImageGenerator HDR CGImage generation from HDR AVAsset ?
Hi, With iOS17 adding APIs to display and handle HDR images in apps, is the AVAssetImageGenerator supposed to generate CGImages with an HDR color profile (when the AVAsset is an HDR video)? I cannot get it to work, in the simulator or on the device : the colorspace of the CGImage seems to always be kCGColorSpaceModelRGB, no matter how I configure the AVAssetImageGenerator. So the created UIImage is not displayed as an HDR image in a UIImageView (with preferredImageDynamicRange set to UIImageDynamicRangeHigh) Is there another known way to generate an image at a specific time of an AVAsset?
Aug ’23
Display HDR images for PhotoKit assets
In my app I get a UIImage for a PHAsset via PHImageManager.requestImage(for:targetSize:contentMode:options:resultHandler:). I directly display that image in a UIImageView that has preferredImageDynamicRange set to .high. The problem is I do not see the high dynamic range. I see the HDRDemo23 sample code uses PhotosPicker to get a UIImage from Data through UIImageReader whose config enables prefersHighDynamicRange. Is there a way to support HDR when using the Photos APIs to request display images? And is there support for PHLivePhoto displayed in PHLivePhotoView retrieved via PHImageManager.requestLivePhoto?
Apr ’24