Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program

Hey guys

I’ve been trying to pay for Apple Developer Program enrollment for about a week and still no luck. As well as I got from a small talk with the customer support – Apple never got my money. So it seems like my payment authorization fails all the time. But I don’t know what’s really going on.

Have any of you ever had issues like that?

Or maybe you just know what’s going on and how to fix it?

Answered by Apple Developer Support in 626670022
We do accept Russian credit cards to pay for the Apple Developer Program. If you've been unable to complete your order, please reach out to Apple Developer Program Support for assistance. Please note that you may be asked to provide verification details as part of the order completion process. We appreciate your understanding and apologize for any inconvenience.

I was able to get around this by paying on 5G instead of wifi


im replying to everyone that has an issue and hopefully it works for you guys!! If it works for you SHARE AND COMENT FOR EVERYONE ELSE. Here is my quick story of what i did!

So just like everyone else i was trying to register for an account.. I have been TRYING FOR 16 HOURS NONSTOP! It kept declining for some reason. Then i called my bank, and just like everyone else, the bank said there is nothing wrong and that i should be able to process the payment. So after about 46 attempts (litterally 46! I counted) i started reading the forum posts on google about developer accounts AND LITERALLY EVERYONE IS HAVING THIS SAME PESKY ERROR! i noticed some of the people who posted were out of the country.. So i put two and two together and tried to deduce why this is happening. What i came up wirh is that maybe, apple is not recognizing my adress and thinking it is in another country all though i put USA. MAYBE because of how it is formatted maybe it cant verify the adress. So i tried ONE FINAL LAST TIME AND IT WORKED!!

So APPLE abd my bank was RIGHT!! It was nothing they could do because the info we are entering is WRONG!

heres what i did:

The adress is was entering was 1034 3/4 e normandy dr, rosemesd, ca 91776


The issue was that apple DOES NOT RECOGNIZE THESE ADRESSES so if you have a wierd adress like mine put in the adress WITHOUT the 3/4. or if u have a wierd adress try to shorten the adress. It is ok if it is not the exact same as on the card!! TRY DIFFERENT COMBINARIONS FOR YOU ADRESS.. I TRIED (3/4) that didint work, then i tried 34 and that didint work but once i deleted it completely it worked like a charm! :

SOLUTION 2: Another thing is i did was NOT PUT MY APARTMENT NUMBER. apple has a hard time recognizing that as well. So if you are putting the apartment number,, try WITHOUT IT.

SOLUTION 3: try to spell the city name all the way out. If that dosent work try to abbreviate. Try different combinations.

SOLUTION 4 If all else fails, TRY A CARD WITH SOMEONE ELSES NAME. i tried this (my moms card) i put in all of her info and it went through! Success! Im sure you guys can find a friend or family member to give u money and u can just give them the money back.

If you guys have more issues or can't do it, let me know!! I really hope this helps! REMEMBER TO PASS THE WORD AROUND IF THIS HELPS YOU.


im replying to everyone that has an issue and hopefully it works for you guys!! If it works for you SHARE AND COMENT FOR EVERYONE ELSE. Here is my quick story of what i did!

So just like everyone else i was trying to register for an account.. I have been TRYING FOR 16 HOURS NONSTOP! It kept declining for some reason. Then i called my bank, and just like everyone else, the bank said there is nothing wrong and that i should be able to process the payment. So after about 46 attempts (litterally 46! I counted) i started reading the forum posts on google about developer accounts AND LITERALLY EVERYONE IS HAVING THIS SAME PESKY ERROR! i noticed some of the people who posted were out of the country.. So i put two and two together and tried to deduce why this is happening. What i came up wirh is that maybe, apple is not recognizing my adress and thinking it is in another country all though i put USA. MAYBE because of how it is formatted maybe it cant verify the adress. So i tried ONE FINAL LAST TIME AND IT WORKED!!

So APPLE abd my bank was RIGHT!! It was nothing they could do because the info we are entering is WRONG!

heres what i did:

The adress is was entering was 1034 3/4 e normandy dr, rosemesd, ca 91776


The issue was that apple DOES NOT RECOGNIZE THESE ADRESSES so if you have a wierd adress like mine put in the adress WITHOUT the 3/4. or if u have a wierd adress try to shorten the adress. It is ok if it is not the exact same as on the card!! TRY DIFFERENT COMBINARIONS FOR YOU ADRESS.. I TRIED (3/4) that didint work, then i tried 34 and that didint work but once i deleted it completely it worked like a charm! :

SOLUTION 2: Another thing is i did was NOT PUT MY APARTMENT NUMBER. apple has a hard time recognizing that as well. So if you are putting the apartment number,, try WITHOUT IT.

SOLUTION 3: try to spell the city name all the way out. If that dosent work try to abbreviate. Try different combinations.

SOLUTION 4 If all else fails, TRY A CARD WITH SOMEONE ELSES NAME. i tried this (my moms card) i put in all of her info and it went through! Success! Im sure you guys can find a friend or family member to give u money and u can just give them the money back.

If you guys have more issues or can't do it, let me know!! I really hope this helps! REMEMBER TO PASS THE WORD AROUND IF THIS HELPS YOU.

I had the same problem a month ago, I tried with more than 10 bank cards and using Mac and Safari but to no avail, I have 45 apps on the store I worked on for 6 years and our lives currently depend on this account! I contacted the help department more than once and I did not find a solution, what should I do please?

Pls i have also been having issues with this for an app since december 2021. Wanted to find out if this has been taken care of as i just requested for another account enrollment

We are unable to process your request. An unknown error occurred.

i'm trying to create an apple developer account and i'm getting this response. please help me understand what "An unknown error occurred." means as its not helpful to me.

please help me get the account up and running

I am also getting the same error while create account for the first time from pakistan. It shows this error when i accept terms and condition after account type as personal.

Same here. UK Barclays and HSBC debit card. I can't pay!

Eu realmente nao entendo, porque uma empresa tao grande com um problema tao bobo. deveria no minimo ter uma documentacao explicando sobre o problema e como corrigir...

Hello everyone, I’m in the states and am experiencing the same issue. It seems as though due to too many failed attempts ( that never hit my cards) I’m permanently blocked from having an account. Every response I get is the same script with no explanation. Is there criteria one has to meet that I may not have met? Does this flag my Apple ID in their systems now? I’m so frustrated because I’ve been learning for years and now am ready to start developing, just to have my dreams shot down, seemingly without cause. If anyone can explain to me what might’ve happened besides the payment thing, I’d be so grateful. Thanks :)

Well I am relieved to know that I am not the only one having the same issue. I have also tried different credit cards and even a debit card but none would go through. Has anyone tried using the developer app to complete the enrollment?

I am currently having the same issue. I tried 4 different cards, and it has been a month and I still cannot get a payment to them. This is extremely frustrating.


I faced the issue today, tried making payment from the browser with 5 different cards, all kept failing.

Then outta curiosity i downloaded the Apple developer app from AppStore to mac, then updated my Payment Method to UPI (only Net Banking and UPI available for india) then i renewed the Membership from the Apple Developer app it self. And it worked. Payment went through, membership renewed.

I was having similar issues which, in my case, appear to have been caused by connecting through a VPN. After disconnecting and going through again, everything worked fine.

I’ve been tearing my hair out with exactly this problem since iOS 16 was announced.

I’ve called and emailed Apple without resolution since the WDDC at the beginning of June 2022 😡

I’m now thinking of buying a “full fat” 2023 MacBook Pro 16 (M2 Max) for nearly £7K, but there’s no way I’ll spend this much on an Apple laptop without being able to join the Dev programme 🤷

Im facing this problem as well.. Im on Safari.. and Im sure my card works with everything, like Facebook, Matterport, and ManyChat.. I would like to know why this problem is occurring.. and Im from Myanmar

I think I found the solution to the problem! Go into your Apple ID settings and update your payment card to reflect the card that you are trying to make the payment with. Make sure all of the info is correct and matches identically. I also updated my shipping info to reflect that address associated with the same card. i did that after about 100 rejects to the payment authorization. Hope it works!!!

OMG, I literally have the same problem. And I have called、emailed apple developer support team for several times for two weeks, but only one result: "Due to one or multiple reason balablabalabala......" We Seriously Need To Let Apple See This Problem mate!!!!!!!

I use this to correct the problem. I think that the problem is the direction of your account, it must be EXACTLY the same as your state account. So: 1, download your latest state account. 2, when you are going to pay in the Apple developers Program, clic edit your information. 3, for me it was in ALL CAPS 4, for me, don't use the department opcional 5, for me, I use the same email and cel that is registered with bank 6, pray for work

Note: I use the same account to add funds in the Apple ID, the charge is made by APPLE.COM/BILL and it works with "wrong" billing information. but when you try to charge in the Apple Developer Program, is charged as APPLE ONLINE STORE, and it has to be the EXACT information as your bank statement. I hope it helps you. Im from Mexico, and excuse my English. Good Luck.

Same problem here. UK residency, UK bank card


same issue here in Indonesia

Same issue here...

same issue! is anyone find solution? customer support do not reply my mails... :(

I had the same problem with renewing my membership and what worked for me is using Developer app from AppStore. After logging in, I managed to renew the membership from Account tab, which triggered In App Purchase subscription and payment worked without problems.

Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program