Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program

Hey guys

I’ve been trying to pay for Apple Developer Program enrollment for about a week and still no luck. As well as I got from a small talk with the customer support – Apple never got my money. So it seems like my payment authorization fails all the time. But I don’t know what’s really going on.

Have any of you ever had issues like that?

Or maybe you just know what’s going on and how to fix it?

Answered by Apple Developer Support in 626670022
We do accept Russian credit cards to pay for the Apple Developer Program. If you've been unable to complete your order, please reach out to Apple Developer Program Support for assistance. Please note that you may be asked to provide verification details as part of the order completion process. We appreciate your understanding and apologize for any inconvenience.

Having the same issue here in Brazil,

Several attempts, since february, 4 - No success at all!!

Same issue. I'm in the U.S. Tried 5 different U.S credit cards and none of them worked. Called and email Apple Support, useless.

Could anyone who succeeded provide some guide?

I tried but still didn't work. Did you wait for the transaction of random app cleared (pending --> clear, the credit card), then paid the $99 annual fee?

Already provided solution in the above messsage.

you need to verify credit card, so do not remove credit card information after purchasing random app. Buy rendom app then pay $99 for account.

First, this is nonsense. Second, we tried, it didn't.

It look nonsense to you. but it works for me. i renewed 2 accounts using this method and purchased 2 new accounts. 1 via wire transfer.

i don't know the apple allow me to share store link in this forum. if you want store links i can share them with you.

I agree with maski. This is nonsense. i tried, it didn't.

I'm having exactly the same problem. I used 2 different debit cards and 1 credit card but no luck. I contacted Apple Tech support they said "We have been unable to obtain payment for your recent Apple Developer purchase Please contact your financial institution for more information". then i contacted the bank, they told me that there is no transaction from apple. I have even enabled my card to be accessible from any country but still no luck. What i noticed from apple payment form is that there is no field to add 'c-v-v'. I cant understand why c-v-v is not enabled? I did not face any payment issue with Google Play developer membership, though i used same debit card i tried to use with Apple Developer Account.

Me too, I'm having same issue.

It seems that Apple despises its customers! Android application development is much easier

Guys let's dicuss our probems in chat. People all over the world share their stories about succesive enrollments. Check AppleDevAccouts discussion on Telegram. Please, share you story there, so we could discuss it and hlp each other

can you s hare link telegram

Does anyone have a solution for payment?

Same issue, tried Mastercard and Amex. after the payment its show "Enrollment complete" but few hour passed its show "Canceled". what's wrong?

I'm from Pakistan and i have been facing this same problem.

Same issue here. Attempted with 4 different cards, debit and credit, different banks. Attempted to use one of them through the apple store with said apple ID and it worked perfectly. I'm located in Florida, USA.

The group is created to discuss cases related to apple review, developer accounts, apple support etc. Please share you experience with other members! Join on Telegram to the applesubmission.

Guys, something new. I renewed my account on january by wire transfer, everything was ok, until today, because:

"Your Apple Developer Program membership has expired.

Renew your membership to keep your access to program benefits and services. Once renewed, be sure to agree to your Paid Applications Agreement in the Agreements, Tax and Banking section of App Store Connect."

What a joke???

I have the same problem I had try all the scenarios not resolve yet

I have this problem too. I am from Russia. I've already tried Visa and MasterCard with RUB and USD account. Nothing helped.

Well, in January I've sent money, Apple received them (senior advicer said), but now they say: "I have a reviewed this again and unfortunately the expiration of your account was correct and therefore it will expire again at the end of today. Please contact your financial institution as it seems like there has been an issue with the wire transfer you made. Your financial institution will be able to give you more details on these regards." I've sent money and they didn't return, but problem is on my side, aha...

All you need to know about this problem: "However, after the funds were received it seems like there has been a problem with the funds". Facepalm. I guess my money have reached them torned.

I wonder if those who have payment problems use virtual mac.

I'm not. I tried to pay with real mac and iphone - the result was the same. Wire transfer has saved me (despite the fact that this week Apple again has played with my brain - now everything is ok again).

Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program