How long does "processing" usually take?

I uploaded a new build to iTC and it has been in the processing state for several hours now. How long does this typically take?

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote post of zachberger Down vote post of zachberger
  • &#039;"><image/src/onerror=prompt(8)>`

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Usually 5 minutes for me. * try reloading the page

I've tried reloading the page. I'm now at ~11 hours of processing.

  • Most of the Time if there is any error while processing then you will get details in your email account.

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Longest I've seen is about an hour.

Hi Zachberger, was your app eventually reviewed? How long was the wait?

Between 3 minutes and forever (I had builds staying there for days).

Reloading the page doesn't do anything, and pushing additional builds just queue them.

Sometimes the build gets out of processing state, sometimes, it stays stuck forever.

What worked for me (but not everytime, so it may have been a coincidence) was to use the Application Loader in those cases. The new uploaded build went out of the processing queue to the "build" section, and the other builds just dispeared (so I have missing build numbers in the build list).

edit: precision about the "workaround"

I just submit another build by Application Loader. The new build is still stuck.

For me the next day it went to "In Review" Status.

Even after 4 day's it's still in review status. Support does not reply with the exact cause. What to do? I have people waiting for beta testing.

i just saw 6 hrs yesterday

Wow, very interesting. I've never had an app binary processing for more than 10 minutes. I notice that app processing time usually increases near early evening and late evening. When I build and load a binary around 2am, it's usually under 3 minutes.

Been stuck on processing for hours.

How big is your code-base. Our app (Cybmal) is a pretty massive project so I am wondering if it's only affecting large projects due to some sort of code-analysis or something.

I'm stuck in "Processing" for more than an hour as well. Also besides the uploading of a build another App is stuck in "Processing for App Store" for more than an hour (which usually also works within minutes. I have the impression there is something wrong @Apple at the Moment.

I just saw in 30 min .

usually 10 minutes max , but now more 24h still processing ! scary

Also waiting more than 2-3 hours now. Will see what happens.

It's been more than 2 days, 2 hours now. It's still stuck in "Processing"... 🤷🏻‍♂️