Big Sur and Sidecar

I dont use Sidecar frequently, but just noticed after my upgrade that my iPad Pro 11 is no longer visible as a target for my Macbook Pro (late 2016). Both are running the Beta 1 (Big Sur on Macbook, and iPadOS 14). Anybody else experiencing this?
same problem!

Also seeing this issue.

Relevant details:

MacBook Pro // Big Sur 11.0 Beta (20A5323l)
iPad Pro 11" (2020) // iOS 13.5.1

thank you
I have the same problem on the latest betas beta4
Same on 11.0 Beta (20A5343j) and iOS 14.0 (18A5342e)
I have the same problem in iPad Pro
Mac os Big sur beta 4 doesn't help.
I think stable version will support side car

Same issue. On beta 4 as well.
Same issue here!
Just updated to Big Sur beta 5, and problem continues.
I have this same issue.
Still same issue! Big sur with iPad OS 14 Beta 7 (b)
I found that in some programs like the device's simulator of Xcode, you can move it to the iPad, activating the Sidecar function. So the sidecar function works but I don't understand why is not yet available in the finder...
Also you can activate in Configuration --> Screens --> AirPlay Screen (click on it) Select iPad
9/17/20 just finally was able to download Big Sur this morning and immediately went to use side car for work like usual but the mirroring options are different/gone don't see my ipad pro listed like normal.
I have the same issue you described.
macbook air
ipad pro 11
on os 14 on the pad and big sur on the macbook air
did find it under Sys. Pref.>sidecar

The controls for Side Car are now located in the "Screen" section of the new Control Center. It does seem a bit fragmented because the display settings control is still available without it. But see attached screenshot.
Same problem. Works on matching hardware running 10.15.5.
Sidecar not working on release version Big Sur and IpadOS! My mac not see Ipad (on Catalina everything worked good)

MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2018)
Version MacOS 11.0.1 (20B29)

Ipad 10.2 (2019)
Version IpadOS - 14.2
Same issue. Upgraded to Big Sur and my iPad Pro (11-inch) (2nd generation) running iOS 14.1 is no longer visible to my MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2019). My iPad Pro (10.5-inch)running iOS 14.1 is still able to connect. Yes, bluetooth is on. Both are connected to same wifi network. AirPlay is on. Same Apple ID is logged in to both. Yesterday on Catalina, worked just fine. Now on Big Sur, the 2nd gen pro is not recognized.
Hi, Having a problem as even in notification my iPad does not come up as screen mirroring. I use this a lot and really miss it as it stops from going to office. TIA Paul
Still have the same problem!!!
Just updated the big sur, at first, my mac cannot find my iPad. After i re-logged in the iCloud on my mac, it can find my ipad but cannot connect!!!!!!!

MBP 2019, big sur
iPad 2019, ipad OS14

please fix this ASAP!!!!!!
I downloaded Big Sur yesterday and have been dealing with this annoying problem for the last hour. I'm not very sure this fix will work for everyone but it's the last thing I tried and it randomly started working. 2018 MBP (Big Sur official), iPad Pro 12.9 3rd Gen (14.2).
  1. Go to iPad bluetooth settings and connect to MacBook through Bluetooth.

  2. After this my iPad Pro 3rd Gen showed up but gave error when trying to connect to Sidecar.

  3. I disconnected MacBook Pro from the iPad bluetooth settings.

  4. Restarted MacBook.

  5. On restart iPad Pro still showed in display settings and when I went to connect it worked.

My only guess is that by connecting the two machines through the iPad bluetooth settings it somehow allows the MBP to recognize the device in other ways. Good luck!
Type 'sidecar' into the search function and the control appears on screen.
Any solution? Still have the same problem with iPad and Sidecar on my MacBook 16' after the official release of Big Sur. Yesterday with Catalina this worked just fine.
After logging out and back into icloud I got the ipad back in the sidecar but was not able to connect - but a restart of the mac made it work...thank you - I like the new easier place in the control panel - I will be using this much more, especially when I get the new M1 chip that does not support more than one external display...
Same here. iPad Pro is connected via cable and Bluetooth. It all worked fine with Catalina until the Big Sur Update. Now there is no sidecar device to be found.

I had same issue, but seem to have gotten it to work again.
I just LOGGED OUT from icloud on the mac, and immediately logged back in.

Its working for me.
Change your icloud password. After that sidecar worked as normal
Big Sur and Sidecar