iOS 14 no signal, no cellular data

I've installed iOS beta 4 on my iPhone 11 Pro and since then, I lost the signal and I don't have data. I have another iPhone X with iOS 14, and I don't have issue with it. It only occurs on iPhone 11.

I tried many things like:
  • Reset network setting

  • Turn off/on airplane mode

  • Turn off/on cellular data

  • Hard reboot

  • Soft reboot

  • Reset content and data

  • Turn off/on roaming

Same issues
It seems that the cell is looking for the signal constantly.

Do you have any idea how to fix it ?
I have a lot of connectivity issues since I downloaded IOS 14. I had an XS and now have a new 12 Pro. On both phones, once IOS 14 came along, I experienced the issue of the signal from my carrier sporadically going down. It looks like I have one bar of 4G, but in actual fact the phone is dead. This happens every few days. Once I spot it has happened, I can get rid of the problem by toggling Airplane mode on and off.

It's extremely frustrating though and I see many others are experiencing similar issues online. I was hoping that IOS 14.2 would fix the problem, but it persists. I've had Iphones for many years (since the start) but this is the first time I have ever experienced such a problem. I have tried EVERYTHING from resetting my network settings to restoring my phone completely. None of these possible solutions work. Now, as I type, my phone is no longer reliable. It's capable of just suddenly dropping the signal (even though one bar of 4G is always visible) and the only way I find out is when I attempt to use the phone. Extremely frustrating.
Hello, today I went to my local mall and they said that my phone is blocked. Probably guy who sold me it has not paid for it and so they blocked it and now I can't use it in my country. I can still sell it on ebay because it will work in foreign countries. So everyone who has not bought phone from official stores can forget about fixing it by update.
I am getting the same problem after upgrading to iOS 14.2.

Connection just worked for a reduced time after rebooting the phone, but now back to no signal.

Not sure what you Apple guys did wrong in this 14.2 upgrade, but please fix it quickly as this is introducing a nightmare of problems to a number of people.

Since upgrading to ios14, I have been having no cellular/disconnecting cellular services. I have both physical and esim and it happens to both. I currently have the latest ios14.2 and still the issues persist.

Phone: iphone 11 Pro Max (model MWHA2LL/A)
Carrier SIM and eSIM: 3 different companies from different companies (all have issues)

Things I have done:
  • Change to new sim - did not help

  • Reset network settings - did not help

  • 3G only - did not help

  • No VPN is installed - nothing to delete

  • update to newest profile - did not help

  • talk to apple support - was friendly but did not solve issue

  • talked to apple support and sent diagnostics including 30 min network analysis - no resolution

  • talked to network carrier - friendly but not their issue

  • turn on/off roaming - did not help

  • manual selection of carrier - did not help

I strongly believe it is an iOS 14 issue. Please get it fixed. I am losing patience. ios13 did not have any issues at all.
Hi Guys, For those who are facing "No Sim installed" issue.
I faced this issue after updating to iOS 14.2 recently.
Please try these steps, it worked for me :)
  1. Power off the device.

  2. Remove the Sim card.

  3. Power on the device.

  4. Go to Settings>General>Reset>Reset network settings (remember your stored wifi passwords will get deleted).

  5. Keeping the device on and not in Airplanemode, insert the simcard.

This worked for me and the phone shows signal again. I hope this works for you too.
@Apple This is so annoying and not justifiable for a device which costs this much and the even the basic cellular connection is not working properly.

OMG!!! I'm having the same issues! Apple needs to get it together. Ugh!

I tried the same steps you did, and it seems like the only thing I was able to do was switch my phone from the LTE (I have tmobile) and go to the 4G. It's a bit slower but at least I'm getting something you know?
Same issue.

network just disappears since last IOS update. 14.2!!

Tried everything!

iPhone x

Apple what’s going on???
Same issue here. iPhone 11 Pro Max. Things i have tried:
  • Power off and on

  • Hard reboot

  • Network reset

  • Settings reset

  • Manual network carrier selection

  • Updating the iPhone with the same iOS via iTunes to fix and re-install the OS

None of these even slightly give back any signal! And yes the sim card works on other phones.
The only thing I haven't tried yet is complete restore. Has anyone tried this?

Same problem here.
Updated to iOS 14.2, no service for 2 days already!... Nothing helps.

At first I thought I got into some IMEI block issue, but the operator said everything should be fine.

Strangely enough, the phone continues to work with one of the three operators I could get a SIM card of.

Updated my iPhoneX to iOS 14.2 overnight... it's completely killed my cellular/data usage.. no idea what to do? Faults, glitches & crashing in many other areas of phone also.
Have tried literally every single 'hack' shown online including all the way to a hard reset and complete restore ect... nothing working whatsoever. Had basically a brick of a phone for 2 days now!!

Super rarely I'll get cellular for a few minutes before it disappears. What's going on apple? Bring back iOS 13 please or bring a fix. This is actually ridiculous.
Same problem here. I have even replaced the iPhone Xs through the Apple store and spent hours with T-Mobile (using an eSim). Everything was working very well until I installed iOS 14 a week ago. It's a nightmare and as usual no good answer from the Apple Support ("please restart your phone...".)
I’ve been having this problem since updating to 14.2! This was never an issue until now! It would randomly happen, but it would come back on. Now it’s been completely off with the No Service for hours now. I’m extremely aggravated. Nothing I do is working and I need a phone when I have two young kids 😡
Exact same issue as everyone in this thread. I have iPhone 8 and nothing works. I have tried all the suggestions. Obviously, a software issue. Continue to lose cell service.
I thought I was the only one facing that! I’ve been told that disabling VOLTE will solve that issue but I can’t find it anywhere with the new update!!
I have the exact same problem after updating to ios 14.1 and 14.2.
Also tried all the different ways to fix the problem without any result.
I'm using a iphone 7 and the temporary fixes usually last for a day or so.

it takes for me just 10 minutes to get down the anten bar to no service after update the ios 14.1 to 14.2,,,it's so bad a new ios makes my iphone 11 pro max an unsable phone.
i don't know why even if it's no service battery drain down with network coverage.
i do 1.hard reset
  1. soft reset

  2. reset network settings

  3. remove sim when off and get in when it's on

  4. air plane mode turn on and off

  5. restore to ios 14.2

  6. downgrade to 14.1 that was no problem with 14.1 but it's still there

how long it will be there i don't know but it makes me crazy

i tried DFU recovery mode and its successfull... but only for couple of day. hahaaa.. now it happen again.
i wanna try dfu recovery mode one more time
Same issue as many reported. After installing IOS 14. if I'm close to a provider antenna all works.
If the signal is not at max it starts to drop to the point of not being able to use mobile data.
Comparing to other iphones, I usually have 1-2 less bars of signal than others when not at full...

Tried virtually all tips to no avail.
Can't understand how this has not been addressed yet!!

So... It happened to me as well. My second time. This time on my iPhone XS. Before that this issue occurred on my 13" iPadPro. I was not able to recover from this issue and then sold it as defective...

I recently updated my iPhone XS from 13.7 to 14.2. I was actually skipping 14.0 and 14.1 to pickup more bug fixes and stay away from testing. I looks like waiting for the dot-2 release was not enough...

In short, today I'm convinced that despite the rare cases when people have real problems with the SIM card, this issue is caused by a crash in the modem software stack or some interfaces to it. Just the UI tells the user something is wrong with the SIM... And this is why I think so in a non-TL;DR version.

With 13.7 and after the update to 14.2, my iPhone worked well, whereas I stayed mostly at my place or in vicinity (Corona, you know...). My iPhone currently has a physical SIM and an eSIM. Since I was outside the EU for two 10 days, the data roaming was turned off on both SIMs. A few days ago, on the last Sun, I went to the alps to make some astrophotography pictures. This is a remote place with bad coverage and on the edge of two international networks: Germany and Austria. On this evening, I stayed on the same spot for around 5h and walking away max 10m. Just after arriving and while having very low signal, I turned the data roaming on my German physical SIM card so that I will get Internet if the phone registers in Austria. It certainly worked and was OK for 10 min or so. Then, out of sudden, the iPhone brought a message that my data plan is not valid anymore and asked if I would like to update my contacts to a new phone line. I looked up and saw that the physical SIM was listed as not present. I restarted the iPhone and it worked for another 5 min before losing the SIM card. No, I was not doing boxing or jumping - the iPhone way laying peacefully in my jacket. I turned off the eSIM in Setting to exclude it. On this evening, I was busy with other things than debugging iOS problems, so I kept restarting iPhone occasionally in the hope it will stabilize by the magic of restarts. No it did not. Moreover, after 4-5 restarts, it did not get see the SIM anymore at all. I gave up. I went home later in the night, and since then I do not have problems with the SIM card anymore! I went to a city yesterday, and had no problems either! It works now, 4 days after the same way well as after upgrade and before.

All this makes me think:

1) it is not a SIM problem in most cases, unless the SIM is really damaged or the cellular plan is not valid
2) it is not an iPhone hardware problem, like contacts in the SIM slot
3) in many such cases, the problem is probably caused by a crash of the modem stack in difficult cellular environment. I agree, such a problem is hard to track and debug
4) I hope Apple will pay a more serious attention to this as the issue repeats in the same form since a longer time for may people
5) Selling my iPad was a mistake. Updating to another iOS (which also comes with another version of the modem stack) would solve the problem
6) I hope there is another channel to reach out to Apple than going to the "Genius Lab" in the Apple Store or talking to the first support line. Nice and kind people, not able to help at all.

I will go to that place in the alps once more for sure and will report how it was ;-)

PS. And Safari (Version 14.0 (15610., 15610)) crashed on this page when I was writing the first version of this report ;-) Apple! What is going on with the software quality?
I think the problem is observable with specific operators only, have you guys tried SIM cards from different carriers?
I am having exactly the same problem with a XR. Tried it with two provider SIMs. Signal comes on for a few mins and then "No service". Both SIMs work fine on an old iPhone 6plus. Tried all avenues from factory reset to airplane mode toggle. Unhappy.
Turning off my phone and then taking the sim card out and putting it back in has worked best for me. Longest I've had service is 24 hours
Facing the same issue with my iPhone 12 Pro Max, I do get a 3g full signal displayed but when I try to go to any webpage it says that mobile data could not be activated. Tried everything and it still does not work, will go to my carrier shop to check with them.
It is obscene that Apple has not address this issue yet. It's clearly impacting many thousands of people. I have had the issue on my Iphone XS (once I downloaded IOS 14) and now on my IPhone 12 Pro also. And I've tried absolutely everything but nothing works to remedy. And Apple are just ignoring the issue.
ios 14.2 xsmax - solved by disable VoLTE
ios 13.x was OK
iOS 14 no signal, no cellular data