iOS 14 no signal, no cellular data

I've installed iOS beta 4 on my iPhone 11 Pro and since then, I lost the signal and I don't have data. I have another iPhone X with iOS 14, and I don't have issue with it. It only occurs on iPhone 11.

I tried many things like:
  • Reset network setting

  • Turn off/on airplane mode

  • Turn off/on cellular data

  • Hard reboot

  • Soft reboot

  • Reset content and data

  • Turn off/on roaming

Same issues
It seems that the cell is looking for the signal constantly.

Do you have any idea how to fix it ?
We have seen this before, not as bad on our 7 and 8 phone, BUT once we realized they were messing signal we turned off Auto-Update until it is fixed. With that BOTH phones now will not charge ... on a multitude of chargers and cables.

Anyone see that before?

Also, to Elang25, we dont have a VPN or one configured. So what else may be looking like this?
Hello, Does somebody try the last iOS 14.4 beta 2 ? is there any good news on that subject. ?
Just installed 14.4 Beta 2. Still the same... no change whatsoever...
same just installed 14.4 beta 2 same fckin shit, quite done with this.

The fact that i cannot understand is why in my house it keeps stable ( but it fails sometimes) and around the town it goes so wrong
Coz when u r going around your cellular is jumping from one cell “tower” to another and is on that transition that iOS is not being able to “close” session on cell A before leaving then is not opening session on cell
B because it’s is “already opened”

my iPhone 11 with movistar (Spain) the modem
firmware from 14.3 to 14.4 beta 1 was “upgraded” from 2.03.04 to 2.03.03 and I had almost no issues... on 14.4 beta 2 again the firmware is 2.03.04 and problems appeard so... sincerely I don’t understand how it is being so difficult for developers to find the root cause.... being IT “guy” sin more than 24 years I can’t understand at all this ... first and most important that has to work on mobile is: data and call when MOVING around ;))) so really upset with this....

I am having the same problem. Zero network connections why cant you guys just fix this.
Just updated to 14.3 and i’m having this problem. In fact I’m also having a SIM Failure after the update. I have shit I have do I don’t have time for this! PO!! 😡
I had this exact same issue on my iPhone 8Plus. I removed my VPN and removed McAfee security app from my phone, and now everything seems to function normally, with the occasional drop call. I remember reading further down this thread, that apparently ios14 and VPNs don't work well together at the moment? Not sure how true it is, but I can definitely confirm that after removing McAfee and the McAfee VPN on my phone the connectivity issues have improved 90%. I still lose signal occasionally and my 4g won't load at times, however, at least now I can get some calls/texts through to my phone and stream music when out and about.

Hope this helps.
Am I the only one noticing that when making a call it goes straight from 4G to 3G and after the call is over it goes instantly back to 4G??
Forgot to mention that on 14.4 Beta 2
been having this issue myself for the past month - just realised it's since I installed ExpressVPN. I deleted that VPN configuration and immediately mobile data started working again. V weird that iPhone prides itself on security and privacy but doesn't play nice with VPNs though...!
I was doing research on this and years ago the iPhone 7 had a similar issue which resulted in a repair required by Apple. Why have they not started this yet?

I really think they’re trying to have as many people buy new phones...IF I buy a new phone- I’m going back to android. There are other fish in the sea.
Hello! I have iPhone XR version 14.3-14.4 beta, it's bad to receive LTE, only 3G is the norm. This was not the case before. Modem firmware 3.02.02.

I tried many things like:
Reset network setting
Turn off/on airplane mode
Turn off/on cellular data
Hard reboot
Soft reboot
Reset content and data
Turn off/on roaming
Same issues

Do you have any idea how to fix it ?
I have an iPhone SE (1st generation) and after updating to iOS 14 my mobile data (4G) no longer works. I tried everything they recommended here on the forum, but nothing solved the problem.
I even tried to downgrade and return to iOS 13 but apparently it is impossible.
Having same issue. Signal keeps dropping. Network only works on WiFi calling.from India having jio sim.

any way to fix this?
My phone has no sim restrictions but shows Network not available. I have tried all solutions I could find on youtube but none have been successful. It's an iPhone 11
Same issue here! Just installed 14.4 on iPhone XS and I get no cell signal. Any solution?
Phone keeps showing iphone not registered and keeps on dropping cellular signal after my ios 14.4 update

same problem here on iPhone X after updating to iOS 14.4.
The only way to "solve" this issue is switching to 3G. Everytime I switch to 4G I got no signal at all.

I hope Apple is working on a solution.
At this point I am just plain disappointed with Apple. This issue has been around since the release of iOS 14 and they still haven't gotten around to fix it. Today this issue caused me to miss out on very important group messages regarding work because the phone just lost signal on its own. I have given up trying to fix this issue. Hours and hours of calling support and in the end they can't do shit. I don't know why they haven't did anything. The scale of this issue presented in this forum really should be something they should fix. I love everything about my iPhone 11. But this is just one issue that is seriously having me considering to switch phones.
After showin apple personally the issue, they opt to replace my iphone to a new one, i hope with this new one it doesn´t happen the same shit. I´ll keep u all up to date.
I wish I hadn’t updated it to ios14.

It’s been 5 months since I have no network on my iPhone 11 Pro. I had only used it for few months before this happened. I thought it was my SIM card problem, but I tried using my SIM card on another phone and it worked. So, it’s the phone problem. I’ve tried everything, even factory reset, and it still doesn’t work.

Some people have mentioned that their phones are fixed by removing their VPN, However, I don’t have any on my phone.

I hope Apple would give the solution or at least let us downgrade soon. Because it’s so inconvenient not having network and have to connect to wi-fi all the time. Basically my phone now is just a camera.
Same here. Since 14.4 iOS Update no or bad signal. Please fix it Apple!

same problem here on iPhone XR after updating to iOS 14.2 - 14.4 - 14.5 beta1
The only way to "solve" this issue is switching to 3G. Everytime I switch to 4G I got no signal at all. (((
100% Same issue here. I have 3 IOS devices in my home; 2 iPhone 8 Plus (Me & My Father) and an iPhone X (Mother).

Ever since updating to IOS 14 on my phone (iPhone 8 plus) and my mother's phone (iPhone x), both of us receive low to no signal. The status bar will show full reception until you try to make a call or connect to cellular data. The calls will continually drop out or fail. Text messages do not always send and the 4g connection will always time out. The only solution I have found is Toggeling Airplay mode on and off and then trying to make a call or connecting to cellular. However, this solution only lasts for about 1min and then the signal drops out again and the phone will either display SOS or No Service.

I've had this issue since late November 2020. Initially, I assumed it was my carrier (Optus at the time), so I switched to Vodafone. However, the same issue occurred. Then once again I switched my provider to Catch, But again the exact same issue. After about 1 week with a new carrier, the issue starts again, which is ridiculous. The apple technicians at the Apple store don't know what the issue is and try and dodge it at all costs; saying that it must be a hardware issue, which I find difficult to believe - I mean two phones, having the exact same issue after an update to a new IOS surely sound more or less like an OS issue.

My father on the other had A iPhone 8 Plus running ios 13.7, and the network runs perfect!!, I even switch my sim with his phone and the network works fine. When I put his sim in my phone (Running IOS14.4) the same issue with drop calls and reception issues happen again.

I have tried all the troubleshooting techniques, but nothing works. I have to do the 'reset network' almost daily, but still, nothing happens. As mentioned before the only solution I have found that works reliability (albeit only for like 1-5mins) is the Airplay mode technique.

I've heard that some people are suffering from this issue for over 5months, which is ridiculous. I hope apple provides a patch update soon.
iOS 14 no signal, no cellular data