iOS 14 no signal, no cellular data

I've installed iOS beta 4 on my iPhone 11 Pro and since then, I lost the signal and I don't have data. I have another iPhone X with iOS 14, and I don't have issue with it. It only occurs on iPhone 11.

I tried many things like:
  • Reset network setting

  • Turn off/on airplane mode

  • Turn off/on cellular data

  • Hard reboot

  • Soft reboot

  • Reset content and data

  • Turn off/on roaming

Same issues
It seems that the cell is looking for the signal constantly.

Do you have any idea how to fix it ?
Update: ios 14.1 does not help. do not update. things getting worse on 14.1!
Update: ios 14.1 does not help. do not update. things getting worse on 14.1!
Update: ios 14.1 does not help. do not update. things getting worse on 14.1!
Update: ios 14.1 does not help. do not update. things getting worse on 14.1!
Update: ios 14.1 does not help. do not update. things getting worse on 14.1!


after many checks and trials of all kind for a month the issue was finally resolved by the restoration of ios 14.0.1 in DFU mode using Itunes. Recovery mode won’t work. It has to be DFU; Device Firmware Update mode which is the deepest firmware update mode that bypass Iboot unlike recovery mode that use iboot.

That’s the only solution that worked. Google or youtube how to force your device to DFU while connecting to itunes. Its simple with additional clicks and you are set.
DFU didn't work for me, still no cellural data.
Xr, bought in USA, used in Poland/EU
DFU did not work for me either.
I'm on roaming in spain with swedish sim but i also tried to DFU with a local sim in case there is some issues with registering the iphone or whatever. Didn't help though.
Prior to the DFU i applied for the beta program and upgraded to 14.2 Beta 2 which didn't help either. After that i downgraded to 14.0.1 which didn't help and then i DFU'd and reinstalled ios 14.0.1 even twice but it didn't help.
For a short while it worked on 3G but after a minute or so it stopped working there as well. Gah..

Would be nice if someone in the developer program could try 14.2 Beta 3 which was released yesterday (13th october) and see if that would help.
During my journey with this 14.0.1, I've tried also with DFU...but nothing. No activating e No signal.
Yesterday, after the Apple event for iphone 12, I've also tried to install the newest iOS 14.1, downloaded not with iTunes but using a direct link, and installed....nothing.
Today I've restored my Backup on a new iPhone SE (i've bought a new ones to get back my data)...updated from iOS 13.5 to iOS 14.0.1...perfect!
After 1 week i've been able to restore my backup on this new Iphone. Now I'm at the same point of when I had my iphone 7 with iOS 13.7....WOW!!! with a little my wallet is much lighter.
Cellular line is working perfectly also with a Carrier that is not a partner (Fastweb).
iPhone 7 with iOS 14.01 is still there, in a corner, totally useless...good only as door stop .
When Apple will fix the bugs affecting this udpate I'm quite sure that also my IPhone 7 will be working again.
Good luck

So I just installed iOS 14.2 Beta 3 on iPhone XS and it didn't solve my cellular signal issue. Haven't tried the DFU method as of yet as it only seemed to solve it for 1 person as yet. Guess I'll have to wait for the standard update.
I'm dumb and couldn't figure out how to edit my last reply so just going to post a full update of things I've tried, with new additions:

Device: iPhone X

I've tried:
  • Airplane Mode

  • Hard reset

  • Network Settings Reset

  • Factory Reset

  • iTunes Reimaging with 14.0.1

  • LTE Network Extender purchased and added to my network 2 feet from me

  • Wifi calling, no airplane mode (call never goes through, just hangs forever)

  • Wifi calling, airplane mode (call lasts 5 seconds to a minute before call failure and dropped)

  • VoLTE on/off

  • 3G on/off (LTE Network Extender doesn't help and 3G signal in my basement is non-existent so dead on arrival)

  • Upgrading to the 14.2 beta iOS

  • DFU restore to 14.0.1

As of today my phone is useless even in areas I used to have strong signal outside my house. Driving to the store where I used to have 4 bars of LTE, my strongest signal, even after a hard reboot, was a single bar of 1x -- not even strong enough to make a call or send a text. I refuse to have my solution be upgrading to a new iPhone when my phone has never been dropped or damaged in any way. If this isn't resolved soon I'm just going to get an Android. At least then when there are issues I can roll back to an old version of the OS and have a functional phone.
Going to chime in that I have the same problem. I do notice when WiFi is off, it does get connected to the cellular network once in a while. It is now sitting in the living room with only cellular and I will not be willing to move it somewhere and use my Macbook/iPad to respond to text. (This is super frustrating esp when we depend on text messages for two authentication factor). Time to reconsider the implementation of two authentication factor with text message with this release.

One quick question for you guys (and hoping Apple is reading and try to reproduce this). Are you using the eSIM or the physical sim card? mines' eSIM. (ATT)

I did call Apple and opened a ticket... few days before my AppleCare expired!

My iPhone is iPhone XS Max, 256 GB.
I am having the same issue with an iPhone XS on 14.0.1. I lose all cellular signal (0 bars . . . . . ) when there is no WiFi. If I am connected to WiFi my cellular service/strength is normal. I have to soft reset the phone and then will have service for a short period of time, then back to no service and a soft reset.

my wife’s iPhone 11 Pro max updated to 14.0.1 and is not having the same issues.

After further testing, it seemed as soon as it uses my cellular data service, it got disconnected. When I turned off cellular data, I now am able to use the WiFi and get ATT's text message. Im trying to reproduce this.
What seems to be working for me at this point, as someone else said, is to restrict it to 3G and turn off wifi-calls. Restart the phone and wait for a while. Now i'm able to receive and make calls.
DFU not working same issue

if you see a blank column at "General" -> "About" -> "Modem Firmware", you're in trouble. nothing can make the ****** intel modem work besides reboot. just keep rebooting until the version number show up, which means your intel modem can at least get initialized.

only when you see a version number out there, like "2.01.05", you have chance to get connected.
I use iPhone 7, and I live in Russia but I am currently in Tunisia.
I have one sim card from each country.
I have to use my Russian sim card in Tunisia to receive sms from the bank, so it is extremely important to me (Russia currently has its borders closed). I used to switch sim cards constantly in Tunisia, and the Russian one, worked perfectly fine each time.
After updating to iOS 14.0.1, the Tunisian one works as usual, no change whatsoever, but the Russian one keeps getting me "No Service", like everyone else here (Yes roaming is on).
I tried:
  • Airplane Mode

  • Hard reset

  • Soft reset

  • Network Settings Reset

  • Wifi calling on/off

  • VoLTE on/off

  • 3G on/off

  • Checking "Modem Firmware"

Seeing how the Tunisian sim-card works perfectly fine, I'm starting to doubt that the problem is with the sim card itself. Maybe the update caused some sort of malfunction in the card itself? I'm no sim-card engineer, but has anyone tried getting a new sim-card for the same number?

Small update on my experiences so far. Upgraded to 14.2beta3... same issue when roaming, still no service if on 4G, I force it on 3G, connects can change for a 20ish min to 4G and have to redo. Still not roaming to O2 network but EE, when on EE it seems to connect but unable to make/receive calls (even on 3G), I have to force it to 3 and unable to force to O2 or Vodafone to make/receive calls.
Now back in Belgium it works ok on Base 4G, no no service, no need to force to 3G [Base sim]
iPhone XS
Same problem. I have a iPhone 7 . Cannot receive cellular coverage after installing ios 14.0.1
Apple Store told me that it was a component problem on motherboard and they had a replacement scheme. However since my phone is 4 years old it was no longer eligible. Basically that is it , tough luck, get another phone they are saying.

I realize after seeing this discussion that its more likely to be a ios 14.0.1 problem.

Of course Apple store staff know this but cannot admit .

is Apple purposely driving its customers to Android models ?

Spoke to Apple support Sweden, had no idea about this issue at all, so seems apple is not seeing or caring about this issue.

Anyone else having the same experience or the opposite, that apple acknowledges this as a major issue?
So I have an IPhone 11 and I've felt with the betas and the official apple update. So basically what is happening with your device is that the update is corrupting the SIM card. Usually when the new update comes out it fixes it. It worked with mine for the first week but now it's messed up again. I'm sure their are apps and stuff that can help but honestly I recommend factory resetting your device and not updating it until the apple update is released. It's not going to stop corrupting with the beta and these bad updates.
Ignore what I just said. Go to settings, then go to general, then go to reset and reset your network settings. I did it and it worked. You might have to renter the wifi password.
The situation is like this if I find myself in a place where the network catches poorly, a loss of connection to zero strips is possible and "No service". But then it is not restored. After rebooting or resetting the network, the network works fine, until again you find yourself in a place where the network does not catch at all
Only reboot helps.
If you are in a place where the network is good you will not have this problem. Only where is a bad network and can disappear completely. But then the network will not be restored.

The problem appeared after updating iOS 14.

My daughter has this cellular "searching" issue since updating to 14.0.1 on her iPhone 7 and I'm 100% sure that the issue is caused by the update only, as there is no hardware issue; read the below to understand why :
What I did :
Backup of the device with iTunes
Then I did an update with iTunes as I thought it could fix the issue by reinstalling 14.0.1 via Intunes : Same problem

I decided to do a restore via intunes.... The phone would be reset and I would restore it later....
I thought I 'd get crazy when I got the activation issue for at least couple of hours ; unable to connect to activation server etc.... I thought I had lost everything... :-(

At one moment, not sure why the activation passed through iTunes and the phone was reset to it's initial stage....
Guess what !!!! The issue was resolved at this time ; the phone asked for the SIM PIN and the phone was able to get the cellular data.... therefore, I know that the phone hardware is not broken.
Then I decided to restore the initial backup through iTunes to get all my daughte's data back !

After restoring the backup, the problem was there again.... :-( SO FRUSTRATING!!!!
When will they release 14.0.2 to solve this software problems ? This is such a shame !!!
APPLE I will go to Samsung to buy a brand new phone to my daughter if you're not able to fix this issue.
OR please give me an option to get rid of 14.0.1 ASAP !!!!!!!

Remember the first usage of a phone is to phone.... if you break this, then your hardware is just useless...

I have iphone 7. And I am facing the same problem as every one here since updating to the newest version of iOS. I am surprised how Apple ignore their customers like this.
They just want to get rid of the iphone 7. They build so good phone that the only way to sell the new ones is to kill some of the oldest one. I pretty sure they wont admit this issue. And sadly everyone with an iphone 7 with this trouble gonna have to buy a new one. Think about it. How would you make money if everyone stop buying phone because they are too good? They say iphone 12 is 4x better than every other phone on the market, yeahh... pretty sure it will be as good as new in 5 years but it will be outdated so they’re gonna find a way to kill them. I say a couple threads about this bug and every time someone referring to the recall for the baseband. Mine isn’t covered cause its a A1778. I hope I’m not right about this. Waiting 14.0.2 with a lot of hope. Good job apple
iOS 14.1 is out. Has anyone tried installing that and if yes then does that fix the problem?

For me, after 1 month without cell data, the problem disappeared yesterday morning, by itself...
I changed nothing, and have no idea how it was solved. I just left the phone for the night, without reboot, restore, nothing, and at morning it was working perfectly.

The only new thinks I did one day before, is to write * #06#* on my iPhone to get some informations, because I was on the way to change it for a new one using my guarantee. But I don’t think it changes something.

Today i installed iOS14.1, the problem don’t comes back.

So maybe it’s a problem of compatibility between the internet provider and now it’s solved.

I did also a lot of airplane mode on/off, to avoid to use the battery because of the « searching ... », maybe at one moment it established a correct connection ?

Has someone experienced the same ?
I am gonna continue to analyse my phone, in case of the problem come back again.

iOS 14 no signal, no cellular data