error 0 on external drive error 0 on external drive

anyone know how to get to the hard drive?

Nevermind, figured it out myself

Arguably, "figured it out myself" is not a very helpful answer to a situation like this, as people looking for answers reach a dead end.

Anyways, if your disk happens to be ExFAT, and you remember improperly removing the disk the last time you used it, chances are, fsck is holding it hostage (metaphorically, of course). fsck is trying to repair the disk, but it will stall forever, so you want to launch Disk Utility, and the Terminal. Try to mount the disk, and switch to Terminal and write sudo pkill -f fsck. The disk will mount in read-only mode, and from there, you can repair it with First Aid in Disk Utility. This won't work for non-ExFat drives, as macOS manages them differently.


This solved my problem thanks. Just a note to future users, the repair took a really long time for my 5TB drive. Be patient.

This happened for me on a Big Sur MacOS, clicking the 'First Aid' option in Disk Utility kept giving me this same error. What ended up working for me was restarting my laptop, then continuously trying 'First Aid' until one time it suddenly didn't give me the error, and after waiting about 20minutes the drive mounted properly. I don't think I did anything differently other than trying over and over again.

Thanks jkrosado!

Thanks @jkrosado

Thanks @jkrosado

Thank you for posting the fix. It worked and saved my years of work

-- Vishnu

Just to note to @jkrosado instructions: it worked with Mac OS Extended drive format too.

@jkrosado tysm!! it worked for me and saved me from panicking due to all my homework and software I need for my classes in that hard drive

This still isn't working for me. I don't understand what this "and the Terminal" means. When I try to mount my drive, the error that is the title of the forum comes up and it appears I am at a dead end. I tried to repair the drive, and it seemed to do something (with a bunch of green check marks) saying it was fixed, but it still won't open or be recognized by my finder or desktop. If anyone is able to walk me through this, I would be very appreciative.

I also got this working on my HFS+ drive. Worked exactly the same as an ExFAT not sure what the technical background on this is but for those wondering.

Thanks @jkrosado Your answer was helpful. Drive should be ExFAT and it worked after killing process and first aid.


My external ssd (Apple 251GB, APFS formatted) doesn't show up on the desktop. It is visible in Disk Utility but I can't repair, erase or split it. Does anyone have advise for this issue?

What about Mac OS Plus drives ? How can I solve it?

First, thanks for this fix - I've been having issues with my ExFAT-formatted 5tb external drive on Catalina and this has been super helpful!

This time, though, even after running First Aid in Disk Utility, the drive is still registering as Read-Only, which I'm not sure how to fix! Anyone have any suggestions or have experience with this? The drive does have about 1.5 TB of data on it, and it hasn't completely backed up to my cloud storage yet, so ideally not anything that requires reformatting (fingers crossed)

The quickest way to sort out problematic exfat drives I've found is to mount them in a windows environment (either in a virtual machine or on actual windows computer) and repair them from there. Disk first aid takes a loooong time on larger drives.

Thankyou @jkrosado and @calif94577. It worked out but without hitting the enter button, magic! Also the exfat formatted LA CIE 5GB drive worked on BigSur before then after upgrading to Monterrey it didn't show up.

I tried that command on the Terminal, the 'First Aid' option on Disk Utility said everything was OK and then same Could not mount drive error, I restarted , tried it few times, same error. Dont ask me why but what worked was Logging Out my Mac user and logging again with the same user, super weird. There's defo some bug on Monterey and the external drives / Time Capsule Mac application...

Hi everyone! I have followed the steps and Disk Utility is running first AID. I have got a SEAGATE 2TB ExFat formatted...but first AID is running "Checking file system hierarchy." and it has done so for 24 that normal for a 2TB? I am tempted to quit it....

"Restoring the original state found as unmounted" is the last line I get after running a successful First Aid in Disk Utility after doing the Mount / sudo pkill -f fsc combination. I feel like I'm in an endless loop. Trying to remount a 9TB Raid5 OWD FireWire External Physical Volume • Mac OS Extended (Journaled) on my 27" iMac (2019) after it was mistakenly shut down w/o ejecting. Have gotten errors 0, 49153 and 49244 after various attempts. I haven't lost hope due to the successful First Aid reports but getting tired of seeing the drive put back unmounted after every attempt. This is a critical drive for my biz.Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Hi, I fixed this issue.

Some older MACs wont mount if the allocation size is larger than 1024. So to resolve this, go to a Windows or Linux machine (if you have one) and reformat the **** in ExFAT and select 1024 as the allocation size. Worked for me, hope this helps :)

Hi there, My external HDD (LaCie Rugged 4 TB, MacOS Extended (Journaled) formatted) doesn't show up on the desktop. It is visible in Disk Utility but I can't repair it. The system returns « error 49244.».


Running First Aid on “DISKNAME_1” (disk6s2)

Checking file system and repairing if necessary and if possible. Volume is already unmounted. Performing fsck_hfs -fy -x /dev/rdisk6s2 Executing fsck_hfs (version hfs-583.100.10). Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume. Invalid B-tree node size The volume could not be verified completely. File system check exit code is 8. Restoring the original state found as unmounted. File system verify or repair failed. : (-69845)

Operation failed…


I ran «sudo pkill -f fsck» with no recognizable effect yet. Is there anything to add ahead of this prompt in order to address the non-visible Drive ? Does anyone have any hints how to fix this issue ?

@calif94577 : «sudo pkill -f fsc» or «sudo pkill -f fsck» ? (I entered the k-version and didn’t get the «2 error pop ups». Am I missing anything ? Thanks to all contributors and to you @jkrosado as well

I’m on MacOS Monterey 12.5.

Worked perfectly for me @jkrosado Thanks!!! error 0 on external drive