We are experiencing problems with the USB port on iPad Pro 11 inch (M4) model number MVW13NF/A. Our custom peripheral device (based on Raspberry Pi Pico + tinyUSB stack, is configured as a network adapter class and has communication with our App over UDP protocol. Our device also acts as a DHCP server, providing the IP address for iPad.
The problem can be described as a “bus stall” or "bus hold" after sleep mode. To reproduce it we just send the iPad into sleep mode using a power button, the USB bus on M4 goes to the suspended state and won’t resume anymore when we wake the iPad up.
The problem has occurred since the upgrade to iOS 18.2.1 and has not been observed before on the previously installed iOS 17 on the same iPad Pro M4.
Also, the problem does not happen on the iPad Pro 11 inch (3rd gen with M1) model number MHW73FD/A, with the same iOS 18.2.1 installed. The problem also does not arise, if we connect our device via USB hub to the same iPad Pro M4.
We have tested different versions of tinyUSB stack (either included in RPi Pico SDK or native unpatched). The problem is independent of the library version. It occurs always if our device is connected directly to the USB port of iPad Pro (M4) with iOS 18. It also stays after upgrading to the latest iOS 18.3 (beta)
In the attached logs is (reduced for clarity) debug output from tinyUSB library about events on the USB bus. These logs were captured via RTT debugging output, using Segger J-Link debugger, so logging process does not affect the timings on the USB bus.
There are three logs attached, for cases 1: "iPad Pro M4 + iOS18" (i.e. problematic case), 2: "iPad Pro M1 + iOS18", and 3: "iPad Pro M4 + iOS18 + external USB hub" (they are non-problematic cases).
This was already posted as feedback with id FB16366509
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First of all, my English skills are not good, so I wrote an AI program and sent it to complete the questions. sorry.
I'm developing a safety monitoring application that requires continuous BLE scanning for temperature and humidity sensors. I need clarification on the technical feasibility of background and sleep mode operation.
Key Requirements:
Continuous monitoring of BLE advertisements from temperature/humidity sensors
Must detect critical temperature/humidity changes immediately
Data logging every minute
Includes navigation features showing routes
Technical Questions:
Background Mode Operation
If using background modes (bluetooth-central + location):
Can we receive BLE advertisements reliably?
What is the actual scanning interval limitation?
Will CBCentralManagerScanOptionAllowDuplicatesKey limitation affect critical monitoring?
Sleep Mode Operation
Can the app maintain BLE scanning during device sleep?
Would combining with navigation background mode help?
Are there any recommended approaches for continuous monitoring?
Sample Code of Current Approach:
let options: [String: Any] = [
CBCentralManagerOptionShowPowerAlertKey: true,
CBCentralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey: "uniqueIdentifier"
centralManager = CBCentralManager(delegate: self, queue: nil, options: options)
// Scanning setup
withServices: [serviceUUID],
options: [CBCentralManagerScanOptionAllowDuplicatesKey: true]
Has anyone successfully implemented continuous BLE monitoring in background/sleep modes? Are there any special entitlements or techniques that could help achieve this?
This is for a safety-critical application where missing sensor data could lead to serious issues.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
How to encrypt bytes with CCM method in KMP?
I am developing a Bluetooth pointer device to control an iPad using HID. Most functionality works well, including mouse movement and button presses. However, I am encountering a strange issue with button releases. For the HID descriptor for the iPad I defined the following:
0509 // Mouse Buttons
2902 // 2 buttons
9502 // Report count for two buttons
7506 // Padding
1500 // Min value
26FF7F // Max value (0...32767)
8102 // Absolute coordinate pointer
Do you see an issue with the descriptor?
Example packages sent over bluetooth:
0xA103 01 4F3A FB50 // 01 is a left button click, works well, an icon is clicked on iPad.
0xA103 00 4F3A FB50 // 00 should be a left button release, package is sent and received, but button is NOT released, but held on the iPad! The mouse coordinates are updated well, however, I expect the button to be released when sending 0xA103 00 4F3A FB50, but it is held down instead.
Perhaps there is a special requirement for iOS to make this work? It is close to be fully functioning.
Hi there,
we're developing a Bluetooth LE device and are using the AccessorySetupKit to connect the device to our iOS application. We are a registered member of the Bluetooth SIG and are advertising our company id over BLE. Setting up the device works on most iPhones we've tested with, but not all. Here's an example of some of the devices we've tested:
iPhone 12 mini: Not working, tried both iOS 18.1.1 and 18.1.1
iPhone 13 mini: Working, iOS 18.1.1
iPhone 15: Not working, iOS 18.1.1
iPhone 15: Works now, didn't work a few weeks ago
iPhone 15 Pro: Works
iPhone 16 Pro: Works
Looking through the logs of the iPhone 12 mini while scanning I see some things that might be related in the logs (I've removed potentially identifying data). It seems to me that it's detecting the device, but not showing it in the UI:
error 11:43:54.792877+0100 bluetoothd canSessionScanForMFGRData <our company ID> <private> there:1
default 11:43:54.795685+0100 deviceaccessd ### appBundleHasASKEnabled <our app bundle> supports Bluetooth
default 11:43:54.795730+0100 deviceaccessd ### _reportDiscoveredBTDevice DADevice: ID <removed ID>, name '<ASPickerDisplayItem.name>', btID <removed ID>, flags AccessorySetup, type Hi-Fi Speaker <CBPeripheral: 0x4b8164540, identifier = <removed ID>, name = (null), mtu = 23, state = disconnected> has no bluetooth name
We get no callbacks while the picker UI is displayed. Opening the picker on another device at the same time immediately shows our accessory.
This seems like a bug in the AccessorySetupKit too me, but I'm not sure. Could we be doing something wrong?
My test was conducted by changing the pink dice to have a 16 bit UUID using the ASKSampleAccessory app. Afterwards, I ran AccessorySetupKit Picker in the ASKSample app, but Pink dice was not found.
We confirmed that Pink dice was searched well in other apps.
Does AccessorySetupKit not support 16 bit UUID?
AccessorySetupKit Sample code : https://developer.apple.com/documentation/AccessorySetupKit/authorizing-a-bluetooth-accessory-to-share-a-dice-roll
Hello, I've been working to implement PTT in the way recommended by the documentation. The main issue is that the bluetooth methods are opaque, so I cannot solve for what I need. The result will be that I will have to resort to hacky approaches that the PTT framework seems to be intended to solve (playing silent clips, playing custom notification sounds, having long running background audio sessions).
I am testing with Anker soundcore mini as well as airpod pro.
Here's the issue: there are 2 very different behaviours depending on whether I'm using a call/fullDuplex session and a halfDuplex session.
Anchor mini
Current behaviour
long press activates siri
pressing again after siri is active, starts transmission
long press activates siri again
pressing again after siri is active, stops transmission
pause/play routes to the ongoing media session and plays music
Expected behaviour
play/pause should map to transmit/stopTransmit
IF I have to use long press, it should at least not trigger siri
AirPod pro
Current behaviour
long press changes noise cancellation
pause/play routes to the ongoing media session and plays music
Expected behaviour
play/pause should map to transmit/stopTransmit
Anchor mini:
Current behaviour
long press activates siri
pressing again after siri is active, starts transmission
long press activates siri again
pressing again after siri is active, stops transmission
pause/play routes to the ongoing media session and plays music
Expected behaviour
play/pause should map to transmit/stopTransmit
IF I have to use long press, it should at least not trigger siri
AirPod pro
Current behaviour
long press changes noise cancellation
pause/play maps to mute/unmute (even if media is playing)
Expected behaviour
This makes sense for call behaviour, I wish it worked this well for PTT
The intention here is to be able to fully interact with a channel hands-free. The current API seems to make that impossible. Is that by design? Reading all the docs seems to suggest its intended for transmit/stopTransmit to be doable just with the play/pause buttons, but even apple hardware seems to not support that.
Development environment: Xcode 15.4, macOS 14.6.1
Run-time configuration: iOS 15.8.2
The only test phone that I have available is an iPhone 7 running iOS 15.8.2 (the latest iOS available for that device). When I connect the phone to XCode, it displays "Preparing Richard Cunningham's iPhone" indeterminately. I have tried many things including downloading new device support files, adding provisioning profiles, downgrading XCode, restarting both devices, wiping the phone, and setting the target SDK to match that of the test device. Despite all of this, XCode continues to display "Preparing ..." indeterminately. The issue can be found here on the developer forums:
Create a blank XCode iOS project (Multiplatform App, iOS App, it doesn't seem to make a difference) and connect the iPhone 7 (15.8.2) to the laptop. Select "Trust" on the phone to initialize the connection, and observe XCode display "Preparing iPhone" in the top bar. Cmd + Shift + 2 to open the Devices Window, and see "iPhone is busy: Preparing iPhone". Allow this to continue for some time (I have left it for over a day) and observe that there are no changes.
I am having difficulty figuring out two indicators for a custom piece of battery hardware.
Firstly, on the home screen, scrolling all the way to the left in the widget screen, you can see the battery for connected wireless devices, electronic pencils, etc.
Additionally, when you use Apple battery packs, you can see the battery for it on the top right of your phone
I am wondering where I should look to see how I could integrate both of these. I have searched the documentation for a while, and I am having a hard time knowing where to start. If anyone can point me to something, it would be very appreciated. Thank you!
Previously working! Now Broken. I developed a test application to establish a connection with a BLE peripheral. The application successfully connected to the peripheral, but it did not establish SMP Pairing procedure.
Previously, I was able to successfully pair with the devices during the Beta phase. However, currently, I am not receiving the OS prompt to grant Bluetooth permissions. I understand that this may be a newly introduced feature in the recent releases.
Could you please provide guidance on whether there is a specific flag that needs to be enabled or added elsewhere, or if this is a bug with the ASK?
I'm attempting to use AVExternalStorageDevice.requestAccess on iOS 18 using Xcode 16.
When calling requestAccess, a dialog does appear, but the completionHandler closure is never called to indicate whether access was granted. If using the async version, the function just never returns.
Calling requestAccess also results in a mediaServicesWereReset (-11819) error without fail.
Supposedly, "the system only presents the dialog to a person the first time your app calls the method." That also doesn't appear to be the case. The dialog appears every time requestAccess is called, regardless of previous invocations and whether "Allow" or "Don't Allow" was selected.
The dialog itself says "You can change this in Privacy settings." I cannot find this permission anywhere in the Settings app, neither under Privacy & Security nor under the app-specific settings page.
Has anyone else experienced these issues? Am I missing something here? I did suspect permissions issues and tried adding a NSRemovableVolumesUsageDescription entry to the app. This did not appear to change anything.
What is the maximum power-per-hour can an iPhone provide for an accessory connected to the iPhone to its Lightning port?
It would be a great innovation to incorporate a Card Reader into both iPhones and Apple Watches. The user could open the card reader app on his watch or phone, enter the amount to be paid into his nominated bank account (eg £15) ready for the purchaser/customer to tap his card to make the contactless payment. It would simplify my everyday life enormously because I hardly ever carry cash these days.
Apple developer support could not answer my question which is the following:
How are Matter developers supposed to test accessory pairing, accessory communication and accessory discovery if the Console logs provided by Apple (iOS, MacOS, iPadOS) are encrypted, incomplete or straight up non-existent.
Current issue is mDNS-SD discovery, pairing and PAKE requests initialisation. Impossible to figure out why X or Y stopped on the Apple Device.
Chip-tool (provided by PROJECT-CHIP) acts 100% differently than iOS (Home) or iPadOS(Home).
Thank you
I have created a sample iOS project where I am attempting to discover BLE peripherals using AccessorySetupKit in iOS 18.
I am able to discover the BLE accessory and retrieve the CBPeripheral. However, when I attempt to connect to the CBPeripheral, the connection neither succeeds nor fails. I have noticed that the BLE peripheral I am trying to connect to uses a Resolvable Private Address (RPA). When I repeat the same process for a BLE peripheral with a Static Device Address (SDA), I am able to connect successfully.
Could someone please suggest why I am unable to connect to the BLE peripheral with an RPA when it is discovered using AccessorySetupKit?
I develop my own NFC reader as a sole proprietor.
I would like to get the Apple VAS and Apple Access Pass certificates for my reader. How can I do that? Should I apply for Apple’s MFi program or it’s just for bigger organizations/companies?
Are there any way?
Thank you!
Currently (as of iOS 18 dev beta 4), if a BLE device supports RRA and the MAC address changes while the ASAccessorySession's picker is displayed a second entry is added to the picker (usually without a friendly name). Once in this state one picker item will work, the other will display a "Cannot Add Accessory" error. Are there any plans to improve this user experience in AccessorySetupKit or do you have any recommendations on how to better handle this use case?
We currently have a work around for this in our existing pairing flow but it does not translate to ASDiscoveryDescriptor as it requires comparing previous BLE advertisements.
I am trying to setup AccessorySetupKit.
I have several questions:
Is it possible to setup classic Bluetooth accessory?
In documentation you say:
"Each display item’s ASDiscoveryDescriptor needs to have a bluetoothCompanyIdentifier or bluetoothNameSubstring, and at least one of the following accessory identifiers:
Either ssid or ssidPrefix, which needs to have a non-zero length. It’s an error to supply both SSID and SSIDPrefix, and your app crashes if you do.
A bluetoothManufacturerDataBlob and bluetoothManufacturerDataMask that are the same length.
A bluetoothServiceDataBlob and bluetoothServiceDataMask that are the same length."
Is it possible to have only bluetoothCompanyIdentifier and UUID ?
we are developing a carpooling app. In our app, once, the car driver enters his car, the app connects automatically in the background to the car. The connection to the car is done either via CarPlay or Bluetooth. Currently, when setting up the app, the user has to define how the connection to the car is established. He can choose between three options: either 1)CarPlay, or 2)Bluetooth or 3)both.
Is it correct, that starting with the AccessoyKit of IOS18, the user will only have to choose the device, he wants the app to be connected with? However, he no longer has to define the kind of connection, i. e. CarPlay or Bluetooth by which to connect to the device?
So in future, users will be able to connect to their Car, but they do not even know, whether the connection is via Bluetooth or CarPlay?
If that is the case, it would make our lives much easier;)
Many thanks for your help!
Greets, Simon
When I connect a speed and cadence sensor to my Apple Watch in Bluetooth settings I expect to see the following HKQuantity types in
workoutBuilder:(HKLiveWorkoutBuilder *)workoutBuilder
HKQuantityTypeIdentifierCyclingSpeed, HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDistanceCycling, and HKQuantityTypeIdentifierCyclingCadence.
However, after starting an HKWorkoutSession I only get updates for HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDistanceCycling.
I know that these metrics are being updated because the Apple Workout app displays them.
I have authorized my app to read and write these quantity types, so what could I be missing here? Are these quantities only available to the workout app, as I haven't found a third-party app that sees these metrics when the sensors are connected this way?