Price Locale not available in Product

In the latest Product object we are unable to get the price locale of the current product. Even though the display price string available with currency symbol, we need to display discount price of current product by comparing with other products.

Earlier in SKProduct we had price locale property to achieve this.But in latest Product object we are missing this.

Is there a way to get the price locale of the current storefront?. There is a countryCode property in Storefront enum. But there is no option to create locale using country code.

Please refer to Product instance property displayName, description, and displayPrice to show localized names, descriptions, and pricing information.

Yeah, there's no way to get the locale at the moment. I've filed a feature request for that (FB9747367) and I suggest you do the same.

For now, I load a product using the original StoreKit APIs and pull the locale from that. It's kind of annoying, and seems a little silly, but it gets the job done and gets the correct locale.

The big use case for this for me is to show the monthly price for a yearly subscription. There's no way to format that correctly without knowing the locale.

Price Locale not available in Product