Outlook search not works in Monterey

I have a new MBP M1, with fresh Monterey. I moved my data with the assistant from the old MBP, I have all the letters in Outlook (v15.46), but search in Outlook not works, it gives a "No results found" message in all folders. Old methods for reindex Spotlight is not working (eg. add and remove Main Profile to Spotlight). How can I solve this problem? Thanks

I posted a comment yesterday say the 16.58 worked but it was not classic UI. I guess it was during the reindex build up. After 15 hrs later, the old interface comes back! It works! Works!

Official channel Outlook update is available now. Refer: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/search-in-outlook-for-mac-returns-no-results-after-installing-macos-monterey-12-1-075c5f09-35db-4205-aba3-eea2f168c71b

I too had the same problem with my MacBook Air, Checked with Microsoft in app support. They asked me to downgrade the macOS to Big Sur and I did it. Now its working good.

Downgrade to Big Sur, Then everything works fine. Pls don't forget to backup your data.

Outlook 16.57 has fixed issue for me. 16.56 had the issue.

Neither 16.57 nor beta 16.58 has fixed issue for me

I've just updated to the latest Outlook version 16.57 and the search function works with my Exchange account, but only if i change to the new Outlook, the old Outlook still doesn't work. Also neither the new or old Outlook work with any of my IMAP accounts.

I agree: Neither 16.57 nor beta 16.58 has fixed issue for me

My understanding is that New Outlook cannot accept Exchange Accts. True?

It works ONLY for Exchange with O365 so I guess Big Sur is really the only answer

My config:

  • MacOS Version 12.1 Monterey

  • Microsoft® Outlook for Mac Version 16.56

I thought Outlook search wasn't working at all.

It turned out it was working VERY, VERY SLOWLY. (We're talking several minutes of looking at NO RESULTS before something happens. There is no progress indicator! 😡)

What worked for me was:

  1. From Finder, open the Applications folder.
  2. Ctrl+click or right-click Microsoft Outlook,
  3. Select Show Package Contents.
  4. Open Contents > SharedSupport
  5. Launch Outlook Profile Manager.
  6. Select the profile that you want to remove (There is probably only one and it's quite safe to delete. When you restart Outlook below it gets recreated.)
  7. Delete (the minus sign '-' at the bottom beside the '+') the selected profile
  8. Restart Outlook
  9. Add your profile when Outlook prompts you
  10. Start your search
  11. Grab a coffee and a good book ...

And, if you need a search result quickly, you can get it fast using the web version of Outlook at outlook.com.

I have solved my MacBook by switching to use the NEW outlook in 16.57. I had tried everything else, without success. My problems started in Mojave where not all searches would work, I only saw half the items that should have been found in mail and contacts. I did the following several times. re-index, using various methods. new profile delete and reload accounts upgrade from Mojave to Monterey. Tried it all again. Mine would work while indexing, then all disappear. if I searched using spotlight it worked, but not if I used search in outlook. As soon as I switched to NEW outlook, bingo. all searches now work. I had previously tried NEW outlook, but switched back as I am a bit of a dinosaur!!

Hope this works for others.

Sadly the new version 16:58 Beta fails to solve the problem.

My search results are still blank in Monterey 12.1

Can't use the new Outlook as this doesn't seem to allow moving of emails from one account to another.

Got an update today from Apple and it now seems solved JR

I still have this problem. Ive literally tried everything on this thread.

Monterey 12.1 Outlook 16.58 (22011201) downloaded from beta

Reindexed outlook folder Reindexed entire Macintosh HD folder

Only running IMAP email accounts. Tried opening new outlook but this won't even show any emails never mind perform a search.

Ive resorted to downloading and using Thunderbird for now but its just not the same, so im using thunderbird for searching and outlook for actually emailing. What a ball ache!!!

Finally solved. Updated Outlook (ver. 16.57) today 19 Jan 2022 to fix the issue.

thought Outlook "old" and Outlook "new" were two distinct software packages. turns out it's the same! you can switch it by going to the "Outlook" menu. reverting my beta-channel OL 16.58.22011705 it re-gains it's capability to work with Exchange Server on-premises AND showing a working index :))

16.57 did not solve for me either. Same behavior as most have reported ... forcing a re-index it works (slowly) for a while, when re-index nears completion I get zero results on any search.

"New Outlook" should be named "Outlook Limited" ... Also, I don't think it should be called "New" anymore. It's been around for a while; it lacks several vital features and configuration options compared to the "Normal" full featured client. One of my biggest complaints: Street Address is not shown for company contacts. I use this daily for shipping to colleagues.

Same issue here with macOS Monterey 12.1; Outlook 16.56. Look forward to the software update soon..

Updating Outlook to version 16.57 fixed the issue!!! I am using Monterey 12.1

Outlook 16.57 fixed the issue for me - but can't use my gmail accounts on old outlook as before - they are now only working on the New Outlook - how did that happen? - nothing changed in Gmail, any one know how to solve this. Weirdly enough both gmail accounts are POP enabled and IMAP disabled but when I add them to outlook they are configured as IMAP accounts.

Any help very welcome

Microsoft just announced that "Old" Outlook will be retired in Feburary. New Outlook will be the only option shortly. Sucky...

thanks - it is what it is - getting to used to it anyway

Is there going to be a response or update here? I work for an MSP supporting customers and I am doing my best to stop customers from updating but this is spreading and users are very frustrated. I'm having to deal with this personally as well.

I have totally uninstalled and deleted everything Microsoft and re-installed and setup with same result.

I really dont want to wipe Mac because i dont think that will fix. I'm on beta Outlook running Exchange 2016.

Outlook 16.57 and Monterey 12.0.1 on Macbook Air M1. Still no resolution. While re-indexing there is a short window that some results are visible but as others have noted, once complete - all results disappear.

Outlook search not works in Monterey