Error Analyzing App Version

I'm getting this error when trying to distribute/validate my app (every version of it):

I have a developer account and a distribution certificate, and have had no problems uploading many versions of my app until today.

Has anyone experienced this before?

Answered by in 713181022

Thank you all for reporting the issue. The App Store Connect engineering teams are investigating. The System Status Page is also updated. You can follow this thread for any updates.


I was getting the "Error Analyzing App Version" all morning, but after reading this thread, apparently the solution is to just keep trying to "Distribute App" and eventually it will go past the error.

EDIT: The answer below me is correct, uploading at the start of the hour seems to work

I fixed my issue

I noticed that the problem disappears when the time is the start of a new hour for example 9:00, and it back after 14 minutes for new hour

the solution : upload when time is the start of a new hour


Failing for me - the .ipa won't generate

Hello, still do face the same issue. 19:27 CEST

I tried everything...restarting, changing my app bundle to the previous version, etc. I tried validating the previously uploaded version too. Nothing seems to work. I guess we'll just have to wait...

Same error using this recipe When i try to export instead uplload in XCode => "Error Analyzing App Version", so Transfer at least for me is not a solution.

Cheers, David.

Same here... Let's just wait.

same here

Hi guys, after waiting for like 7 hours i gave out, try this method instead, it worked for me as spected..

Organizer -> Distribute App -> App Store Connect -> Export -> NOW DISABLE WIFI / INTERNET (else will fail) -> Exported .ipa Now use Transporter App -> Login to same account -> Add .ipa -> Upload works ! Transporter can be downloaded here: Here is the credits:

Same here, sometimes I can get passed there error but then I get this error "We’ve received too many API requests for this API key in the past 60 seconds. Please wait and try again. With error code RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED for id (null)"

I have been facing the same issue for the past 3 hours, tried many things suggested all over. Finally the approach in This Link worked for me and now I've uploaded the build to App Store.

Also adding the workaround here just in case if you don't want to check the above link,

Here's a workaround:

  1. Organizer -> Distribute App -> App Store Connect -> Export -> NOW DISABLE WIFI / INTERNET (else will fail) -> Exported .ipa
  2. Now use Transporter App -> Login to same account -> Add .ipa -> Upload works !

Transporter can be downloaded here: Transporter App

It seems that when the time is accurate, it works again for a few minutes. eg: 3:00pm to 3:15pm works

I'm just gonna make some coffee and wait lol

Same Here Any Updates

Hi Guys, After continuously tried, Able to resolve this error.

Thank you all for reporting the issue. The App Store Connect engineering teams are investigating. The System Status Page is also updated. You can follow this thread for any updates.


Don't need to do anything special. As strange as it sounds, the error does not occur if you upload during the first few minutes after the top of each hour.

This is now appears to be fixed for me.

Still not working for me.

me too, and after I update Xcode to last version it will return to normal, and successfully uploaded to the appstore


Today morning successfully uploaded to appstore.

Just uploaded successfully - getting really fed up with the recent Apple 'hiccups' though. Broken Xcode versions and now we had a whole day when it was impossible to submit builds to the App Store.

Finally, working again :D

Well done @Apple you have fixed the issue :) However things are working a little bit slower now then before, maybe they still have some performance issues 2022-05-11 09:40:22.030 Sending analysis to the App Store… 2022-05-11 09:40:25.894 Waiting for response… 2022-05-11 09:41:11.156 Performing SPI check… 2022-05-11 09:42:04.243 Waiting for response… 2022-05-11 09:44:54.122 Requesting upload instructions from the App Store…

People, don't be angry at Apple, surely you had some downtime in your companies before :) Things like this happed when you work on new things.

fixed for me.

Error Analyzing App Version