Error Analyzing App Version

I'm getting this error when trying to distribute/validate my app (every version of it):

I have a developer account and a distribution certificate, and have had no problems uploading many versions of my app until today.

Has anyone experienced this before?

Answered by in 713181022

Thank you all for reporting the issue. The App Store Connect engineering teams are investigating. The System Status Page is also updated. You can follow this thread for any updates.


same here

It seem issue from apple server.

Same here!! Any news?

Upload finally working again...

same here! I removed my account from Preferences and added it back and it worked once. Then stopped working. Please fix this

Same problem here. Hoping that going to lunch and coming back will fix the problem. ;-)

It seems this issue is all about the xcode and app store connect connection. I think it will be fixed soon. Till this is fixed, here is a solution by using transporter. To get .ipa build, you should disconnect from the internet and then export from xcode!

Here is the solution :

Facing Same error!! Any Solution ?

Was failing consistently for myself, however after a reboot, the issue has gone away

Now it's working! try again!

Working for me now

Hey guys, for some reason I think it works only for the first few minutes of every hour. I was struggling with two app uploads since early morning. But then I tried validation & upload at 12:00 exact and it worked. Both uploaded.

See if this helps.


still not working for me.

It's working for me now (I've done nothing, so it feels like it was an issue on Apple's side)

Still not working

same issue..still not working

same problem.. i can not sleep..

  "Till this is fixed, here is a solution by using transporter."

Thank you very much!! @metehandemircioglu Your solution worked straightaway and is very fast. I reckon I'm going to be using Transporter from now on and stop wasting time with problems trying to upload from Xcode

Same here. Cleared all Archvies and Derived Data ... still the same error. C'mon Apple!

Same here!

Same here (BR)

Same here :D

metehandemircioglu's solution worked for me as well.

I was able to get it work with a restart, and then removing my apple id from xcode and adding it back again. this solved my issue..

basically I generated the .ipa while disconnected to the internet and then tried again to upload with internet back.. if it doesn't work at least you have the .ipa for Transport app (in my case I couldn't even generate the IPA)

Error Analyzing App Version