Error Analyzing App Version

I'm getting this error when trying to distribute/validate my app (every version of it):

I have a developer account and a distribution certificate, and have had no problems uploading many versions of my app until today.

Has anyone experienced this before?

Answered by in 713181022

Thank you all for reporting the issue. The App Store Connect engineering teams are investigating. The System Status Page is also updated. You can follow this thread for any updates.


Same problem for me as well.

Same issue getting from last 2 hours.

Same here.

I experience same issues, looks like it has something to do with multiple accounts connected with xCode, and build processing prior to export. I also have similar issues with xcode build automation this morning, when trying to export

Error Domain=ITunesSoftwareServiceErrorDomain Code=-19211 "The request rate limit has been reached.: We’ve received too many API requests for this API key in the past 60 seconds. Please wait and try again." UserInfo={status=429, code=RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, title=The request rate limit has been reached., detail=We’ve received too many API requests for this API key in the past 60 seconds. Please wait and try again., NSLocalizedDescription=The request rate limit has been reached.: We’ve received too many API requests for this API key in the past 60 seconds. Please wait and try again., NSLocalizedFailureReason=Unable to perform upload.}

Same problem here. I removed my appleID and added it, restarted xCode, cleande build folder, tried other app Versions... nothing helps...

Same here!

@hejun works for me

same here,

I hope apple will fix this soon.

Same here!

Same here.


I struggled with the same problem and tried it for the last time, and now it's uploading normally.

Looks like it's fixed now

Edit: NOPE

Same Issue. Checked the Apple Systems Availability and everything is green...huh?

Still broken for me unfortunately

Go to Xcode - > Preferences... - > Accounts. Delete the Apple id.

go to Product -> Archive and upload the app.

Now login to your Apple id :-)

same here :-(

After switching networks, try again.

same here

Worked for a moment then crashed again

same here!

Same problem, I tried switching networks and logging in and out from Apple Id and issues stays...hopefully Apple will fix this ASAP

still same

Getting the same error since morning. Any solution?? :(

None of the solution helps me...

Error Analyzing App Version