Disappearing empty Smart App Banner

My team recently released an app to the iOS app store. We are trying to add the Smart App Banner to our website to promote the app, but the banner is not shown. When the page loads, there is a flash of an empty Smart App Banner before it is automatically dismissed. This happens on every page load. If I put use an app ID of other apps the banner appears. I've triple checked that I'm using the correct app ID. So it seems like it is an issue with my app. I can see my app in the App Store, so I know it's available. I've tested on multiple phones.

Answered by in 763944022

Hello everyone,

The original issue reported was resolved in recent versions of iOS and iPadOS.

The fix is available on iOS and iPadOS 16.2 or later.

For devices incompatible with iOS and iPadOS 16, the fix has also been back-ported to iOS and iPadOS 15.7.3 or later.

Note that loading a Smart App Banner requires connecting to App Store servers and the app must be available for sale in the App Store.

Additionally, for privacy reasons, a Smart App Banner is only supported in regular browsing, not Private Browsing.

Please confirm

  1. The device is running an OS containing the fix.
  2. The device can connect to the App Store.
  3. The app is available for sale in the App Store.
  4. You are not using Private Browsing.

If all four are true, please file a new bug report with complete information so the engineering team can investigate.

(I've tested as many examples as I can from the recent issues above and all work for me in iOS 16.6, for example.)



Hi, this is currently a known issue for some apps. Could you please file a bug report via Feedback Assistant (https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/) and post the feedback number in this thread so that we can track your issue as we continue to investigate.

Thank you for replying! Here is the feedback number: FB11855735 (Disappearing empty Smart App Banner)

I am also experiencing this. Here is my feedback number: FB11871905

To anyone who might face this issue, it might be caused due to wrong id format being inserted in the app-id part, you probably just copied it and kept the prefixed id on it.

It should look like this,

<meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=1042361181">

Experiencing the same issue. Feedback number: FB11892720

Experiencing the same issue. Feedback number: FB11893202

Tag used:

<meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=6444037159">

App Intended to link: Peabj

If you examine the above link, you will see that it contains the value ".../peabj/id6444037159?..." which was used to get number for the "app-id" value in the meta tag

As a side note, I noticed some of the feedback numbers were automatically linked incorrectly like mine was when I just typed in the number. You'll notice the last digit is not highlighted. like here: FB11893202. To remedy this replace the feedback number with the url:


For Example:


Experiencing the same issue. Feedback number: FB11907302

Same issue here. Any update?

I did some additional investigating by setting up a simple static page with the following HTML. From my testing, it appears it could be a regression introduced by Apple for apps that launched recently and have app ID's beginning with 644.

Here's the HTML I used for testing:

        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
        <meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=6443885102" />
        <h1>Testing Smart Banner</h1>

The app ID included above (6443885102) is the app ID for my app, and opening the above HTML on an iPhone reproduces the same empty disappearing banner bug described in this forum post.

I then swapped my app ID for Reddit's (1064216828) and voila, it worked.

Since we just recently launched in the App Store a few weeks ago, I was curious if I could reproduce the issue on other recently launched apps. I went to the "Best New Apps" section of the app store and copied a few app IDs to test them out:

  1. 6443725564 - launched Dec 22, 2022. Same issue as described here.
  2. 1643213477 - launched Nov 1, 2022. Works.
  3. 6443868502 - launched Oct 24th, 2022. Same issue as described here.
  4. 1556819721 - launched Nov 9th, 2022. Works.
  5. 1542769365 - launched Nov 10th, 2022. Works.

As you can see, the apps beginning with 644 had the same behavior described in this forum post. I also tested 6444037159 from @jmurti above, and confirmed the same behavior as the other 644 app IDs. It's obviously not enough of a sample size to confirm that all 644 apps are having this issue, but felt worth sharing.

My bug report via Feedback Assistant was marked as Resolved without a response from Apple, so I'm hoping by sharing my findings here, it will get more visibility and/or someone from the community is able to help resolve this bug.

I have the same problem on my site.

  1. 1551825141 - Works.
  2. 1636143493 - Works.
  3. 6443793667 - Same issue as described here.

Our team has the same problem and it affects both iOS and iPadOS applications.

Created the feedback - FB11925718 Impacted app ids - 811512122, 933306841

Same problem, .my starts with 644 and released in Dec 22. Same symptom, blank app banner dissapearing

I've also come across the same issue - my app id also starts with 644

Feedback ID: FB11971564

Just to add some additional info, upgrading to iOS 16.3 (from 16.2) fixes the issue.

So it looks like iOS 16.2 (and probably below) are affected by this bug

my app id also starts with 644 and I have the exact same issue. I have created a feedback report.

Feedback ID: FB11976591

Really hoping this can be fixed soon :(

I'm having the same issue as well and my id also starts with 644.


So I would like to report the same bug. Similarly to the other people who made a mention of this, my app id also starts with 644, namely: 6444893582. The Feedback ID is: FB12002477

I have the same issue. Feedback number is FB12004021

Same issue FB12088385 (Disappearing empty Smart App Banner)

I have the same issue here this is the tag I already use <meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=6444082807"> I test it in a iPhone 6s plus ios 15.7.2 and work fine also in iPhone X ios 16.3.1 work too but in iPhone 8 16.1.1 i have the exact same issue at all of you and a iPhone 6s ios 14.7.1 have the same issue

Experiencing the same issue. Feedback Number: FB12135282

Same problem. Submitted FB12140351

Pretty unbelievable that this issue exists and no word from Apple in months.

Same issue at our end as well Feedback ID - FB12182766 (Disappearing Smart App Banner)

For what is worth it started working after a few weeks with no further actions on my end. So maybe they review/activate those manually on their part?

Not sure but my advice: patience.

same with me for id 6446217264 :|

Disappearing empty Smart App Banner