presentCodeRedemptionSheet issue


I'm using presentCodeRedemptionSheet() method to display a sheet that enables users to redeem subscription offer codes.

When calling the SKPaymentQueue.default().presentCodeRedemptionSheet() method on real app store app it will present redemption sheet and after entering the offer code in it is displaying screen where Cancel and Redeem buttons do not work. As seen in the attached picture.

What could be the reason for this and what solutions can be found to solve the problem? Please someone help it is really frustrating.

Environment: iOS 16.3

Answered by Darya_Voiteh in 743918022

I have the same issue Please, help

I have the same issue Please, help

Accepted Answer

I have the same issue Please, help

I have the same issue Please, help

There is also a glitch where you press the button in the upper right corner to enter the offer code, but then the screen does not switch and nothing happens.

Kindly file a Feedback report about this issue.

we have the same issue in our app. @Apple please provide any action for this.

Same issue - following!

Still an issue... Got no idea as for how to fix this.

I opened Feedback Assistant Issue FB12576800 over 6 months ago with no response. I opened a TSI via Apple DTS and only got the response that the issue is known and is being worked on, but nothing more since the past summer.

presentCodeRedemptionSheet issue