How can i get all the AppStore for an app with the "App Store Connect API"?

Hey there, I want to fetch all the reviews from an app of mine. Seems like the limit is 200 per request. How can I get all the reviews and not just 200?

i don't want to scrape the web and prefer to use the API I wasn't able to do that following this guide.

this is my code:

def generate_token(key_id: str, issuer: str, private_key: str):
    """this function creates a token to access Apple's App Store API"""

    # get current and expiration time
    # note:apple will ban every request with an expiration time > 20 minutes
    current_time = int(time.time())
    expiration_time = current_time + 900

    # prepare the jtw headers
    headers = {
        "alg": "ES256",
        "kid": key_id,
        "typ": "JWT",

    # prepare the payload
    payload = {
        "iss": issuer,
        "iat": current_time,
        "exp": expiration_time,
        "aud": "appstoreconnect-v1",

    # generate the token
    token = jwt.encode(

    # print and retutn
    return token

def app_store_reviews(app_id: str, key_id: str, issuer: str, private_key: str):
    """this function returns all the reviews of an app on the app store."""

    # prepare API request
    url = f"{app_id}/customerReviews?limit=200"
    token = generate_token(key_id, issuer, private_key)
    headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}", "Content-Type": "application/json"}

    # Make the GET request
    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

    # request is successful
    if response.status_code == 200:
        reviews_data = response.json()

    # request failed

Cheers, Flippo

Hey, In the response you will see a section called links near the bottom. You should nee the next link which has a cursor query param. Hitting this will get you the next 200

How can i get all the AppStore for an app with the "App Store Connect API"?