Unable to submit app update due to missing Game Center entitlement...even though it's present

After using the developer console without issues for quite a while now, I'm suddenly unable to submit an update to one of my games because App Store Connect thinks it is missing the Game Center entitlement. It gives the following message when trying to submit the update for review:

You must add the com.apple.developer.game-center key in Xcode.

The first submission I tried to make was indeed missing the capability somehow - I went back and fix this with another build, but the error remains still. I have added the Game Center capability and my entitlements file has the following lines:



I did find this StackOverflow post describing the exact same issues from fairly recently - 14 hours ago as of the time of writing - so I'm wondering if this is a bug.

Wondering if anyone has encountered this and if there is a workaround.

I am suffering the same problem on three of my apps.

I think the issue is that these old builds that do not have the entitlement added are hanging around in the system and are checked against when you try to submit an app for review.

Unfortunately we have no way of deleting these builds we no longer want, so the only solution looks like we need to contact support and ask them to remove the old builds themselves.

Exactly the same issue here, contacting DTS team

There's been a change in the Game Center entitlement configuration requirements, which was announced here:


Could you read through the 3 documents linked there, follow the steps for adjusting your configuration, then report back here whether this resolved your issue?

Please note in particular this sentence from the "Capability and entitlement updates" link:

If [the Game Center capability] already appears as enabled in Xcode, and the com.apple.developer.game-center entitlement isn’t in the entitlements plist, remove and re-enable the Game Center capability.

"Capability" refers specifically to the capabilities you add in Xcode's Signing and Capabilities tab. We recommend that you switch over to using automatic code signing in Xcode, if you aren't already doing that.

The com.apple.developer.game-center entitlement is already in the entitlements plist, and I've tried removing and re-enabling the GameCenter capability and submitting a new build to no avail.

Issue is still happening for me. Trying to add the build for review returns App Store Connect error (Network inspector)

"status" : "409",
"title" : "Your build indicates game center is disabled.",
"detail" : "Your appStoreVersion has gameCenterConfigurations relationship but build is missing com.apple.developer.game-center key."

The game center entitlement though does exist in the build - going to the selected build details in App Store Connect shows it's there and set to true.

Re-enabling capability does not work, re-enabling automatic signing does not work, Xcode is setup properly.

I have asked for DTS, and Apple replied me with this:

I recommend that you remove and re-enable the capability, regardless of what you see in the entitlements plist. It’s not sufficient to verify the entitlements file as shown in your Xcode project, nor in the built IPA after you’ve archived your app. Because your app is re-signed as part of the App Store Connect upload process, it’s difficult to know whether that upload actually contains the correct entitlement file.

It doesn't help

Hi, exact same here. Forgot to add in 1st version but added in but getting the same error. Did you manage to resolve?

Same issue here. One thing I noticed is that in the list of entitlements, when I submit a build via xCode to the App Store, the Game Center one is actually missing, even though it's activated in in xCode. Can anyone see the GC entitlement when they upload?

Haven't solved this problem yet, Is this forum where Apple engineers can be found? I think Apple's engineers should pay attention to this problem

I have just solved it by re-creating a provisioning profile. It's just work-around and I would like to leave it to Xcode though.

Creating a new Apple Distribution certificate fixed problem!

In case it helps anyone who faces this issue but their app is actually using Game Center:

My app's main target (the only one using Game Center functionality) had everything set up fine (App ID/entitlements file/capabilities). I took a look at my WatchKit app and WatchKit app extension targets and that turned out to be the issue - even though my app does not use Game Center on the watch.

  • In developer portal, I turned Game Center on for both WatchKit app and WatchKit extension IDs (under Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles -> Identifiers)
  • In Xcode, I turned on the Game Center capability in the WatchKit extension target (which in turn created an .entitlements file for that target)
  • I forced a re-creation of the automatically managed provision profiles (deleted everything under ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles)

Uploading a new build had no issue anymore and I could successfully submit the app.

The root cause of this is that the message displayed on App Store Connect does not match the cause.

WatchKit extension allows you to enable Game Center and create entitlements plists.

WatchKit app does not allow you to select and enable Game Center, so you cannot create the entitlements plist.

However, provisioning profiles for WatchKit apps must be created with Game Center-enabled Identifiers.

Suppose your iOS app and WatchKit extension enabled Game Center in Signing & Capabilities and created an entitlements plist with com.apple.developer.game-center Key set to true. However, if the provisioning profile for your WatchKit app uses Identifiers that do not have Game Center enabled, you will receive the same error message when submitting for review.

The real cause of this is that Game Center is not enabled in the provisioning profile for WatchKit App.

I think many developers were confused because the cause and the message display did not match.

The following helped in my case: Appstore Connect -> Services - Game Center -> Add some achievement->Delete this achievement.

It seems that the specifications of App Store Connect have changed since the review process for iOS17 compatible apps began.

If things remain as they are, the same problem will occur again.

To resolve, you need to also create an entitlements file in your WatchKit app and add the com.apple.developer.game-center key.

However, the WatchKit app does not have a Game Center option under Capability, so you cannot add Game Center.

Therefore, it is necessary to forcefully create an entitlements file.

Work procedure :

  1. Xcode -> TARGETS -> Watch App -> Signing & Capabilites

  2. Click +Capabilites and select available Capabilities.

  3. Delete the Capability added in 2. above. This will create an entitlements file.

  4. Open your Watch App's entitlements file and add the com.apple.developer.game-center key and set the Value to YES.

As a prerequisite, the Watch App profile must have Game Center enabled.

Additionally, Xcode15 now allows full automation and custom selection when validating and distributing.

I recommend choosing Custom here and making sure Game Center is enabled by specifying the profile explicitly, like when you were working with Xcode14.

For anyone coming here doing Unity stuff, @krince advice worked for me. Deleted my local provisioning profiles and after that my build was correctly recognized as having the GC entitlements:

I forced a re-creation of the automatically managed provision profiles (deleted everything under ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles)

Hi there I have added the Game Center Capability to my to iWatch Target (although it is not used on this target ) and problem solved. Apple must support properly to its developers. In my opinion , Apple does not have the skilled team to supports its developers.

Unable to submit app update due to missing Game Center entitlement...even though it's present