Free Trial it self canceled the auto-renewal

I looked at the list of transactions in RevenueCat:

"AppStore environment" there is probably a problem with the following: Free Trial subscription automatically changes to status: (❗️“Disabled the auto-renew status for an active subscription.” webhook type: “CANCELLATION”❗️) Because of this, after the Free Trial period expires, no funds are debited.

😓 Help me to understand. “Also rate the screenshots” I did not find more detailed information about the "Opted out of renewal" status.

(Testing use case, Auto renewable, works in the TestFlight environment ✅)

Use case: User subscribed to "Free trial - 7 day"




INITIAL_PURCHASE ➡️ (⏱ 2-3 days) ➡️ CANCELLATION ➡️ (⏱ 7 days) ➡️ EXPIRATION

**I think in some of the screenshots the funds should have been debited. but it didn't happen. **

We believe that we are getting incorrect behavior (FreeTrial cancels itself without user action), (Although it looks like the user canceled the auto-renewal).

Why does the subscription change its status to "Opted out of renewal" for no apparent reason.

Free Trial it self canceled the auto-renewal