This build is using a beta version of Xcode and can’t be submitted

I cannot submit new test flight builds to External Testing, I was able to do it yesterday. I've tried with both my Mac Mini & Macbook air both running xcode version: 15.0.1 (15A507)

I've tried both using Xcode Cloud & manually archiving the builds but no matter what I get the error.

This build is using a beta version of Xcode and can’t be submitted. Make sure you’re using the latest version of Xcode or the latest seed release found on the releases tab in News and Updates

I've even deleted and completely reinstalled xcode with no luck, please send help.

Now is working for me!!!

I was just now able to submit my app for App Store review. I use the same build I uploaded last night (built with Xcode 15.0.1) that was previously saying it couldn't be submitted because it was built with a beta version of Xcode.

Apparently downgrading to 15.0 fixes this issue.

I can confirm downgrading to 15.0 fixes the issue

This is still not working for me. And I am not using a beta version, just the usual Xcode 15.0.1

OK, i got it fixed. I updated Electron.

This build is using a beta version of Xcode and can’t be submitted