No longer able to sign in with sandbox account in the App Store app on macOS 14 Sonoma

After updating to macOS 14 I am unable to sing in to a test Sandbox account in the App Store app.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open macOS "App Store" app
  2. Go to settings (CMD + ,)
  3. If already a sandbox account is listed in the bottom section then sign out
  4. Click "Sign In" button in the bottom section
  5. Follow authentication prompts

Current behavior:

Authentication completes, but the state of the bottom section does not change. Only the "Sign In" button becomes active again.

Expected result:

Authentication completes and the bottom section displays current Sandbox user.

Answered by impete in 771683022

Two of us at my company are experiencing the same problem!

Accepted Answer

Two of us at my company are experiencing the same problem!

Same thing here. Also all sandbox subscriptions using those testers account are failing...

We found our problem regarding the sandbox login error.

Seems like the account was associated to an AppleId that was invalid. After logging out of the Apple ID account (using the System Settings window), we were able to log back into the sandbox account using the AppStore -> Settings option

As for now the problem seems to be resolved. Once again I am able to sign in as a Sandbox user.

No longer able to sign in with sandbox account in the App Store app on macOS 14 Sonoma