Are Deep Links on Custom Product Pages working?

I created a new Custom Product Page with a Deep Link, according to the WWDC '24 session "What's new in App Store Connect", and everything has been approved, but the Deep Link does not appear to be working. Is this feature fully operational yet?

When the app is installed via this product page, the user should be directed to a specific page in the app, however this does not happen. It does work properly when installing directly via the Deep Link

This is the link to the product page:

Answered by App Store Connect Engineer in 792050022

@Mcorey Are you opening the Custom Product Page on a device running iOS 18?

Secondly, are you installing the app and then tapping on the "Open" button on the App Store? The Deep Link only changes the URL of the "Open" button on the App Store client.

Here are the Custom Product Page docs for reference:

Same here. The same deep link works when I place it in a InApp Event on App Store but nothing from the custom product page.

On a whim, I tested with both Universal Links, and the older URL Scheme links (<your-app-name>://some-deep-link), and neither of them are working

Accepted Answer

@Mcorey Are you opening the Custom Product Page on a device running iOS 18?

Secondly, are you installing the app and then tapping on the "Open" button on the App Store? The Deep Link only changes the URL of the "Open" button on the App Store client.

Here are the Custom Product Page docs for reference:

Thanks @App Store Connect Engineer for answering. So it means that if someone downloads an app from a Product Page, leaves the store, then opens the app from the device (home screen for example), the deep link does not work? If this is the case, this is really sad because it makes this feature weak. The OS should keep in cache the original product page used to download the app. I filed a feedback for that: FB13991558

@Mcorey does that mean this feature only works on iOS 18?

Edit: just saw in the docs that indeed that is an iOS 18 only feature. That was not clear at all in the WWDC presentation, nor is it made clear in App Store Connect. That's a severe limitation.

Are Deep Links on Custom Product Pages working?