SubscriptionStoreView not displaying subscriptions in distributed app


My app has been published and distributed on the App Store on 2024/07/24. There are four available subscriptions from within the app, belonging to the same subscription group. All four subscriptions are approved.

To display the subscriptions to the users, I use the SubscriptionStoreView(groupID: String) view provided by StoreKit 2. The groupID used in my app is the same as in App Store Connect. My app has the in-app purchase capability. Everything worked perfectly during the development phase, and the team in charge of reviewing subscriptions on Apple’s side managed to view the storefront with all four subscriptions. No new build has been submitted since 2024/07/24.

However, when accessing the storefront (i.e. when the SubscriptionStoreView is displayed) from the distributed app in the App Store, subscriptions are not properly shown.

As per the screenshots:

  • On 2024/07/26 @ 01:56 PM (GMT+2), there were two available subscriptions out of four when opening the store front from my iPad, and one available subscription on my iPhone,

  • On 2024/07/26 in the afternoon, all four subscriptions were available (iPhone & iPad), but I didn’t take screenshots thinking the issue was solved…,

  • On 2024/07/26 @ 06:25 PM, there were no available subscriptions anymore (checked on my iPhone: “Subscription Unavailable - The subscription is unavailable in the current storefront”)

  • On 2024/07/26 @ 08:54 PM, there was a single available subscription (iPhone)

  • On 2024/07/27 @ 08:54 AM, there were three available subscriptions (iPhone),

  • On 2024/07/27 @ 09:43 AM, there were no available subscriptions anymore (iPhone),

  • As of now, there still isn’t any available subscription anymore (iPhone + iPad)…

I have submitted two cases to Apple Support:

  • The first one on 2024/07/25 around 06:12 PM (GMT+2),
  • The second one on 2024/07/26 around 06:53 PM (GMT+2), referencing the first one.

No answer as of today.

Because of this issue which seems to impact many other developers:

  • I cannot communicate about the app,
  • You cannot mend a first impression; users interested by the app who stumble across cannot subscribe, and will most likely consider the app to have some bugs, meaning they might lose trust because of an issue on which we cannot even intervene.

To put it in a nutshell, this issue is seriously hindering the launching phase of the app.

What is a temporary but quick solution that those of you who have (had) the same issue put in place? Is there any official answer regarding this issue?



SubscriptionStoreView not displaying subscriptions in distributed app