Music widget permanently on lock screen?

Can’t seem to figure out how to get rid of the music player on the lock screen. Even with no music playing it’s there. Anyone else seeing this?

I deleted the Youtube app and the problem stopped.

Seems like we’re all caught up in the tech bro wars!

I tried everything else suggested here, but nothing helped. Then the following worked for me: go to the "widget panel" by swiping right on the home screen. Scroll down to the very bottom and click the "Edit" button. If the "Music" widget is on, turn it off, and if it's off, turn it on and then off again. Then click "Done," and then restart phone. If that doesn't work, try restarting the phone twice: once after turning the "Music" widget on, then again after turning the "Music" widget off. Try various combinations of this until it works— it did the trick on 2 different phones of mine. I think it's definitely a "widget" issue!

Don's un-install the app or restart or anything.

The widget on lock screen will show no music playing. To fool it.. Just use the widget to open whichever it is pointing to. It might point to music or youtube. Over there actually play something and then kill the app. That's it !!!

Had same problem but this worked for me. At your home screen, click the gear icon (settings) to visit device settings. Then what you have to do is open the notifications tab. You have to find and click on Music and slide the notification toggle to disable it. Restart your iPhone after doing so and the music app lock screen problem should be fixed easily.

The Siri / Suggestions seem to have done the trick for me, but I'm still not sure. It goes away when we close the Music app, but seems not to return when Siri / Suggestions is off.

Open youtube, play a video, pause it, then minimize and close the video, then close youtube.

I know I am late to the game here but I was having this issue... then I realized it started up after I installed Facebook app on my phone. I deleted the Facebook app and it went away. Maybe that is the issue for some of you. Good luck!

It may have been because your browser played some audio and that task couldn’t end properly. The easiest way for me to overcome this was I played a music in browser for example I played a random word pronunciation on google and then opened control center and replayed that audio there from music widget (you can also replay it from notification bar) and then I removed the browser from recent apps and phew it was gone.

Believe it or not, the problem still exists in 2022. What's the fix, Apple? Can't find it here.

I Had the same problem on my iPad. I followed Nana24's steps and solved the issue. Thanks !!

I have disabled Music notifications, as described, and rebooted my iPhone. This works for maybe half an hour, if I am lucky. Then the Music widget is back again, full force, turning itself on at full volume and blasting me with whatever song it happens to pick whenever I terminate a phone call. I have also disabled everything I can find inside of Music settings that appeared to have any relation to the lock screen, and that did not work either.

Music widget permanently on lock screen?