TestFlight - The language specified is not listed for localization

When trying to add a new build for a group of external testers, after filling the what to test fields I always get the following error: "Sorry something went wrong. The language specified is not listed for localization". Internal testers get the build updates fine. Also I cannot add or remove app description languages in testflight Test Info page.

We are getting the same issue.

When I try to submit the app manually by inputing all release notes/Test details manually, I get similar error.

We are getting the same issue.

When I try to submit the app manually by inputing all release notes/Test details manually, I get similar error.

Same for us. Can't get any betas out to "external" testers.

Me too, I got the same error only when I am trying to add external testers group to my beta app version.

But it works fine if I submit the app for the AppStore to review it.

We have the same issue

Same issue here

Same issue here too.

+1 same issue for us too

Same issue here since 3 days. Reported it as bug to ITC support. Even recorded a video to show them the issue, but issue still persits.

+1 same issue

Does any body else have the weird entries shown here...


Same here.

Same problem


I got it working again after deleting some langauges under Test Information.

Interesting. I tried this but I get the same error ("Sorry something went wrong. The language specified is not listed for localization") when I try to remove existing localizations under Test Information (i.e. I can't remove the localization due to the error. I wonder what I might have done differently from you?

I get the same error there too! The whole testflight localization thing in iTunesConnect seems broken.

Deleting localizations also doesn't work for me (same error). It's incredible that this is now broken for over 5 days and no one seems to care.

I got it working again after deleting some langauges under Test Information.

I get exactly the same error when trying to delete a language under Test Information. Even if I try to add a new one I keep getting the same error.

I found a fix for myself, you can this out and see if it helps

  1. Go to "TestFlight" tab
  2. Look for "Test Information" under the App Information on the left panel
  3. Click on the laungage you are currently using which will expand and show you all the languages that are avialble for localization. (it's on the upper right of the screen, blue text, in my case, it's English(U.S))
  4. Remove the languages you don't want to support for TestFlight and in case there are duplicate, just remove them all and re-add the one you really need.
  5. Try to submit the TestFlight for external tester again. it should work now

In my case, there were 2 "Korean" in the list, but I just remove them all except my English (U.S.) as my primary. Note that localization for TestFlight page is independed from localization of the Store and the app itself.

Deleting languages (other then primary language) worked for me.

When I try to delete a language I get the exact same error message "The language you specific is not listed for localization." I continued deleting another language and once it removed the next language the language with the error was also gone. Once I removed all with only English left I was able to submit to external testers. This is by far not a legit fix, but it does get the build out there for external testers.

@Brian - I am facing the same issue where attempting to delete available languages would show the same error -

"Sorry, something went wrong. The language specified is not listed for localization" .

Were you able to get around this problem in any way.

Same issue here too, and I can't seem to delete any languages. When I try to delete a language I get the exact same error message "The language you specific is not listed for localization."

TestFlight - The language specified is not listed for localization