Currently i am using an iphone 15 pro which is just 7 months old but it was good till this month it was at 97% even after using more than 6 months, but in recent fews days it is regularly dropping by 1% every day and now it is at 89% only with 10 to 12 days it dropped by 8% . Is my battery defective or something is wrong with my phone .
bcoz of this i am very upset because of this bad decrease of battery health . i have heard it is normal to degrade by 1% monthly but mine is dropping daily its soo frustrating.
and if my battery reaches under 80% within the warrenty period?
will get a free battery replacement from apple or not ? I don’t have apple care+ .
But its under 1 year standard warrenty .
please reply apple as its soo frustrating
RSS for tagExplore best practices for creating inclusive apps that cater to users with diverse abilities
If I use NSAlert the buttons look like this:
The Cancel button has a gray background. We got complaints about the bad contrast and people pointed out that the alerts from System Settings look like this:
Here the Cancel button has a white background. Unfortunately I did not find out how to make the buttons in my own alerts look like those in System Settings. Setting the button's bezel color to white did not work. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
Best regards,
// Start listening to the microphone
public void StartListening()
if (!isListening)
microphoneInput = Microphone.Start(null, true, 10, 44100);
microphoneInput = Microphone.Start(null, true, 10, 16000); // Use 16,000 Hz instead of 44,100
if (microphoneInput == null)
microphoneInput = Microphone.Start(null, true, 10, AudioSettings.outputSampleRate);
isListening = true;
Debug.Log(Microphone.devices.Length + " Started listening...");
debugText.text = Microphone.devices.Length + "- Started listening...";
catch (System.Exception e)
Debug.LogError($"Starting microphone failed: {e.Message}");
debugText.text = $"Starting microphone failed: {e.Message}";
void Update()
if (isListening && microphoneInput != null)
// Analyze the audio for voice activity
float volume = GetAverageVolume();
if (volume > detectionThreshold)
Debug.Log("User is speaking!");
lastVoiceTime = Time.time;
SoundDetected = true;
if (Time.time - lastVoiceTime > silenceDuration)
Debug.Log("User is silent.");
debugText.text = volume.ToString() + " - User is silent.";
slider.value = volume;
private float GetAverageVolume()
float[] samples = new float[128];
microphoneInput.GetData(samples, Microphone.GetPosition(null));
float sum = 0f;
foreach (float sample in samples)
sum += Mathf.Abs(sample);
return sum / samples.Length;
When I build and run the app from Xcode, the microphone works fine, and I receive input. However, when running the app normally (outside of Xcode), I can’t seem to access the microphone. The debug logs indicate no microphone is detected.
Is there any additional configuration I need to do for the microphone to work in a normal (non-Xcode) run on Vision Pro? Or any common issues that could be causing the microphone access to fail in this scenario?
Thanks in advance for any insights!
Has the NEHotspotNetwork framework removed the fetchAvailableNetworksWithCompletionHandler API? xcode version: 16.2 ios sdk: 18.2
I want to get wifi's list by NEHotspotNetwork framework, but i didn't find any useful infomation about it
Dear Apple Support,
I am reporting a critical issue affecting parental control apps like my app, Choreio, which is live on the App Store.
When Screen Time settings are configured to require a parent’s password for changes, parents must log in on their child’s device to make any adjustments. This restriction is expected to extend to apps using the Screen Time API, such as Choreio.
However, I’ve discovered a significant bug: children can bypass this restriction by simply toggling off Choreio in the Screen Time settings—without needing the parent’s password. This effectively disables the app and defeats its purpose as a parental control tool.
Please address this issue as soon as possible to ensure the intended functionality of parental controls. Let me know if you need any additional information to assist with resolving this.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Best regards,
Jeff Houston
Here are the steps to reproduce the issue clearly:
Install Choreio from the App Store on the child’s phone.
Enable parental controls in Screen Time and set it to require the parent’s password for any changes to Screen Time settings.
Go to the Screen Time settings on the child’s phone.
Observe that the child can simply toggle off Choreio, effectively deactivating the app, without needing the parent’s password.
Expected behavior: Toggling off Choreio should require the parent’s password, just like it does for other Screen Time settings.
Let me know if additional details are needed!
CallKit and WebRTC are used to realize the call functionality.
You can select video, voice, or text calling as your calling method.
When making a text call, the voice input is grayed out and cannot be used, is there a solution?
I did the 18.3 update over the weekend and every contact and their information (family names, addresses, photos etc) that was added to my phone over the last year is completely gone. I’ve spent hours on the phone with Apple and their “top” senior account employees with no resolution. I am told my case has been escalated to engineering and they will get back to me in one week. I have zero confidence my issue will be resolved. I’ve gone over and over every action done over the weekend and the only thing I did was erase some emails and do the update. There has to be a way they can see every action made on my phone to find the issue.
I want to understand which component types are intended to have an associated hint text, haptic feedback, or earcon associated with it for VoiceOver screen reader users. Is there a list somewhere or a HIG guideline for which transition types should have a sound?
Some transitions in Apple apps generally include different beep sounds, such as
opening a new screen
screen dimming
when a VoiceOver user swipes from the header / navbar to the body
a scraping sound when swiping up or down a page.
the beginning or end of the body section
in Calculator when swiping from one row to the next.
opening a pop up menu
I would also appreciate any direction on what code strings are associated with these sounds and how custom components can capture these sounds or haptics or hints where it is expected? On the other hand, I don't want to get that info and then dictate that every component needs a specific beep type since these sounds appear to be used for specific purposes.
When turning VoiceOver ON, GCController does not send button press events for "Button A" and "Button Center".
This happens when using Siri 2nd generation remote (with dedicated arrow buttons on the circle around center button) and also when using iOS remote. I didn't test it on old Siri 1st generation with touchpad without arrow buttons.
gameController.microGamepad?.allButtons.forEach { button in
button.valueChangedHandler = { [weak self] _, _, _ in
self?.buttonHandler(gameController: gameController, button: button)
private func buttonHandler(gameController: GCController, button: GCControllerButtonInput) {
print("BUTTON: Pressed \(button.description) isPressed=\(button.isPressed) isTouched=\(button.isTouched)")
VoiceOver ON (incorrect behavior):
BUTTON: Pressed Direction Pad Left (value: 0.030, pressed: 1) isPressed=true isTouched=true
BUTTON: Pressed Direction Pad Down (value: 0.079, pressed: 1) isPressed=true isTouched=true
BUTTON: Pressed Direction Pad Left (value: 0.000, pressed: 0) isPressed=false isTouched=false
BUTTON: Pressed Direction Pad Down (value: 0.000, pressed: 0) isPressed=false isTouched=false
VoiceOver OFF (correct behavior):
BUTTON: Pressed Direction Pad Left (value: 0.137, pressed: 1) isPressed=true isTouched=true
BUTTON: Pressed Direction Pad Up (value: 0.078, pressed: 1) isPressed=true isTouched=true
BUTTON: Pressed Button A (value: 1.000, pressed: 1) isPressed=true isTouched=true
BUTTON: Pressed Button Center (value: 1.000, pressed: 1) isPressed=true isTouched=true
BUTTON: Pressed Button A (value: 0.000, pressed: 0) isPressed=false isTouched=false
BUTTON: Pressed Button Center (value: 0.000, pressed: 0) isPressed=false isTouched=false
BUTTON: Pressed Direction Pad Left (value: 0.000, pressed: 0) isPressed=false isTouched=false
BUTTON: Pressed Direction Pad Up (value: 0.000, pressed: 0) isPressed=false isTouched=false
I could use for detection Direction Pad Left/Right/Up/Down and detect position between -0.7 and +0.7 and handle it as center button press, because I use that on old Siri remote where I need to distinguish center button and arrows (for switching TV channels by Up/Down and Skip forward/back by Left/Right arrows), but for new Siri remote it would be unnecessary workaround.
Does anybody know why the center/select button is not detected when VoiceOver is ON. Is there another way of detecting it using GCController?
I don't want to use SwiftUI onTapGesture for this one particular case.
Is it an unexpected bug in tvOS APIs or is there some specific reason why center button is not handled by GCController when VoiceOver is ON?
I checked the latest release notes for latest beta, and there doesn't seem to be a fix for this. But basically, the vibrations that you receive for when you long press a message to react, or hold down on an app in Home Screen, seem to stop working after a while.
This issue is reoccurring randomly.
Steps to repro:
Not fully sure on this, but I'm on iPhone 16 pro max and running the iOS 18.3 dev beta described in the title. I have the default haptics enabled in which you receive a vibration when you long press on a message in iMessage or Messenger, and also when you long press on an app on the Home Screen.
These seem to stop working, along with any other vibrations apart from calls and notifications) after a while. The only workaround is to restart the iPhone entirely.
anyone else face the same?
I am getting this issue when trying to accept an invite to a new test version of our app.
****Unable to Accept invite
This invitation cannot be accepted because your Apple Account,, has already been associated to this app.****
Can you help please?
I cannot pair my PHONAK hearing aids after I upgraded to iOS 18.3
under hearing devices, it just keeps on switching will not find anything. I’ve undelete them and reinstall them four times. Uninstalled the app. Under Bluetooth, it finds it and has it. But under hearing devices where I can control everything it will not. Once I add the hearing aids, my phone goes completely silent. I do not know if anyone calls or texts me
I am writing in the hope to receive some clarification about the rationale of the Audit type sufficientElementDescription - in context with Accessibility Audit API.
Please see my test below:
And another example in context with Xcode, where the strings visible in the UI are also set as accessible labels of their respective elements.
Thanks for your help!
I am trying to implement voice over to my game, and have encountered an issue where a static text will take focus of all other interactions. I have a tutorial scene where I have one short "static text" accessibility node, but rest of gameplay is without such. This static text field occupies small part of screen and works fine, but I am not able to click on anything else, including any of my gameplay elements, wherever on the screen I click, it just re-highlights that static text.
It there a requirement for all elements to use Accessibility Nodes and can't have mixed setup with some not having them ?
How can I get around it?
Question number 2: What decides which Accessibility node gets selected when entering a new UI screen, I have multiple buttons and am observing rather random behaviour, every time different button is highlighted first.
Question number 3: The plugin documentation mentiones runtime support in play mode, are there any specific steps for this to work as I can't seem to be able to. I have VoiceOver enabled on macOS unity is on macOS (also tried iOS) platform but it doesn't seem to do anything. Note my buttons and label accessibility nodes work correctly on iOS build.
Thanks in advance for any help
I have an application that binds a menu item to trigger on ⌘]. When I set the US input source, I press ⌘] in order to trigger that item. However, when I switch the input source to QWERTZ (German), the trigger changes to ⌘Ä automatically by the OS. It seems to translate keystrokes for different input sources.
The problem is that I also render the keybindings in a window in my application, and my application is not aware of this translation. Furthermore, I have other key shortcuts in my application which are not bound to menu items, and I want to make sure those get translated too.
Does AppKit expose a way to lookup what a keystroke will be when MacOS translates it, i.e. lookup ⌘Ä from ⌘] when the current layout is QWERTZ? I can't find anything in Apple's docs.
I tried converting a character to virtual key code based on the US layout and then mapping it back to a character based on the QWERTZ layout. That doesn't seem to be the same b/c that ends up converting ] to + instead which seems to be based on physical key location, different from how the keybindings are handled.
Update: I notice similar behavior for VS Code's menu bar, e.g. in their "Terminal" menu. Switching to German changes some bindings. This does not occur at all in iTerm's menu bar, I suspect b/c their menu items are specified in a different way, xib files with hard-coded key equivalents
A common UI idiom in Apple's first party iOS apps is a circle icon with three dots in the upper right of the screen. This serves as a pop-up menu of more options. Some examples include:
Apple Music, Library tab
Photos, Album view
In all these cases, VoiceOver reads this element as "More, Button".
In my SwiftUI app, I've implemented a visually identical button.
Menu {
// Button for Menu Item 1
// Button for Menu Item 2
// ...
} label: {
Image(systemName: "")
However, the VoiceOver output in my app is much more verbose. It speaks "More, Button, Pop Up Button, Double Tap To Activate The Picker". Any guidance on how to make this more concise in line with the apps mentioned above?
I'm trying to improve the accessibility of a UIKit login form in our iOS app. If an error occurs, an error message is shown in a label that is hidden by default. For our VoiceOver users, I want to move the focus to the error message label so that VoiceOver reads out the error message.
I'm trying to achieve this using, but try as I might, it does not work. To better understand the problem, I created a very simple App which shows a button and a label (always visible), and on pressing the button, I post an accessibility notification: .layoutChanged, argument: label)
What I expect to happen is for the focus to move from the button to the label. What happens instead is the focus stays with the button and VoiceOver reads out the button's label again. So it seems to process the notification, but ignore the argument.
Am I misunderstanding how accessibility notifications work or is this simply broken at the moment? I am testing this withy my iPhone with the current iOS version 18.2.1
By the way, using the more modern variant leads to the same result:
I updated with 18.3 beta, but lost video and audio option with that update, I tried to restore with itune in windows 11, got struck between. Forcefully turned off ipad, after two tries got off.... Off like blinked out screen... Not tried all tricks to on, can't on....please tell a solution. Used all your advices in internet. It was 90% charged, working superbly. So far no risk... Please help me. No charging icon, no sign of life. How can On?
before I start this could just be me and handful of people but I like to reorganize my phone screen to my needs based on what’s going on in life. I was jaut thinking it would be easier if u could get rid of all the folders at once then reorganize or something easier than this long extensive process it is now.
Allow the user to add their own tags to the default emoji tags.
For instance, this emoji, for me, is nonna: 🤌🏻. My efficiency would improve immensely if I could search for it as the “Nonna” emoji, rather than searching for nonna, remembering it doesn’t exist, trying the search for other things it might be called, realising I don’t know what it is, then having to scroll through all the hand emojis twice to find it.