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Error event - Minimed Mobile App . Triggered by insufficient update interval of the Watch iOS system of only 50 updates/day problem with update interval of the Apple Watch iOS
Criticism of the use of the Minimed Mobile App, problem with the update interval of the Apple Watch iOS Subject: Error event - Minimed Mobile App . Triggered by insufficient update interval of the Watch iOS system of only 50 updates/day Dear Sir or Madam, I use the Minimed Mobile App in conjunction with my Medtronic 780 G insulin pump and am generally very satisfied with the app. However, I have noticed a point here that is caused by the Apple Watch iOS operating system. I would like to pass this on and ask that you please fix this problem with an update. Updating the sensor values on watch faces on the Apple Watch I use the Modular widget on my Apple Watch in conjunction with the Minimed mobile app to quickly and easily keep an eye on the current sensor value. Unfortunately, the sensor value in this widget is not updated automatically according to someone in the know, Apple only updates widget information 50 times a day. After a short time, a rotating arrow appears instead of the current value, which I have to press to get a sensor value displayed again in order to see the current value. This is very inconvenient as I have to perform several actions each time to see the current value: 1.Open widget 2.Press the rotary arrow 3.Read the value Close widget by pressing the spin button at the top right to return to the main screen I would very much welcome it if the sensor value in Apple Watch watch faces were updated automatically, the problem is obvious - the watch faces only update 50 times a day. This would prevent me from seeing the current sensor value quickly and easily at any time without having to perform additional and cumbersome actions. The Minimed Mobile App has been tested and approved by Medtronic through Apple. However, it must have been overlooked that this sensor value app updates the sensor value every 5 minutes, but it does not do this on the dial because, according to my friend, it only updates 50 times a day. Now it is the case that the sensor value can change every 5 minutes, but this is not shown on the watch face, which means that the Apple Watch iOS would need 288 updates for this Minimed Mobile App per day instead of only 50 updates per day. Can you please advocate for a new update that allows an update interval of up to 288 updates per day? So that thousands of diabetics worldwide can see current values on their Apple Watch dials at any time? Without having to take several steps each time? I switched to I Phone and Apple Watch because I thought this would be possible for me. I would be very happy to hear back if this is technically possible for all diabetics worldwide who will benefit from it. With kind regards
May ’24
Hello Devs I would need your help for Time estimate.
The devs really hate this things, but as a project manager I need to know the time estimates. So in development favour I really want to know the time estimate to setup and XCode project, considering project as an average case (includes complexity). So I can really know hpow much time do they actually take or they are just giving over estimates.
Apr ’24
Our app I was rejected, reason: Your app is primarily a book and is therefore not appropriate for the App Store.
This is the first application of our studio that wants to develop interactive books. Naturally, our application is a book, but it is not possible to publish it in EPUB format, as the reviewer advises to do, since it has many interactive functions that are designed to attract young readers. Our studio spent more than 4 months developing the application, 3D characters, entertaining animation, music, sounds, a convenient interface, and marketing materials were created. We told reviewers about all this, but we always get a refusal with the same wording. This is despite the fact that the Apple Store is full of interactive books that, for some unknown reason, were allowed. We do not understand such injustice. It also cannot be said that we copy existing applications and do not provide anything new. First of all, our book is a unique story, then we made our own design for the pages, which is significantly different from existing analogues, we specially wrote music for the book, which others do not do. Please tell me, if we add children's mini-games to the book, will this allow us to publish the application? Or will it be a waste of time? Since this will all also remain a book at its core. Does Apple really dislike children so much that they only allow children to read only printed books? Please advise what can be done. We really believe that we have created a cool interactive book that many people will enjoy if we are given the opportunity to publish it. If not, then difficult times will come for the studio, since we spent a lot of effort and money on development and do not even have the opportunity to show our work. This puts an end to all our plans. All because of the person who decided that the book should be in the book section, and the fact that it is full of interactivity does not bother him.
Feb ’24
How to release my application in somalia from appstore.
Currently, I am encountering a challenge in releasing my application in Somalia as the country is not listed in the App Store distribution options. Even the Apple support team has not been able to provide sufficient information on this matter. I kindly seek assistance from anyone who can guide me through the necessary procedures to make my application available for users in Somalia. Your insights and help on this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Nov ’23
Vinculo Financeiro Fora do App.
Prezados(as), bom dia; Somos da empresa Pmovil e precisamos muito de uma ajuda. Criamos um APP de catálogo de filmes e séries, não é uma plataforma de streaming, o usuário não tem opção de assistir aos conteúdos mas sim localizar em qual plataforma ele pode encontrar. Mesmo assim, fomos informados pela Apple Store que nosso APP infringe a Diretriz 3.1.1 - Negócios - Pagamentos - Compra no aplicativo. Mas nós não temos vínculo financeiro com as plataformas, nosso único vinculo é um botão que redireciona o usuário direto para a plataforma para poder assistir o filme em questão. Para nos adaptarmos corretamente as diretrizes, vocês acreditam que retirar todos os redirecionamentos para as plataformas de streaming seria a solução?
Nov ’23
I can't read my crash file from unity!
Hello, I am on windows and I am an apple developer. Quite the match right. Well, I have a huge bug on my unity game and I received a crash log file. But, only one problem. I can't understand it. I do not have xcode. I have the file itself and it says it's a bugtype 309. I can't symbolicate it either. Anyone have any suggestions? Thank you. here's a little snippet, if anyone can help me out. "ime" : 7500, "procRole" : "Foreground", "version" : 2, "userID" : 501, "deployVersion" : 210, "modelCode" : "iPhone11,8", "coalitionID" : 916, "osVersion" : { "isEmbedded" : true, "train" : "iPhone OS 17.0", "releaseType" : "User", "build" : "21A329" }, "captureTime" : "2023-09-19 09:56:34.6392 -0700", "codeSigningMonitor" : 1, "incident" : "A3F5FA70-7C68-498A-A534-A55E23E88263", "pid" : 903, "cpuType" : "ARM-64", "roots_installed" : 0, "bug_type" : "309", "procLaunch" : "2023-09-19 09:56:15.5922 -0700", "procStartAbsTime" : 180831869743, "procExitAbsTime" : 181288438801, "procName" : "El", "procPath" : "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/EC7A3162-12FE-4340-B40A-172D8C554969/", "bundleInfo" : {"CFBundleShortVersionString":"1.9","CFBundleVersion":"0.9.18","CFBundleIdentifier":"com.Bl","DTAppStoreToolsBuild":"1a"}, "storeInfo" : {"itemID":"641","deviceIdentifierForVendor":"5557A5A3-438E-4341-9D8D-3256CE7DDCCD","thirdParty":true,"softwareVersionExternalIdentifier":"859958770"}, "parentProc" : "launchd", "parentPid" : 1,"
Sep ’23