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Create 3D models with Object Capture VS Create 3D models with MAC
Create 3D models with Object Capture VS Create 3D models with MAC 1.After testing the model generated by the pictures taken on the mobile phone and comparing the .raw progress generated by the same set of data on the MAC side, the highest accuracy model has different effects. Sometimes the mobile phone model has higher accuracy, and sometimes the MAC model has higher accuracy. What are the two ends? The difference is that according to WWDC2023 MAC, a higher-precision model can be generated. However, in actual testing, it is possible that the integrity of MAC generation is not as good as that of the mobile phone. This is why. 2.Is it possible to set the accuracy of the generated model on the mobile phone?
AccessibilityUIServer has microphone locked
Just installed iOS 18 Beta 3. I am seeing my AccessibilityUIServer using the microphone and this is causing no notification sounds, inability to use Siri by voice and volume is grayed out. If I start to play anything with sound AccessibilityUIServer releases the microphone and I am able to use the app. Calls still work since AccessibilityUIServer will release and the phone will ring. Feed back ID is FB14241838.
FaceTime background macOS 15 Beta
I'm just joining FaceTime with the background setting that I have been advocating for a long time. It is about the Accessibility Lens, which we want to change the background of FaceTime video calls. I want to make suggestions or comments on those features we would like to have. Is there somewhere we can have this forum to discuss specifically with the FaceTime ecosystem?
Toolkit/API for Interacting with Active Editable Text Boxes on macO
I am developing an application that needs to interact with active editable text boxes on macOS, similar to how Grammarly functions. Specifically, my application needs to: Read and write text in the currently active editable text box where the keyboard input is directed. Move the writer cursor and mark text within the text box. Ideally, the solution should support cross-platform functionality, covering both macOS and Windows. Does anyone know of any toolkits, libraries, or APIs that can facilitate this kind of functionality on macOS?
Toolkit/API for Interacting with Active Editable Text Boxes on macOS
I am developing an application that needs to interact with active editable text boxes on macOS, similar to how Grammarly functions. Specifically, my application needs to: Read and write text in the currently active editable text box where the keyboard input is directed. Move the writer cursor and mark text within the text box. Ideally, the solution should support cross-platform functionality, covering both macOS and Windows. Does anyone know of any toolkits, libraries, or APIs that can facilitate this kind of functionality on macOS?
“Past”Text Keyboard Feature
After double tapping a text space. Allow to press and hold “Paste” to ase a pop up list of the last 5 text copies you’ve made. While still keeping the one “Paste” touch to the most recent. This we help when we accidentally copied or cut different text before pasting what we were saving to paste later.
Developing Carplay App for fragrance system
Greetings, I am currently conceptualizing an application designed to interface with Carplay, enabling control over aftermarket automotive fragrance systems and ambient lighting within vehicles. Having perused your development guidelines, I am interested in understanding how my project might be classified within your framework. Specifically, I am exploring whether it would be appropriate to categorize this endeavor under the 'Driving Task' category, given its direct interaction with the vehicle environment. Your insights on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Best regards!
Localization for multiple targets
I have one project where I have XYZ scheme and target. I have Localizable.string under XYZ target for localization. I want to create a ABC target (duplicate of XYZ) and set custom language support for it. Let's say I have english, french and german for XYZ, I want hindi, japanese and chinese for ABC. I did the below steps I went to Manage scheme and duplicated the XYZ (duplicate scheme = ABC). I added new localization file only for ABC (LocalizationForABC.string) and made sure those reflect in File Inspector -> Target (only ABC selected) and also checked in Build Phases -> Copy Bundle Resources (LocalizationABC exists). When I run the ABC target under let's say french, it works fine but when I build the project ABC, and remove french from XYZ, ABC is broken and it only runs in english. Am I missing something here ?
NSAccessibilityElement sendable but not MainActor?
I'm working on Swift 6 concurrency support for our app. I've always thought of NSAccessibilityElement as being like all of the other UI classes- only used (or usable) on the main thread. As far as I've seen, they are always called on the main thread. But in Xcode 16 beta 2, it's only marked as Sendable but not MainActor. Is that just an oversight or do we need to worry about these being used / called on threads? It's easy enough to do the async work (well, not that easy), but I don't want to do all that work if Xcode 16 beta 3 is just going to add a MainActor to it. I've already been burned by that once, in WebKit- the first beta was missing several MainActor declarations, in places where it was unclear from the documentation. I added a bunch of async fixes to my delegates, only to have to take it all out when the second Xcode beta shipped and the SDK headers changed. How complete are the async declarations in the Xcode 16 SDKs?
Battery Health draining fast
My Iphone’s Battery health Was 100% till 4 months when I bought it after updating to ios 17.5 its draining very very quickly it was 100% when i Updated my iphone and after that in 4 days 1% BH drops,updated my iphone on 21th Of may and after 1 month its 92%.Any solution On this?
Cannot activate FaceTime and iMessage service
I tried to activate FaceTime and iMessage on my iPhone 15 Pro after update to iOS 18. But i could not activate it to my service provider phone number and its activated to my iCloud mail id. Also tried everything mention on Apple Support page. No luck yet. I contact my service provider too. They asked to clerify from Apple.
Xcode Accessibility audit in UI Tests gives less than stellar results
I have added a UI test that uses the newish app.performAccessibilityAudit() on each of the screens in my SwiftUI app. I get a handful of test failures for various accessibility issues. Some of them are related to iOS issues (like the "legal" button in a map view doesn't have a big enough tappable are; and, I think, there is a contrast issue with selected tabs in a tab bar, or maybe it is a false positive). Two of the error type I get are around Text elements that use default font styles (like headline) but that apparently get clipped at times and apparently "Dynamic Type font sizes are unsupported". For some of the errors it supplies a screenshot of the whole screen along with an image of the element that is triggering the error. For these text errors it only provides the overall image. After looking at the video I saw that part of the test runs the text size all the way up and I could see that at the largest size or two the text was getting cut off despite using default settings for the frames on all the Text elements. After a bit of trial and error I managed to get the text to wrap properly even at the largest of sizes and most of the related errors went away running on an iPhone simulator. I switched to an iPad simulator and the errors re-appeared even though the video doesn't show the text getting clipped. Does anyone have any tips for actually fixing these issues? Or am I in false positive land here? Also, is there any way to get more specific info out of the test failures? Looking at the entire screen and trying to guess where the issue is kinda sucks.
iOS 18 beta bug(Dictation)
About half the time or more when dictating text, if dictation mode is manually deactivated immediately when done speaking the last word is duplicated. For example, if you dictate a text message (without using Siri) using the microphone button on the keyboard and are dictating a text message to someone by saying, ‘I’m on my way, be there soon.’ and hit send or stop the dictation as soon as you are done talking the dictated text will read. ‘I’m on my way, Be there soon soon.’ -currently running iOS 18, beta 1 and I’ve experienced this multiple times.
Caller does not have kTCCServiceVoiceBanking access to personal voices. No speech will be generated
Hello, I'm trying to leverage PersonalVoice to read a phrase in my iOS application. My implementation works correctly on an iPhone 15, but does not work when I run the iOS application on an M2 Macbook Air. Here are some snippets from my implementation // This is how I request Personal Voice AVSpeechSynthesizer.requestPersonalVoiceAuthorization() { status in if status == .authorized { var personalVoices = AVSpeechSynthesisVoice.speechVoices().filter { $0.voiceTraits.contains(.isPersonalVoice) } } } // this is how I'm attempting to read let utterance = AVSpeechUtterance(string:textToRead) if let voice = personalVoices.first { utterance.voice = voice } var synthesizer = AVSpeechSynthesizer() synthesizer.speak(utterance) I get the following error messages when I try this: Cannot use AVSpeechSynthesizerBufferCallback with Personal Voices, defaulting to output channel. Caller does not have kTCCServiceVoiceBanking access to personal voices. No speech will be generated Voice not allowed to render speech! Will not set up synthesizer. Bailing now Any suggestions on how to mitigate this issue?
(After upgrading to iOS 17.5.1) MFi hearing devices appeared to be paired, but app is unable to resolve the connection to the peripheral
Hey Apple, We (our customer support teams) have received feedback from our customers complaining their hearing devices (hearing aids) appear to be connected to MFi and OS controls are working, but audio stream isn't working, and the app is unable to resolve a connection to the device via the CBCentralManager.retrieveConnectedPeripherals(withServices:) The issues appear to disappear once the user unpairs and re-pair the hearing devices in the Accessibility > Hearing Devices options (they might also need to uninstall and reinstall the app as it is getting stuck due to invalid state), but we are unable to replicate this issue on our environments given it is intermittent and once we have upgraded a device to iOS 17.5.1, we don't have a mechanism to revert to an earlier version of it. So far, we have received about 30 reports for the past 2 weeks. Most of our customers complain about the app not connecting to the devices, but the fact the audio stream is not happening could hint to a deeper problem than our app. Are you guys aware of a problem affecting MFi hearing devices restoring after the OS upgrade process?
Seeking Best Practices for Enhancing Accessibility in iOS Applications
Hello everyone, I'm currently working on an iOS application and I want to ensure it is as accessible as possible for all users, including those with disabilities. While I have a basic understanding of iOS accessibility features, I'm looking to deepen my knowledge and apply best practices comprehensively. Specifically, I would like to know: VoiceOver Optimization: What are the best practices for ensuring all UI elements are properly labeled and navigable with VoiceOver? Color Contrast and Visual Design: How can I effectively check and adjust color contrast ratios to accommodate users with visual impairments? Dynamic Type and Font Sizes:What are the recommended approaches for supporting Dynamic Type, and how can I ensure a consistent and readable layout across different text sizes? Accessibility in Custom UI Elements: How can I make custom controls (e.g., custom buttons, sliders) accessible, especially when they do not follow standard UIKit components? Testing Tools and Techniques: Which tools and techniques are most effective for QA to test accessibility on iOS? Thank you in advance for your insights and advice. Best regards, Ale