Explore best practices for creating inclusive apps for users of Apple accessibility features and users from diverse backgrounds.

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I'm having problems navigating within a mobile carousel using VoiceOver.
Hi. I'm a frontend developer and i'm having problems navigating and interacting with any type of carousel using VoiceOver on mobile. The carousel navigation works perfectly using the arrows and touch, but after enabling VoiceOver, the navigation freezes and it's impossible to move the carousel using touch gestures, working only with the arrows. Following the documentations i'm trying to use a three finger gesture to move the carousel. I also tried other gestures, but none worked as expected. Even tested using the VoiceOver in other webpages that have carousels, like Bootstrap carousel component page, Picpay, Amazon and even Apple. I made an StackBlitz page with a sample code i'm using to test carousel accessibility https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackblitz-starters-gg2t5w?file=src%2Fmain.ts So the question is. Is there any limitations regarding using VoiceOver on browsers? Am i doing something wrong here? Or is there a different approach when it comes to carousels?
Nov ’23
Dynamic Localization in iOS
I have the following requirement for my project: The app localization is currently based on static string JSON files. However, I would like to dynamically update strings upon an API call. Is it possible to update the resource files mentioned above after receiving a response from the API? If not, can I create a custom bundle to store new translations? Additionally, where should I create the custom bundle, specifying the path or location?
Nov ’23
Unable to export Strings Catalog
I've spent 3 days moving localization from my older project to my new project and converted to Strings Catalog. When I tried to export, I got the Unable to build project for localization string extraction error. Read about that and the workaround seems to be to set Localisation Export Supported to NO, which I did. I worked once and now it refuses to export and complains about missing targets, which I had to remove from the export process as recommended. WTH? Or, at some point it complained about a missing Swift Package. wwdc2023-10155
Oct ’23
MacOS Sonoma Login Screen not helpful for visually impaired
Why o why did you have to mess with the login screen in Sonoma??? For a visually impaired person (like my wife) you have made the login/lock screen very unfriendly compared to previous releases. With Ventura and previous versions, I have the Lock Screen settings set to: List of Users Show Sleep, Restart, Shut Down buttons The avatar pics of the three users on our computers (admin, me, wife) show up as big icons in the middle of the screen, with the Sleep, Restart, Shutdown buttons in a row right beneath the icons. My wife can find her avatar, click on it, type in her password, and then get right to her magnified closeview screen. With Sonoma, she will have to deal with small moving avatar pics at the bottom of the screen, not friendly at all. And she will NEVER find the Shutdown button hidden in the upper right menu bar. Doesn't Apple test new upgrades with the accessibility community??? Sonoma is a big step backward for the visually impaired.
Sep ’23
Integrating Refreshable Braille Display with VoiceOver
Hello, We have recently developed a Refreshable Braille Display for visually challenged people and are planning to add it in VoiceOver inside Braille Display. As far as my knowledge I think there needs to be a custom driver for the device which will help in communicating but I'm not sure how to do it? Any idea on how to proceed with it or is any documentation available that I can follow? Thanks.
Oct ’23
Guideline 2.3 - Performance - Accurate Metadata (Unable to locate Languages)
App was rejected with: Guideline 2.3 - Performance - Accurate Metadata We were unable to locate some of the features described in your metadata. > Specifically, “Languages: English and Portuguese (PT and BR).”. My app is indeed localized in these three languages, tested and working. The app automatically adapts its language to match the user's iOS system language settings. Isn't this enough? I replied to the rejection saying this, but I find it hard to believe that the reviewer didn't change the iOS system language settings. Is it possible, or is it something else? Also, do I need to press the "Add For Review Button" so he can see my reply? Thank you.
Oct ’23
Not allowing open application request from unallowed client process.
We launched an application we created with Assistive Access enabled on iOS17, We tried to provide standard services such as Mail and Messages to users with UIActivityViewController, When selecting the Mail or Messages icon, the following error occurred "Not allowing open application request from unallowed client process." Is there anything I can do to allow the request from our process?
Oct ’23
Accessibility Voiceover is not treating navigation bar left button as first focused element
Accessibility Voiceover is not treating navigation bar left button as first focused element. If we navigate from A->B then the focus is going to first element inside the B view not to the left button item.(back button) If we post accessibility notification, in viewWillAppear of B, focus is not shifting. If we post viewDidAppear then first focus is going to element inside B's view then shifting back to back button. There is a inconsistency behaviour. Can you please help here. Thanks
Oct ’23
AVSpeechSynthesizer Leaking Like a Sieve
I've found multiple leaks in AVSpeechSynthesizer which are plaguing my users. My users are complaining of crashes due to this. Ive created a feedback item (FB12212129) with a sample project attached which demonstrates one of the leaks. I'm hoping an engineer notices this. The only way ive hade my feedback noticed in the past is by both creating a feedback item AND posting on the forums. So here's my forum post. Help is much appreciated!
May ’23
Make my app findable on search results
Hi all, My app is available in English and Arabic. However, when searching for the app in iOS App Store, by typing the app name in Arabic, it does not show up in the suggested apps. This occurs in English but also Arabic phone/app configuration. On the other hand, on Android I don't have this issue. Do you know what to do to fix this? We have already added the app name in the AR app store keywords / description, but it did not help as it's still not showing up. Thank you
Sep ’23
Export For Localization with multiple targets
I have multiple targets in my app: targetA and targetB. Whenever i "Export For Localization", the .xliff generated will cointain translations for:1) Main.storyboard2) targetA/InfoPlist.strings3) targetB/InfoPlist.strings4) targetA/Localizable.strings5) targetB/Localizable.stringsI want to avoid multiple Localizable.strings, and multiple InfoPlist.strings. We do not need one localization per target.Any way i can force the "Export For Localization", to create a .xliff that only contains one Localizable.strings and one InfoPlist.strings?
Dec ’18
Facetime Chroma Green - Accessibility Lens
xI'm wondering if now would be an excellent time for Apple to consider implementing Accessibility Lens with FaceTime Chroma Green. Unlike Apple, other platforms like Zoom and Webex allow using Chroma Green backgrounds. I use Cam Studio, Elgato Camera Hub, and OBS for Chroma Green effects. I'd like to have the option to use FaceTime with a Chroma Green and choose my background setting. For accessibility and professionalism, we need the ability to change the background settings. We want to be creative with our FaceTime and FaceTime Group. We've invested much in our devices, including iPhones, iPads, and MacBook Pros. The issue stems from Apple's built-in applications using hardened runtimes. These runtimes prevent apps from loading third-party plugins unless explicitly allowed by the developers. This means third-party camera drivers are incompatible with Apple apps. We're trying to find a solution, but currently, there's nothing we can do. This is a barrier for all of us who are Deaf, Deaf-Blind, and Hard of Hearing and rely on FaceTime and FaceTime Group with Chroma Green background settings. Please let me know. Thank you!
Sep ’23
Wrong InfoPlist.strings file used by the app
I recently added a new language to my app and I have an issue regarding the localization. Configuration: I have the developmentRegion in "fr" and setup 2 localizations: "French: Development language" and "Danish" The goal is to have the application in Danish language if the preferred language is Danish and French otherwise. Issue: If French or Danish appear in my preferred languages, I have no problem. But if neither French nor Danish was set as preferred language (like only English), I have the app translation in French as expected but all strings regarding app permission like "NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription" in system modal alert are in Danish. Is like the localizable.strings file used is in the "fr.lproj" and the InfoPlist.strings is the "da.lproj" debug I verify I have all the strings files at the right repository. I have: fr.lproj -- Localizable.strings -- InfoPlist.strings da.lproj -- Localizable.strings -- InfoPlist.strings I verify the file architecture in the .app file: find ***.app -name "*.strings" ***.app/fr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings ***.app/da.lproj/InfoPlist.strings ***.app/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings ***.app/da.lproj/Localizable.strings Finally I print the Bundle.main.localizedInfoDictionary and I have values of the French file but the application show the Danish ones Thanks for the help.
Jul ’21
External Keyboard accessibility
Hi there, I'm wondering about how certain keyboard keystrokes should work when using an external keyboard to navigate apps. In particular i'm wondering if there is a difference between the arrow keys and Ctrl+Shift key. The iPhone keyboard shortcut documentation states that Ctrl+Tab moves to the next item - but doesn't elaborate what an 'item' is. Should you be able to get to every interactive element on a view with both the arrow keys and the Ctrl+Shift key? Thanks for your help
Sep ’23